~Drops and rises~

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Currently, I stood in the plain black room to watch Kambe dude interrogate the lady from earlier. I'm accompanied by Cho-san, but suddenly, our room door opened to reveal Haru.

"Cho-san, ... Crème?" Kato looked at me, questioning what I was doing there. "What are you doing here at this time? Weren't you going home?" I just said the first thing that came to mind.
"Urr, I was heading home until I saw Kambe dude pulling up outside of the station as I was passing." He gave me a suspicious look before turning to Cho-san.
"What going on?"
"Well, it seems like he dragged her in for reckless driving." Cho-san informed him.
"Reckless driving?"
"Apparently, she was on a car chase with a police car at over a hundred kilometres an hour." Cho-san replied.
"This isn't a coincidence, isn't it?" Kato said.
"Mizuo Future Technologies where the lady, Imura, works is closely connected to the Kambe group."

"Is that so?" Haru turned to face the one-sided window. "Then in that case, we should join the interrogation."
"The Superintendent General official's told us to leave all the interrogations to Kambe dude." I had remembered Cho-san telling me that when he saw me in here before he arrived.
"The Superintendent General?" The brown-haired inspector questioned the title.

"Well, Miss Brûlée was with him when he did the arrest." The old man began. "Then just came with him here." I slightly sweat-dropped, since I knew about the current situation and that I told Kato that I only saw him when I was passing.
"Crème?" The inspector turned to me with that of a disappointed parent's face. "You said you just saw him outside the station, not that you were there when he made the arrest."
"Ur, well, I-," I struggled to make up an excuse and just stared at my feet feeling slightly guilty. "I'm sorry."

The brown-haired adult sighed. "Well, I guess your fine now and you were with Daisuke, so it couldn't of been too bad. But that aside, do you know anything else?"
I decided that I didn't want to sell out Kambe dude yet to see what else he was planning.
"It was just reckless driving, as Cho-san said." I answered. "And unfortunately, manslaughter due to the high speeds." He nodded in response.

As the three of us continued listening to the interrogation, I noticed how his questions were mainly focusing on the business group she was part of.
"What's he been asking about?" Questioned Haru. "I don't get it."
Cho-san and I stayed silent. I didn't say anything, since I was beginning to understand what Kambe dude was doing, taking what he said the other day into consideration.

Daisuke was now opening the files of a laptop, using HUESC to get past the password. When he attempted to look at a file titled 'ADM', he was told that he did not have any authorisation to access it.
"Looks like he's reached a brick wall." Spoke Cho-san.
"What are you going to do now?" Kato asked the older adult. It was that moment that Cho-san got a phone call, so he left the room.

"Well, I don't see any point in staying now." I said, now following the adult out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Asked the brown haired inspector.
"Out. If something interesting happens, just call me." And just like that, I was off, or so I thought.
"Not this time Missy!" I looked back at the adult annoyed. He couldn't tell me what to do!... Or I guess he can.

I was now sat beside Kato on a chair near a vending machine. I was on my phone, since there was nothing better to do.
"Kato." A familiar and rather annoying voice was heard from behind me. Both me and Haru leaned back to see the purple haired guy that I already disliked from past times I've seen him. I also remembered our encounter the other night.
"Hoshino?" Haru said.
"Well, I'm guessing that this 'very nice' man has something very important for you to do." I began. "So I shall just excuse myself."
"Can she come as well?" Kato asked Hoshino.
"No." Me and the purple haired man answered at the same time.

.~time skip~

I thought the answer was 'no', yet I still somehow found myself stood outside an office room beside the annoying purple haired guy and Haru.
"Excuse me," Hoshino said, opening the door of the room.
"Hey Haru," A voice said as me and the two adults entered the room. "Oh, and the little Miss." I remembered the brown haired adult from the day of the train incident. "Sorry for taking some of the your time. Have a seat." He gestured towards the chair on the other side of him, whilst me and Kato went to sit down.

"You're both good friends with Kambe, right?" Why does everyone suddenly have this interest in Kambe dude?
"What is this about?" Haru asked him.
"The lady named Imura, the one he's interrogating now... they said it was suspiciouns of reckless driving, but its a little weird." I sat there, trying my best not to look suspicious.
"Its possible that at that moment, she wasn't the one driving and that someone else was in control of her car." The purple haired dude added. Wow, they're bang on the money.

"You're saying that Kambe did it?" The brown haired inspector asked, checking that he was understanding what they were saying. I half sweat dropped.
"As you're both already well aware of the fact that he has a lot of positive connections with higher-ups, including the Superintendent General." The seeming important brown haired guy began. "I was wondering how to deal with it."
"Are you asking us to look into it?" Haru questioned. Well, I already kinda know whats going on, but I don't plan on saying anything anyways. The man on the otherside of the table smiled, giving the inspector beside me an answer.

Some time has passed and now me and Kato are walking up a set of stairs, trying to catch up to Kambe dude.
"Daisuke." The said man turned in response to his name. "Why did you bring in Imura?" The male looked at me with this almost harsh look, as if asking me if I told him about what had happened. I gently shook my head to tell him that I hadn't said anything.
"Reckless driving." The black haired adult replied.
"What are you after?" The brown haired inspector questioned. "If you have a reason for doing this, tell me."

A few seconds of silence passed until Kato began speaking again.
"I don't like the way you do things, but on the one point you catch criminals, I have faith in you." Haru sounded pretty upset when he was speaking.
"Don't stick your nose in this." Kambe dude finally spoke. "That's what they said it the inquiry." Kato looked taken-a-back at that sudden statement. "Depending on the situation, they might have you turn in your badge." With that, the rich dude walked off up the stairs, leaving me and Kato. Honestly, I dont know what I should say, so I just stayed quiet.
"Crème, let's go." He began walking down the stairs, so I silently walked behind him.


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