~The Kambes' House~

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Some time has now past and now we're parked on a quiet road close enough to Mr Isezaki. I never bothered looking up to see what was going on. Instead, I just tried to get some sleep, since for the past few days, I've been getting home quite late. Right now, Mita and Kato are sitting in the front with their cameras, whilst me and Kambe dude are in the back.

As I was about to close my eyes, I heard the sound of a car parking somewhere nearby. I looked out of Kambe's window to see a man walk out of a black car. I didn't have a good enough view, so I slightly leaned over Kambe dude. I saw Yuta guy get out of his own vehicle and he passed a sealed, brown paper bag to the man, whilst he gave Isezaki a load of money. Mita started taking pictures of the scene.

"Let's go." Instructed Kato. "We caught them red handed."
"No. Let them stay at large." Said Kambe dude.
"Why should we do that?" I asked, looking up at the male. Why should we listen to Kambe dude!
"Yeh, if we don't hurry now then-," Kato was cut of by Kambe pulling his hood, but his chest squashed me as I still sat there.

"The drug that Isezaki sold was over 95% pure." Kambe explained, as I squeezed myself out of the spot. "We're going to have to leave them so we can figure out who's behind them."
H-how does he know that? If what he's saying is true, then I guess it makes sense.
"How do you know so much?" Questioned Kato. Now I think about it, it's probably this 'HUESC' thing. What did he say it was? His butler? Gosh, how I feel so sorry for him.

.~time skip~

A couple of days have passed and I've been allowed not to come in! Since school's not on until a few more weeks, I can do whatever I want! On my one-day-holiday, I decided to go to two cafés to make up for my boba.

The next day, I was walking down a street when I saw Mita.
"Hey, Mita!" I called out. He turned around to face me and stopped so I could catch up.
"Oh, hi Miss Brûlée!" He greeted. "How's your day been?"
"Pretty chill!" I answered, as we began walking again. "How've you been?"
"Quite good myself. Kambe took me to this fancy diner!" He replied. Ugh, Kambe. At least Mita enjoyed himself.
"Sounds nice."

As we walked, we saw Kato's car and approached it. I looked inside the window and almost jumped when I saw the figure inside. It was a ZOMBIE! Oh wait, no it's just Kato. Mita knocked the window, whilst Kato winded it down.
"Hey Mita, Miss Brûlée." Even his voice sounded like a zombie.
"Huh, where's Kambe?" Asked Mita, looking inside of the car.
"Who knows!" He began. "Rich boy probably got tired of playing detective games!"

"Did you get any new info?" I asked.
"Yeah," Kato pulled out his camera and started showing us a picture. It was one of a restaurant and Mr Isezaki was there as well as a man with blonde hair.
"The guy behind Isezaki is Gondawara-gumi." Kato stated. "Looks like the woman with black hair is one of them, acting as Liaison." As he mentioned the lady, I remembered her and Kambe dude's resemblance.

"I understand. It makes sense why she didn't show up after hitting up the agencies." Mita said.
As he said that, Mita stopped for a second.
"Kato," there was a silence. "Please, go home for now! You seriously stink!"
Kato began to smell himself.
"Yeah, you really need to! Plus, you look like a zombie!" I said, with my jumper sleeve over my nose.

.~time skip~

Sadly, I am currently sitting in the backseat of Kato's smelly garbage truck. Mita asked me to help Kato with all his rubbish. I thanked God that my mom reminded me to buy a bottle of perfume for myself. I sprayed the car consistently until I was able to breathe.
"Hey, it's not that bad!" Kato exclaimed from the front, as he drove down the busy roads.
"Really?" I asked him, with a concerned look on my face.

A few minutes have passed and we've arrived at a parking lot. I undid my seatbelt, getting ready to come out, until I noticed a familiar black haired lady entering a nice, shiny yellow car. I could tell Kato noticed her too.
"That woman,.." She drove out of the space and began driving out of the parking lot.
"After her!" I commanded, as Kato began to follow the car.

Soon after, we found ourselves on a quiet, narrow road, still following the dark-haired lady.
"What is this place? A park?" Kato asked.
"Might just be one."
Suddenly Kato stopped the car in the middle of the road. Did we loose her? We got out from the car and looked around at our surroundings. Through the trees, we could see a bright light. Is this someone's home? No, it was way too fancy and huge.

Me and the inspector approached the building and stared up at it from the porch.
"What is this place?" I questioned. "It's huge!"
"Maybe a hotel?" Suggested Kato.
"I wouldn't be surprised if it was one!" I began. "Probably 5 stars."

As I finished, a black car drove passed us and out stepped the one an only, annoying rich guy, Kambe dude.
"Y-you!" Kato began. "What are you doing here?"
"That would be my line." Said Kambe dude, inspecting us both before entering the building. Me and Kato followed behind him.

As we entered through the extravagant golden doors, Kato asked,
"Is this a restaurant or something? Members only?"
"Probably. Can I be a member?" I joked.
"Are you both hungry?" Kambe asked us.
"Well, that's not what we meant." Kato said.
Kambe dude turned to a guy beside him. He seemed like a waiter or butler. Something like that.
"Prepare meals for three."
"Maybe a bath while your at it," I snickered, side-eyeing Kato.

At present, we are standing in an elevator, me and Kambe dude in two separate corners leaving Kato in the middle. I began to spray my perfume again as Kambe made a face.
"This is rather grand." Kato said. "Isezaki is getting the drugs from Gondawara-gumi."
Oh yeah, Kambe wouldn't know that.
"There liaison is the woman with black hair. She entered this place."

As the inspector finished his sentence, the elevator doors opened to reveal a colossal space with absolutely huge computer screens!
"Woah! This place is cool!" I walked up to the chair in the middle of the screens and sat down. I began to spin around like an out of control tornado.

"Lady with black hair?" Kambe dude asked, but there was something in his tone that suggested that he knew something.
"Yeah. Lately, she's always been with Isezaki." Kato informed.
I spun consistently around the area and as I was, I nearly hit the railing when the brown-haired inspector stopped the chair.
"Oof," I nearly fell forward off of the chair, but was able to stay on.

When we looked over the railing, there was a figure sliding underneath some sort of military looking vehicle. Like a tank.
"A-an army vehicle!?" Kato exclaimed, quite shocked. "Why is something like that-,"
He immediately stopped mid sentence as we saw the identity of the figure. The lady with black hair!
"Ah!!" Kato and I couldn't believe the fact that she was here! Not seeming evil or criminal like at all! Well, that was my reason for exclaiming. I couldn't say for Kato though. Hehe.

The lady came up to the same area as we were.
"You must be Mr Kato and Miss Brûlée. It's a pleasure to meet you both. I'm Suzue Kambe." She greeted. I knew it! They were siblings, but wait,...
"Kambe?" Me and Kato said simultaneously, then gasping at a realisation.


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