~A new mystery Pt2~

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When I was left outside, I was brought back to where the group was supposed to be, but there was no one. I wonder if something came up and if that 'something' is to do with what I saw back in the building.

I decided to look around a bit and see if I could spot any of the other first division dudes, but I couldn't so I just headed on back to my original spot. Fortunate for me, I saw Teppei and Saeki-san upon my arrival.
"Crème!" Saeki-san approached me.
"I'm glad you're alright." Teppei sighed in relief. So it seemed something had happened.

Soon after, the janitor guy from before came and joined us. The two detectives informed me of what was going on and where Haru and Kamei were. Apparently, they were chasing some dude after they saw a security camera break down. You found that interesting and suspected the guy they were after was the reason why the president dude and Kambe were forced into the panic room.

"Where's the president?" An alerted Haru asked,  suddenly appearing beside Kamei. Was he not aware that they were still in the building? "Crème! I'm glad you're safe. Do you know where they are?"
"Oh, actually, they're in this room which they call the panic room!" I was so happy to know something they didn't!

"Anyways, what about the guy you were chasing?" Teppei asked.
"He died," The brown-haired detective began. "Right after throwing away this weird star-shaped thing." You recalled the star-shaped key used to lock the room that you were quite terrified of and didn't wish to be in.
"Star-shaped?" Saeki-san questioned the word, seeming to know something about it,...


Presently, me and Haru were back in the building. We ran through the halls, not knowing how much time the president and Kambe dude had left. People began shouting out to us, but we ignored them and pushed through them.

When we finally reached the panic room, Kato used the star-shaped key
- found by Saeki-san - and opened the door. Inside, Kambe looked as if he was about to use his watch to break some weird safe.
"I'm here to safe you," Haru smirked.
"And me too- hey!" The rich dude pushed passed me and the inspector and got ready to close the door. When the room was left empty of human life, a purple gas began to spray out of the briefcase.
"Close the door!" Kambe urged, as him and Haru immediately shut it.
What was going on? Well, I'm just happy I made the right choice of not going into that room.

A few minutes passed and we are back outside in the spot we were in before.
"Gosh, they made it just in time." Kamei said.
Teppei scoffed. "More like, why did the janitor have the key?"
At that moment, I was reminded of how the my favourite pink-haired lady had remembered seeing the old janitor with the star-shaped object.

"So, how come?" Mahoro asked the old man. He leant over the other way slightly embarrassed before whispering something in Saeki's ear. "No way!"
"What is it?" I asked, quite interested myself.
"He said he made a spare key for that room since it's apparently never used." She explained. "And he's been using it for things he shouldn't have been!"
"And by 'things he shouldn't have been' mean,..." Kamei said. Instantly, the thought of a bag full of snacks and manga came to mind. Oh, that sounds nice. It also reminded you of the book you had to deliver by the end of the day.

I saw Haru turn to the slick-haired male beside him.
"I hope your thankful." He began. "And why didn't you just solve the problem by using HUESC?" Oh yeah, I almost forgot that existed.
"Lord Daisuke-san!" A familiar high-pitched voice called. I looked up to meet eyes with the Kambe's relative, Suzue. Although, she didn't seem to be in the best of shape. She wore motorbike gear, but even that couldn't protect her from the scars on her face and what seemed like an injured arm.
"Suzue!" I said quite alarmed by her state as she approached us.

.~time skip~

Everyone had already left to go back to the office whilst I decided to go with Kambe dude and Suzue. When me and Daisuke had reached my favourite room, he sat in the chair as I just waltzed around the room for a bit.
"So, what are you looking for?" I asked the male Kambe.
"Information," That told me so much.

I continued to walk around for a bit, but it was getting boring.
"Kambe dude?" I called to him.
"What happened whilst you and the president guy were trapped in that room?"
He stayed quiet for a few seconds before answering. "Someone from security attempted to murder the president by trapping us in the panic room and setting a deadly gas to release."

Woah. By the sound of it, this 'someone' was probably the person Haru and Kamei were chasing. Just as I had thought.
"Interesting, so are you looking for something to do with this gas?" I questioned. "I noticed how you didn't name this particular gas."
"Yes. Apparently, it was made from my family's industry, so I'm looking for information." Daisuke explained. "But HUESC keeps denying my access."

The fact that the same gas from his industry was almost the cause of his death terrified me. And adding on that his access was denied by HUESC to enter information on the substance made me all the more curious to know more about it. Well, its about time I head to Rito's place now, other wise I'm going to be waking up to alot of angry messages tomorrow.

.~time skip~

It was getting dark and the sun had almost set as I was walking up the path way to my friend's house. I knocked on the front door, hoping to an immediate response. Fortunately, the door opened, but unfortunately, the sadly familiar, purple haired first division dude stood their, at first with a surprised, then normal expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, with a suspicious look, but it was then I noticed the resemblance of his face and how much he looked like Rito. "Nevermind, give this to Rito." I passed him the manga.
As he took the book from me, he said,
"I knew you looked familiar,..." I raised my eyebrow at him. I never recalled seeing him before, so how could he had seen me?

"What are you talking about?"
"Once when my brother, Rito, was out playing his friends when you guys were younger, he came back with an arm over a little girl's shoulder. He was crying and his knee was scraped." He explained. "You came inside with him as I wiped him up, but you were giving me this stern yet nervous look. When I asked you what was wrong, you would just shake your head and look else where."

I tried to remember this incident, and indeed, a memory did reach my mind of the older male. I remembered not liking him because of how Rito told me that he never really had much time for him and the only reason he didn't mind the scrape he got on his knee that day was due to the fact that he'd get attention from his big brother. Back then, I had a small crush on him, so I wanted to help with idea, hence why I was the once who carried him to his house.

"Now I think about, I do remember you, but I also remember how I didn't really like you much." I spoke. "My view on you now, as you already know, hasn't really changed much, despite not remembering you. But anyways, I'd like to head hone now, so please just give the book to Rito and continue to pretend as if we didn't know each other from before." I turned around and began walking away.

A few seconds passed until I heard him speak again.
"Its late. Let me give you a ride home."
"No, I'm good." I began, already used to walks at this time of night. "I'll be fine." I continued to walk now, beginning my journey home.


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