~Past troubles~

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After all of the introducing, Suzue informed us about an illegal party and how she was working undercover by Kambe dude's orders. After that, Kato left since they were planning on buying their way to justice. What made him more upset was that Suzue offered him a bath and asked about his meal, which I think he should've taken. He was probably upset that the Kambe's were richer than him. I decided to stay a bit longer, but as I heard more of Kambe's plan, I definitely wanted join.

Around an hour later, I was walking down a streets when I saw Kato's car parked up. He was talking with Mita from the window. As I approached, I realised the topic of their conversation.
"You're not planning on actually going, are you?" The journalist asked him. The inspector didn't answer.
"Thanks Mita." He then turned to me. "Oh, Miss Brûlée."
"Hi," I stepped beside the car.
"See you later," Mita waved to me as I waved back.

"Did you join Kambe?" Kato gave me a suspicious look.
"N-no, why?"
"Never mind. If you want a lift home, hop in." He said.
"Thanks, but I'll be fine for today." He raised an eyebrow slightly.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Well, see you later." When I got a little further down the street, I pulled out my phone to call Kambe dude's relative. "Hello?... Yeah, I'm coming now."

.~time skip~

It was night. The wind was really refreshing as it gushed into my face. I was so high from the ground from where I was. Suzue was driving as Kambe dude stood on the edge of the helicopter beside me. I could see the entire city! The lights, the tiny, little people. It was so cool! I turned to my side to see Kambe dude smiling, staring at a building ahead. It was tall.

As we got closer to it, I could just about make out the figures of Mita, who was wearing a dog costume, and Kato in his own suit. They were standing on top of the building's roof, but then the doors burst open, which revealed some not so friendly looking men. I smiled too, remembering the plan from before. Kambe gave orders to his relative to fire the gas. I smirked as I saw everyone, except for Mita, pass out. The gas was a sleeping one and since Kato didn't have something to protect his nose from it, he too fell asleep with the other guys.

After that, other police men came to detain everyone in the party. I was happy that I got to see everything going on from so high up. When I went to bed that night, all I dreamed about was flying high in the sky with the wind blowing in my face. It was nice.

.~time skip~

At present, I am sitting on the nice comfy couch underneath the TV with Kato, Teppei and Kamei. Soon enough, the door opened to unloveable Kambe dude. Kato approached him and seemed like he wanted to talk with him. Before he left, he looked my way, as if saying I can come if I want, which is exactly what I did.

We stood at a stair case and I, wishing to go higher up, sat at the stair case above them.
"I don't like it." Kato first spoke.
"Don't like what?" Asked Kambe dude. I could already see where this was going.
"The fact that someone like YOU is a cop!"

"Why did you join the police?" Questioned Kambe dude.
This perked my interest. What was he getting at?
"To nab criminals ofcourse!" He retorted. "But without slapping a wad of cash in people's faces!"
Kambe looked unfazed and continued, "I heard you used to be in the First investigation division."
First investigation division? Is that like the higher-ups? Probably. By Kato's silence, I could tell that that sentence hit hard.

"However," He went on. "During a siege incident, you misfired and the target got seriously injured."
What? Is this true? At this point, I bet they've probably forgotten about my presence.
"You were unable to fire a gun ever since and moved from first division to modern crime." He finally finished. Even though it wasn't my past, I still felt overwhelmed by this story. I wonder how Kato must feel.

I heard the said male grunt, then say, "You bastard." Before walking off down the stairs. I went down to meet Kambe dude, facing were Kato just left. I looked up at him as I passed to walk down after Kato, giving him a serious glare as he turned to me. All I can say is that I'm quite disappointed.

.~time skip~

Kato gave me a lift yesterday and we both found out that we live quite close to each other. I decided not to mention anything about what happened before, since I could tell that he was pretty tensed up about it.

When we got into the office this morning, the director asked Kato to go to Hong Kong and if my parents allow me to, me as well. Apparently, there was some sort of international crime going on round there, so we had to leave out this weekend. But his last sentence,...
"Ask Kambe for the details!" Left us both,- words cannot even explain it.


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