~Crime for family~

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Finally, we have reached the end of our ride. As we were getting off, I stroked the kitten goodbye as it purred contently. I picked up my backpack and got ready to exit the train.
"Well, we're leaving now." Kato said, picking up his bag and readying himself to leave as well.
As the two males stood up, an elderly lady brushed past Saito.

"Hey!" She snapped.
"I'm sorry." The teen tried to apologise.
"Geez," She said as she walked off.
"Hmph! How rude!" I said, going to stand beside the teen. "She's the one who brushed past you not the other way round."

"Here. This is a souvenir for people at work, but if you'd like,..." Kato handed some pink looking chain thing to the boy. Saito accepted it.
"Thanks so much. Both of you."
"Don't worry about it!" I put my thumbs up to him.
"Give it your best effort!" Said the inspector, putting the strap of his bag over his shoulder and stepping out of the seats to stand beside me.

.~time skip~

Me and the inspector are currently at the station. I eyed him pleadingly, wanted some of the food he was eating.
"No Missy! You already stole Saito's food. What more do you want?"
"Oh c'mon!"I complained. "You adults are so mean!"

It was then a speaker began to talk.
"Attention everyone. As of right now, we will be closing the Shinkansen train platform." It said. "Please exit the platforms immediately."
"I wonder what that's about." I wondered.

I looked up and I saw a man with a red flag in his hand.
"Everyone! Please leave the platform immediately!" He called out.
Me and the inspector approached him.
"Is there something wrong?" Kato asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry, but could you please-,"

"I'm from the police." Kato interrupted him, holding up his police ID.
"Oh, sorry, but what about the girl?" He asked.
"She's working with me." Kato explained.
"I see. I heard there's a stand-off going on in that train over there." The man informed us, looking over in the direction he spoke of.
"Look after this for me!" The inspector dropped him bag in front of the male and ran off.
"I'm sorry about that!" I said, giving him my bag too and then ran off to catch up with the policeman.

.~time skip~

Once we reached the scene, we saw a bunch of people outside of the train.
"What's going on here?" Asked Kato. Another man in the same uniform as the one from before answered.
"Well, there's a stand-off going on with a young male in cart 16 at the front."

Me and Kato boarded the train and when we walked into the cart, we saw a familiar looking boy holding a middle aged woman hostage with a gun. The boy wore a blue hoodie and had a black mask covering half of his face, but even that didn't stop me from recognising him. Behind him, there was a camera on a stand recording the whole scene.
"Stand back!" He called out to us. "Or I'll kill her!"
"Ow, ouch! That hurts!" The woman complained. "Young man, Young Miss, please help me!"
"Shut up!"

I looked up at Kato and saw that he was just recognising the figure too.
"H-hey, it's us!" He said, pointing to the both of us.
The boy's eyes widened.
"You know! The one who sat next to you!"
"Y-yeah! And I'm the one that sat behind you!" I said, getting slightly closer.
"L-like I know!" Saito exclaimed. "I don't know you both! Now get out, now!"

As Kato turned to exit the room, I instead approached the boy.
"Do you seriously not remember me?" I asked him, pretty sure that he's just lying.
"S-stand back!" He commanded again. "Like I said before! I don't know you!"
I didn't stop walking up to him though.

"Really? Oh well." I began. "Can I at least be on ChainTube?" I asked him, pointing to the camera.
He looked stunned as to why I wasn't scared in any way.
"N-NO! Get out! Otherwise I'll shoot!"
"Fine, fine." I then turned to exit the room. "Are you entirely sure though?"
I think he lost his patience with me because after that, he dropped the lady and instead grabbed me by the shoulders and pointed the 'weapon' to my head, bringing me in front of the camera.
"S-since you wanted to be on ChainTube, you can be as th-the victim!"
He sounded like a stuttering mess! I looked at the camera.
"Hello ChainTube!" I smiled.

"That poor girl!" One of the ladies in the cart said. "What should we do now?"
"Don't worry! Everyone from Yokoights is with us!" A woman assured them.
"Will we even make it to their concert?"
"If I can't make it to their farewell concert, then I'd rather die!"

Hmm, I wonder if Kato has realised I'm missing yet. This is getting kind of boring.
"So, how's life?" I asked the young adult who's totally not Saito.
"I-it's-, why are you even talking to me so leisurely?!" He asked me, quite alarmed by my calmness. "Your life is on the line you know!"
"Is it really though?" I asked aloud. "Is my life really on the line? Or is this all just some sort of set up,...? Then again, I don't really know, so I guess that's for you to know and me to find out!"
"Just, shut up." He said, but much calmer than all his other sentences.

.~with Kato~.

The brown-haired inspector was now dismissed from the scene by Hoshino, an old friend of his from the first division. He is currently outside the Shinkansen boarding area. After being reminded of his unforgiving past, he looked around the station.
"Hey, do you think the train's closed because of this?" Someone asked their friend, watching the lit screen of his phone.
"I'm sure of it! That's awesome!"

"There's a promo campaign of ChainTube, where you'll get 100 million coins!"
"For 10 million views in one day."
"You mean this? That has to be it!"
In the background, people seemed to be conversing with the same topic in mind.

"Are you working hard on your job, inspector Kato?" A voice was heard behind the male. He turned around to be met with the one and only, Daisuke Kambe. "Also, where is Miss Brûlée?"
As he mentioned the 12-year-old's name, Haru immediately spun round in search of his young companion.

.~time skip~

At present, the two males sat in a car, again with Daisuke in the driver's seat.
"Can we please get moving?" The senior inspector began. "I have a feeling that I left her at the crime scene."
"Right now, I feel like I need some of your coaching." Said the male Kambe.
"You!" It was then that they began going at incredibly fast speeds.

"HUESC, play what's going on at Investigation Headquarters." He asked his butler.
The screen that was connected to HUESC began to make some noise.
"... is in possession of a firearm, and apparently there is a woman collapsed on the floor. It's very likely that she was killed by the perp."
Another voice began to speak.

"Has he made any demands?"
"He still hasn't made any. There is a theory that mental derangement may be involved."
"Position the SAT where they can target the perp."

Kato gasped at the information he was hearing. Kato looked up and saw a group of suited up people walking into the building.
"Stop the car." Kato said. The car still drove.
"I said, stop the car!" The vehicle immediately came to a halt.

"He's not that kind of guy." Kato began. "He's not the type to kill somebody."
Daisuke intently listened to his words and then decided his next coarse of action.
The Kambe pressed a button, which made a little draw open from below Kato's feet.
"Hurry up and put it on."


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