~Familiar faces~

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Here we are, back at the modern crime prevention task force. I was standing beside Kato, both of us staring into the one-sided window, which led into an interrogation room. In there was a table were Kambe dude and one of the guys from before sat at, facing each other. He was asking questions like, 'Where were you?' and 'Who is the dealer?'. Most of of time, the man was lying or refused to give an answer, but 'know-it-all Kambe dude' just knew the truth from what he was given. Although, the part that ticked me off the most was,

"How much?"

"What?" Questioned the man, a little uncertain of what he was being asked.
"I'll buy information from you for the price you name." WHAAATTT!? This guy is INSANE! If my disgusted face was not enough to say how absurd that sentence was, then Kato's would definitely!
"Don't get the wrong idea!" Exclaimed the guy. "We've been a team together for almost 10 years! I'm not going to betray him like that."

Me and Kato tutted in unison as I followed him out the room to meet Kamei stood outside.
"How's it going?" He asked.
"He relies on machines, then brings up money after. How pathetic." Kato responded. "Getting confessions out is always about two hearts colliding. He should totally get a lesson from Cho-san!"
"Cho-san?" I whispered to myself. I wonder who that is...

After that, we walked on over to a different interrogation room. We walked through the door on the side. Through the window, I saw an old-looking man and the other guy from earlier. I guessed that it was Cho-san and it seemed like he was getting much further than Kambe dude.
"I-It w-was Mr Isezaki." The man confessed.

"Mr Isezaki?" I questioned, this time loud enough for the two others to hear me.
"That's most likely the model Yuta Isezaki." Kamei explained, pulling his phone out of his pocket as I came closer to view. "He graduated from Todai and does commentary for Tabloid shows."
Huh, interesting. Well, at least we got something from this Cho-san guy.

Whilst we were outside speaking to Cho-san about our new information, Kambe walked outside his room with the door still open. I'm certain I saw Cho-san and Kambe dude giving each other some weird glances before the old man put his hand on Kato's shoulder.
"Well, your in charge now." He said as he walked down the corridor.
"We got the intel." Began Kato, as he approached the annoying male. "The guy selling the drug was-,"

"Some model named Isezaki." Kambe finished. Wait, how'd he know!? Last time we were with him, he seemed to be getting no where! I could tell by Kato's expression that he was too surprised. I rushed next to him to see inside the room.
"No way! It's already deposited!" That man's just weird... and when I say that, I mean both the man in the interrogation room and Kambe dude!

.~time skip~

At present, I am sitting in the back seat of a car with Kato and Kambe dude in the front. We are planning on stalki- I mean 'following' this Yuta Isezaki guy. Apparently, we're now waiting for someone outside this high rise apartment.

"How do you know where he lives?" Questioned Kambe dude.
"Everyone knows a Mr So-and-So, right Miss Brûlée?"
I glanced up at the car mirror to see the once seeming professional inspector, now leaning on the wheel looking, well, not so professional.
"I suppose," I answered.

It was then when a man entered the car and moved up beside me.
"Excuse me." He said.
"Who are you?" Asked me and Kambe dude at the same time. Ew, did I just share a sentence with him? How annoying.
"Hey there, I'm Mita, from weekly Bunshu." The man introduced whilst showing us a business card. According to the card, he was a journalist. This is the first time I've met one!

"He's an entertainment Journalist." Informed Kato.
"Though I'm freelance." Mita said, handing the card over to Kambe dude. "That scoop about Eririn the other day was all my doing." Mita sat back beside me, now rummaging through a bag on the floor.
Kambe asked, "Why are you helping us?"

"Back when I was in a bad company," The journalist began. "Kato seriously scolded me, so,.." He immediately shot up with a medium sized camera in his hands. "I can risk my life for Kato!"
As he spoke, Kato had this sheepish grin on his face.
"Come on, don't exaggerate too much." Although he said that, you could easily tell that he was pleased with Mita's statement.

Later on, we got noodles! I love noodles, but personally I prefer rice.
"Tasty," I looked up at the window mirror. I smirked to myself. Kambe dude was observing his noodles and the chopsticks in his hands.
"Have you ever had this before?" Kato asked.
"No," Kambe dude blandly replied.

It was then when Mita nearly leaped from his seat. "There he is!" He announced.
We all looked up at the front to see that Mr Isezaki guy walking from the building with three ladies trailing behind him. Wait, are they all of his girlfriends! Oh gosh, I knew he was a criminal, but never would of thought of this! I mean, if they're okay with all being with him at the same time,... ANYWAYS!

Mita and Kato fixed their cameras whilst Kambe dude fixed his, ur, glasses? For one reason or another.

As the sound of clicking kept on rolling past my ears, the guy beside me began to name each of the females.
"What?" Asked the brown-haired inspector.
"Misato too!" Started Mita. "All of them are centrefold models for Millennium Entertainment." He explained. Fascinating. Mita really knows his stuff!

.~time skip~

We continued to follow Mr Isezaki. Apparently, he's with more girls and is a DJ at parties.
"This guy sure has a lot of energy," Said Kato, flipping from photo to photo on his mini Camera.
"He's been with ten girls this week, one after the other."
Gosh, at this point, he's just a player. We parked behind the guy's car and as we did, another mini set of girls came walking over.

"Another one from Millennium Entertainment." Mita pointed out.
"Have I seen that girl before?" Asked Kato. I looked at each of the females faces. I could feel my eyes widen as I noticed a familiar face, but that's all it was. Familiar.
"The one with the black hair?" Mita questioned. "Looks like she's his favourite. Who is she?" Seems like even the journalist doesn't know everyone. I looked over at Kambe dude through the mirror. He too seemed to have noticed her as well. It was then I noticed something. They had this resemblance of each other. The girl and Kambe. Are they relatives?

"Kambe dude, is she your relative?" I asked. I was really curious and wanted to know.
"Dude?" He said, as if questioning my word choice. Oh, I got so used to referring to him like that in my head that I forgot to not out aloud.
"Y-yeah, what about it?" I tried to remain cool though.

Pfft, he still hasn't answered my question yet! And this can be another reason for why he is so annoying! I'll probably find out sooner or later anyways.


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