~The police~

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Hours have now passed and I am now sitting in café with a plate of tiramisu sitting in front of me beside a nice cold coconut milk flavoured boba with ice and warm tapioca bubble. I arrived just an hour before closing, which is pretty fortunate for me! After I payed for my food and drink, I stepped out of the shop with my boba in my hands. I felt really content with my present atmosphere.

Across the street from me, I saw another pink-haired lady shoot a paint bullet at a blonde haired boy. It was easy to tell the difference because of the bullet. It completely disappeared after he was shot. Obviously fake. Although, he was being all dramatic until his brown-haired friend kicked him. Wait, are they the police or something? Meh, not like it concernes me. From were I stood, they seemed more like comedians. The girl got into a white van across the road and then drove off.

I was about to continue my stroll, when I noticed a glossy, black car drive past, bumping every car in it's way. Oh yeah, there was some car race going on around now with that prince guy. I wonder if it involves what I just saw. The car swerved and pushed past every car that was before it and was about to hit a woman and her child until the brown-haired guy stood in front of them. What?! Was this driver seriously going to just crash into those innocent people?! The car swerved into a lamp post as I approached it.

"Hey! Have you got any idea on how to drive?!" I said banging on the window. "Whoever gave you your licence should be sued! SUED I SAY!" The window winded down and a thick grey fog gushed into my face. As I coughed repeatedly, the brown-haired guy walked up to the driver, who was now stepping out of the car. He had slick black hair and was wearing a neat black suit.

"Excuse me sir, but do you have any idea of how reckless your driving was!?" The guy exclaimed. The black-haired guy completely ignored him and slammed his palms on the teal-blue car beside his. What in the world is going through this guy's head? He suddenly lifted up the man sitting in the car and dropped him on the ground.
"Ugh! How rude! Please, someone call the police!" The maddened man ordered.
"Your looking at him." Responded the black-haired guy, pulling out a police ID out of his pocket which had the name 'Daisuke Kambe' written on it.

This Daisuke dude then got into the car and started to drive. Me and the brown-haired guy quickly jumped in after him. Kambe dude drove at phenomenal speeds, making my boba slip out of my hands and into the busy roads behind us. Not only does he now owe me a boba, but he also needs a trip to a nearby police station to get his licence revoked!

"HUESC, what's the location of the van?" He asked.
"Who are you talking to?" The guy next to me asked.
"My butler," He answered. "HUESC, pay double the amount of money for the damage caused."
I didn't hear much of what this 'HUESC' was saying but I caught the words,
"Balance : Unlimited,"

Soon after, we were chasing the white van from before. We followed it to a bridge but as we drove across it, it started to lift. The van lost its balance and was about to start sliding down the slope of the bridge, but this Kambe guy used the car to push it back up.
"What are you doing idiot!" I exclaimed. "If you push the van off the edge, the people inside would probably get hurt!"
The guy just smirked and continued to drive.

The brown- haired guy was already on the move and climbed across the car and landed in the van. A few seconds after, two people rolled down the slope from the van, but the brown-haired guy was yet to escape. It was at that moment when the van dropped. It plunged into the river below, creating a colossal splash, but an even bigger explosion. My eyes hovered around in search of this hero guy, until I saw him dangling from the side of the bridge. Should I help him? It was then when Kambe dude stepped out of the car and stood at the edge of the bridge. He just stared at the guy as he held on for his dear life. For a second, I thought he was going to help him, but of course he smiled and walked off leaving hero guy to fall. Meh, I guess that's the end of him.

From there, I just skidded down the bridge. I saw the girl and this other guy being arrested at the bottom. I smiled at the scene. I love it when criminals are put to justice, but I also love it when it's done the right way. There's no point in killing a criminal if it can be avoided. Otherwise, even if you are the police, that would make you a murderer.

Having no idea where I was, I checked my location on my phone and used that to help me get home, only that I didn't get home and ended up lost. I did the thing that any sane child would do and called home, but no one picked up. So I called the police and the same pink haired lady showed up.

"Oh, Miss Mahoro!" I was pleased to see her.
"Hello Crème!" She called back. I told her my address and then we headed off. On the way, I told her everything that happened that day.
"Would you like to become a detective one day?" She asked.
"It seems interesting, but I think I'd like to explore my options a little first." I responded. She smiled at my answer.

"Would you like to come to the office with me tomorrow?" She asked. I gleamed at the question and instantly nodded my head. Although I said what I said about becoming a detective, I really loved the idea of investigating crimes and putting people to justice.
"Okay then. I'll come and pick you up at 8:00." I nodded my head in response with a big smile on my face. I could already feel how exciting tomorrow was going to be,...


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