~Kato's house!~

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Currently, I should actually be going school, since the holidays ended, but my parents said that I didn't have to as long as I study when I get home. I guess that's alright for me, so that's what I'll be doing.

Right now, I'm in a park with Inspector Kato and my new friend, Nomura. I'm helping him find his pet puppy, Shiro, whilst Kato is sitting on one of the benches waiting for a certain someone.
"Hey," A voice said. "What do you want?"
"Sorry about this."
"Hurry and get to the point." Kambe dude urged.

I turned my head to face the two adults.
"Is something wrong with them?" The rich dude asked, which very much offended me.
Nomura got up and held my hand as he pulled me in their direction.
"Is this the man?" He asked, pointing at the slick-haired dude.
"Sadly," I mumbled to him.

"Mister, please! Can you help me find Shiro?" The kid asked.
"What's happening?" He questioned
"Shiro has gone missing!" The nine year old wailed.
"Well basically," The inspector began. "A puppy named Shiro has gone missing."

"Can't you use your butler thing to find him?" I asked.
Kambe dude asked, "What characteristics does the dog have?"
"Can you tell this man what kind of dog you have?" Kato asked the young child beside me.
"Okay," Nomura started. "He's all white, tiny and cute!" I personally thought the last part was obvious.
"Apparently, the dog's leash got unhooked while they were playing in this park." Kato explained.

Kambe lifted up his hand to his ear, probably to use HUESC, but his eyes widened in shock. Did he leave his butler at home or something? He then put his hand into one of his pockets, and yet again, felt nothing. Oh, this is going to be hilarious.
"That's impossible." He said.
"Pfft-, what a liar." I said under my breath, realising his situation.

"Don't be such a cheapskate." Said Kato.
I smirked. "It's not that he's being selfish, but it's that's he forgot a certain something at home."
Kambe dude sent me a side glare as I laughed in return. Kato and Nomura wore confused looks as I cleared my throat, still having a visible smile on my face.

"But anyways, aren't you still going to help find Shiro?" I questioned the male, attempting to avert attention from me.
"No, I can't do that today."
"So he can't use magic?" The kid asked.
"What you do is like magic, isn't it?" Explained Kato.
"Even though you just buy it with money." I finished.

"Mister, can you help me look for him please?" Wailed Nomura.
"That isn't a police officer's job." Kambe told the kid.
"Sh-Shiro," The young kid began to cry.
"Hey! Stop being such a jerk!" Kato called out to him. "Let's just hurry up and find him."
"I have my own reasons." Said the rich bully as he began to approach the entrance of the park.

As the kid continued to cry, Kambe dude paused and slightly turned to Nomura.
"Fine, I'll help."
"Really?" The child rubbed his eyes.
"Don't make me repeat myself."
Nomura immediately stopped whining. "All right!"
Kambe's eyes widened as he seemed to be surprised.
"You said you'd help, so no take backs allowed!"

The inspector approached the shocked male saying, "Your human after all, huh?"
"He fell for the same trick too," I laughed, remembering how the little child had guilt tripped Kato, although, I did sort of help Nomura as well, as I already wanted to help him.
"This boy is Tsuyoshi Nomura, a fourth grader." Kato introduced.

"This is a promise between men!" The boy announced, as I cleared my throat. "A promise between men plus Miss Brûlée!" Wow. "If you lie, you have to tell lord Emma-,"
"Where do you live?" Nomura was cut off by Kambe dude.
"Oh, it's that way." The boy pointed of to his left.
"Let's go," Immediately, Kambe dude began to walk off in that direction.

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