~Crazy outcomes~

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"From now on, you will have no part in this case." One of the smart looking men on the opposite side of the room informed the betrayed Haru beside me.


As we all sat in our office, the miserable brown-haired inspector hung back on his chair.
"All of you are so heartless," The defeated Kato managed to say.
"Don't worry!"
I just sat in my favourite spot underneath the tv making my self comfy enough for a nice nap, although, the sound of a phone ring interrupted me.
"Hello, modern crimes," Spoke Cho-san into the phone. "Yes." He stood up out of his chair as the male hung up the call. "I'm going to be out for a bit."
"Okay." Answered the director. "Understood,"

"There was a fight in a subway." Began Haru.
"I'l pass," A voice rejected.
"All right, fine." The inspector turned my way. "Crème, Kambe, let's go."
"Coming!" I chirped.
"I'm busy," Daisuke held up his hand in a 'shooing' manner as he continued with whatever he was doing. Oh, he was probably still researching about the gas from the other day. That still interests me,... should I stay just incase he discovers something? Actually, maybe it would be better if I just go with Kato. I guess if he learns something, I can always ask when I get back.
The adult now beside me turned to face one of his usual companions with a surprised, tear dropped expression.

.~time skip~

Me and Haru have already dealt with the business at the subway and presently, we're in some sort of restaurant? To be honest, I don't really know, but we're accompanied with Cho-san.
"It's been a while since we've got to meet up like this alone, with the exception of Miss Brûlée here." The grey-haired adult began. "Don't you think it's strange?"
"What is?" Haru asked him.
"This case." He replied. "The higher-ups are in a hurry to close it."
Why would they want to close this case specifically? I wonder if it's something to do with the gas Kambe dude mentioned before. Thatvwould make sense.

"The jamming and toxic gas devices that we had were all taken by the guys in Ichigaya." Cho-san said. "I think there's a reason why they don't want us further meddling." He looked up at the inspector. "Do you know something? The company that makes the designs for those specific devices are Misuo Future technologies." Cho-san continued. "That same company has something to do with a cold case that I have investigated in the past."
"A cold case?" Haru and I asked.
"I'm sure I'll talk about it when it's necessary." The old man stated. "Soon, I'll be retiring and I don't want to leave with any regrets. Can you help me out?"

When he asked that, it sound as if he was only talking to Kato, but then he smiled my way. I couldn't help but smile back because I'm not being left out of this case!
"Ofcourse! Please let me help you," The brown-haired inspector beside me responded.
I looked up at him through the corner of my eye. "It's not only you being asked to help, but me as well!" I reminded Haru.

He looked back at me surprised from my explanation. "No way, it might get dangerous."
"No, it's fine. Thanks, both of you," As cho-san began to pour some sort of wine into a little cup that Haru had, he asked, "Oh right, what sort of guy is Kambe?"
"Kambe dude,..." I thought for a moment. I'll let Kato answer.
"He's revolting, but not actually as bad as I first thought." The younger inspetor responded. That description sounds pretty accurate.

.~time skip~

I watched as Cho-san picked up a card with a type of particle on it and showed it to a lady that seemed to work with the corporation that he mentioned to us earlier. Currently, we're in a quiet parking lot.
"If we can talk a little about this then-,"
"There's nothing to talk about." The lady then turned back with the intentions of going back to her car, but me and Haru stood in her way.
"Is there a reason why you cannot help the police?" Kato asked her.
"If not, that wouldn't look very good for you," I added.

The woman then started thumbling around in her purse. Eventually, she pulled out a phone and her finger began to tap around the screen until she finally held it up to her ear.
"Sir? This is Imura," I'm guessing that's her name. "Currently, I'm being surrounded by police." There was a few seconds of silence. "Yes. I understand,... I'll do that." And then she hung up.

"If you need to discuss something," She began. "Then you have to go through the company. Our conversation will be recorded from this point on." Is she threatening us? "If there's any illegal investigation-,"
"Sorry to waste your time!" Cho-san screamed, immediately bowing. Where'd this come from? Is it something to do with the fact we're being recorded? "Come on you two," Then we followed him out, leaving the lady there. Although, there was something I couldn't leave unnoticed. Kambe's car. I saw it parked somewhere that wasn't easily seen from where we were, but nevertheless, I still saw it.

"Umm, Haru? I think I might go home by myself today." I informed the adult.
He turned to me sort of surprised by my sudden statement.
"Are you sure? It's pretty late." He asked.
"Yeah, don't worry." I started. "I'll call you when I get home."
"A-alright," Haru said.
"See you tomorrow Cho-san, Haru." I waved, leaving the two adults alone to approach the familiar car. What was that Kambe up to,...?

When I reached the vehicle, I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, then closed the door behind me.
"What are you up to-,"
"Quiet," He interrupted.
"Hmph, how rude."
The Kambe was wearing his black glasses, HUESC I think, and his hand movements made him seem like he was controlling something? I looked in front of us and saw the same lady we were talking to before getting into her car.
"Pay double the cost of any damages that happen as they happen." Kambe dude instructed, probably talking to HUESC.
I heard the faint voice of his 'butler' respond, "Understood. Balance : Unlimited."
I'm sure I heard that statement before,... oh yes! The first time I met Kambe dude and Haru! What a day that was...

.~time skip~

Me and the Kambe are currently parked on the side of a road. I watched as the familiar car drove past at insane speeds, whilst being trailed by the blaring lights of police cars. Kambe dude drove out of the space and also followed the car.
"You have something to do with this, don't you?" I questioned.

When we reached another parking lot, I just about saw the figure of a man walking in front of the speeding car. The lady still seemed to have no control over the vehicle until it stopped. My eyes grew wide as I realised the result of what Kambe was doing.
"K-Kambe dude,..." I stammered, still wondering if everything I was witnessing was real.

The Kambe stepped out of the car and approached the lady's.
"Kazuko Imura?" Daisuke held up his police ID to the shocked woman. "You're under arrest for suspicion of reckless driving and vehicle manslaughter."
"Th-that's not it-,... I didn't do this,.." Her uncontrollable stuttering radiated through her shocked state. "Call an ambulance, hurry!"
"No need, he was instantly killed." He told her. "Get out of the car."

Miss Imura slowly stepped out of the vehicle and walked past the Kambe. I saw the said male press something on his watch, which seemed to trigger some sort of hologram? The body that was previously lying on the ground flickered away, to reveal that it never existed. So it was all fake,... that's relieving. Was Kambe after information too? That sneaky Kambe,...


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