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A bolo flew at her feet and Kit found herself letting out a yell as she tumbled off the root they were walking on and onto the ground. The same thing happened to Jake, the zoologist rolling away just in time for her not to be squashed, he landed with an oomf next to her. Quickly, she sat up and began to untangle her feet. The man and woman who had been showing them the way turned together at the sound and they're eyes widened as both dream walkers were attacked. 

The avatars pushed themselves to stand just as three Na'vi entered their sight, riding on the backs of dire horses. "Shit," Kit muttered, due to not having to hold reins their hands were free to hold weapons, all carried a bow and they were all aimed at the two. She dug her knife from her boot and held it at the ready.

"Come on!" Jake yelled and they both turned to run but only found themselves faced with more Omatikaya people. They melted out of the shadows with spears and bows ready blocking their retreat, they hooted in alarm at the sight of what they thought were demons. Spinning round they found the Na'vi on dire horses directly behind them. 

Kit raised her arms in surrender dropping her knife, no way they were getting out of this now. Jake chuckled nervously and chucked his knife to the floor also, they exchanged a nervous look yet the marine offered her a nod to stay calm.  

Before any action could be taken the man and woman from before leapt into the circle that had been made. "Calm people, calm." The woman's voice rung loud and clear, Jake looked to Kit for understanding but she couldn't say it to him now. Any sudden movements or sounds from them and they were doomed. 

"What are you doing, Tsu'tey?" The man asked, puffing out his chest and standing in front of the dream walkers, his partner pacing behind him. 

The male who jumped from his dire horse with fluid grace was young and strong, with sharp features and a hunger for vengeance in his eyes as he gripped his bow. "These demons are forbidden here, Tay'kat. We should kill them to remind the others of their place." Both of their Na'vi guides hissed protectively in front. 

"There has been a sign." The woman stepped next to the man - who Kit now knew was called Tay'kat. "This is a matter for the Tsahik." 

"What's going on?" Jake asked, frustrated that he couldn't understand anything. No one answered him. 

Tsu'tey clenched his jaw with frustration - frustration with both Na'vi as well as the situation. He angrily turned and remounted his dire horse, barking commands to the hunters who arrived with him. "Bring them.

The people from behind grabbed onto the dream walkers and hauled them forward. "Wait! What's happening?" Encircled by spears and bows, they had no choice but to follow the trail as Tsu'tey and others rode ahead, no doubt to alert the chief of their incoming presence and gather the village. Kit winced when the warriors gripped her hair tightly pushing her forward, Jake seemed to notice as he tried to get to her. "Hey! Let her go!"

dream walker | AVATAR [1]Where stories live. Discover now