~A few new acquaintances~

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"I'm kikuko, his grandmother." Introduced the old lady in front of us.
At present, me, Suzue, Kato and Kambe dude are at his grandmother's house. By 'his', I mean Kambe dude's.
'I-I'm Haru Kato." The brown-haired inspector slightly bowed his head.
"Haru, what a wonderful name." Kikuko then turned to face me.
"And what might your name be?" She asked, but I wasn't really listening to her.

There was something off about her that made me suspicious. I can't say if I can trust her or not. I was brought back to the present when Suzue lightly nudged me.
"Oh, sorry. My name's Crème Brûlée."
The lady smiled. "What a sweet name." She did that on purpose, since my name's a dessert.

"We brought you a souvenir from Hong Kong." Suzue said, pulling out a bag full of moon cakes.
"Is that so?" She began. "Let's enjoy them together then."
After she shared mine on a dish, I immediately inhaled it all.
"Miss Brûlée, slow down." Kato told me, but I ignored him. Kikuko chuckled.

"Let her be. Kids are always full of energy when they're little."
Upon finishing, I looked up at him with pleading eyes as he sighed before pushing his plate towards my now empty one. I could feel the drool almost leave my mouth as I dug into his. She averted her attention to her grandson.
"Daisuke, how's your new workplace?"

I looked across Kato to get a better view of Kambe dude. His attention was definitely not centred on this conversation, but nevertheless, he responded.
"Nothing noteworthy."

The lady then looked over at the inspector beside me.
"He's grown up to be somewhat selfish." The old lady started. I could tell that she really did know him. "Is he troublesome at work?"
I now looked up at the brown-haired adult beside me.

"Well, he's all right and he can be very helpful when it comes to work."
"Lies," I mumbled in between nibbles of the inspector's dessert.
"But when it comes to money, him and our colleagues have very different financial point of views. It often creates chaos on the scene." Kato finished.
"Facts," I loud whispered, as I finished the last of the moon cake.

Kikuko then had her attention fixed on Kambe dude.
"Daisuke." Oof, whenever an adult says your name like that, you know your in trouble. "You shouldn't stir up trouble for your co-workers!" She snapped.
Kato sweat-dropped as he looked at the male beside him, who still looked unfazed, yet embarrassed. I snickered aloud trying to keep in my laughter. Suzue nudged me once more, but I only stopped for a moment until I continued again.

"Anyways, Haru, what is your age?" She asked.
"Well, I'll be thirty this year." He answered.
"Not only job-wise, but as a senior in life, please teach Daisuke well."
"Leave that to me!" Kato responded. "I shall teach him well and make him into a respectable policeman!"

I saw Kambe dude giving Kato the side eye as he spoke. That only made me want to laugh the more.
"Daisuke." The elder said, expecting words from him.
"I look forward for your coaching." He said. "Thank you very much."

Kato had this grin on his face, showing he likes the respect he's getting from the usually annoying Kambe dude. Behind us, a middle aged man with glasses and dark brown hair stood with a wooden broom in his hands.
"This is our butler, Hattori." Kikuko introduced the new figure to me and Kato.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." The butler bowed, then stood back up straight. Me, Suzue and Kato turned our heads to face him.
"The pleasures mine." Kato said.
"Mine too!" I quickly added.
Hattori chuckled. "Please excuse my attire." He said before returning back to work.
"As you can see, he is quite unsociable and meddles in the garden all the time." The grandmother stated. "I wonder if that's acceptable for a butler."

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