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[ putting na'vi in italics ]

[ putting na'vi in italics ]

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Kit had done some exploring, seeing her dorm and meeting her roommate Trudy who was the pilot for all science endeavours. Kit had apologised for coming and taking up half her space since previously Trudy hadn't had a roommate but the woman assured her it would be no problem and that company was always appreciated. Especially somewhere like Pandora. She was fierce and the zoologist could already tell they were going to be great friends. Really Kit had simply wanted to dump her bag and going along the corridor she noticed that Norm and Jake would also be rooming together, in the dorm right across from theirs. 

Max and Grace, the woman who she had yet to meet, were further along the corridor but it did seem like all the science groupies were allocated together. A relief considering the alternative was to live surrounded by trigger happy morons. She returned to the lab to find Norm and Max leant over some plant sample and Jake talking to a camera. 

"And the concept is that every driver is matched to his own avatar, so that their nervous systems are in tune, or something. Which is why they offered me the gig, because I can link with Tommy's avatar, which is insanely expensive." Jake turned around, "Is this right? I just say whatever to the video log?"

"Yep, these logs are our history essentially. In months time we'll need to look back and see if observations change or attitudes, it helps you and any observations or experiments you might take part in." Kit spoke from her place leaning against the counter on the opposite side to Max and Norm, careful not to touch anything that could be important. She knows what a pain it is when people come in and mess with her work.  

The xenoanthropologist pointed at the zoologist and nodded, "Yeah, we gotta get in the habit of documenting everything. You know, what we see, what we feel. It's all part of the science."

 "And good science is good observation." Max assured the marine who seemed a bit overwhelmed by the whole notion. 

"Plus it'll help to keep you sane for the next six years." Norm chuckled. Kit walked over and slapped him upside the head, telling him that wasn't helpful which Jake was grateful that it was caught on the video log. he'd definitely look back on that. 

"All right. Whatever. So..." he looked around and looked disbelievingly at everything. "Well, here I am, doing science."

Kit chuckled and walked over to him, crouching down and placing her head in the frame, "doing a wonderful job too, I can practically see your brain growing." 

"This is Kit, a zoologist who's main research field is the wildlife of Pandora. Graduated two years ahead of her grade and completed her degree early then going on to be the youngest person in the avatar programme, a woman who has inserted herself into my life and refuses to leave," Jake continued speaking to the camera as if she weren't there. 

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