~A new mystery Pt1~

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My eyes blinked open to the tweeting of birds. As I picked up my phone on the table beside my bed, I saw the date and sighed. Is it really that day again? I texted Haru, saying that I might be a little late today and won't be able to go with him. After I had gotten dressed, I left the house.
As I walked down the streets, grey clouds hung over my head. It honestly reminded me of the day it had begun...

"Hey, Rito!" Nine year old me called out. "Isn't that the latest volume of 'Blade of the Ninja'?" The said male turned to me as I ran over to him.
"Hi Crème. Yeah, it is!" Rito said, showing me the book. "My brig bro just got it for me as a late birthday present. Want to read it after me?" I nodded.

"Can I hold it?" He looked me and then his book. "Pretty please! I won't drop it."
"O-okay then,..." Rito hesitantly gave me the book as I took it of him.
"Alright!" I held it high as I observed the cover. "Thanks a lot Ri-,..." We both stared at the now wet and brown sheets of the book on the ground. "Umm,... I'm sorry..."

"I haven't even opened it yet,..." Tears began to swell in his eyes.
"H-how about I get you a new one! This time, one for me and you!" I quickly offered. The male immediately stopped crying and turned to me.
"Okay then! But you have to promise me something."
"Depends on what it is,..." Rito once again began to tear up. "Alright fine! What is it?"
"You know how a new volume comes out every year?" I nodded. "Every year, you have to get me the latest one!" My jaw dropped at his command. I sighed as I agreed.

Even though that promise was made a few years ago, he still wanted me to continue with it. I stayed true to my word and am now off to get the latest book. When I left the shop, I first decided to go to work and deliver it to him later. I went the address that Haru sent me and just hoped that I wasn't too late.

.~time skip~

"Oh, Crème!" I heard my name from the lovable Saeki-san.
"Saeki-san! Haru!" I waved. I jogged up to them.
"I see your a little late," Haru said.
"Aah, I just slept in a little, sorry."
"Would you like some of this?" The pink-haired lady put a bag in front of me.
"Peppered Chocolate?" The flavouring sounds quite,... unique. "Um, no thanks."

"You seem to be having fun." A familiar voice from behind us. Hoshino. Since the first time I met him, I don't really like him. People like him don't care what way the job is done, as long as it's done. I don't like that.

"Hoshino." I could tell Haru wasn't all that pleased either.
"Sheesh, it's not a field trip," The guy with him said.
"Pfft-, background character," I snickered.
"Did you say something?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
"N-no, no, don't worry about it." I said, still chuckling under my breath.

I noticed the purple-haired adult looking my way, probably recognising me from the train.
"Please do your best to not get in our way." Hoshino said, turning to walk away with his colleague. I tutted as they did so.

"We're not even here because we want to be." Stated Teppei.
"Come to think of it, Kambe isn't here." Kamei informed, making me turn my head.
"Now I think of it, I haven't seen him since yesterday." I thought back.
"Apparently, his Grandma has suddenly gone ill, so he won't be able to make it." Explained Saeki-san.
"Gosh, this isn't a grade school field trip!" Teppei said. That sentence sounds all too familiar.
Suddenly, some black, shiny cars began to enter the drive way of the building were outside of.

"This is somewhat amazing." Kamei said.
"There they go in those important-looking cars." Kato's statement seemed unimpressed
"That's virtually a tank!" A camouflage designed military vehicle drove past us as well.
"He must be that scared of terrorists, huh." I said.

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