~Modern Crime Prevention Task Force~

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As I entered the office with Saeki, I saw the brown-haired guy from yesterday.
"Huh, so you lived," I said.
"Wait, aren't you the girl from yesterday?" He asked. "What you did was way to dangerous! You seriously could've been injured."
"But I wasn't! In fact, weren't you the one who nearly fell to your death?" I responded.
He looked as if he was going to say something, but then closed his mouth.
"Ah, I see that you know Haru Kato!" Said Saeki. Oh, so that's his name.

When we reached the office, Saeki told the director guy that I'd be there for the day. He introduced me to everyone there. The blonde-haired guy from yesterday was Kamei, the black haired guy was Tappei and then the two I already know, Mahoro Saeki and Haru Kato.

He also allowed me to sit down on a sofa next to a medium sized tv hung on the wall. The news was currently playing in the background whilst everyone worked. I just sat on my phone reading happily on the side until a certain slicked black haired adult walked in. It was the annoying Kambe dude!

Just the sight of him irked my blood. I had a flashback appear in my mind as I recalled the moment my bubble tea flew out of my hands due to his deadly driving.
"Oh, Mr Kambe!" The director got up from his seat and greeted Kambe. "You can sit in the seat over there."

Kambe dude sat in an empty seat at the end of the table. I watched the unfortunate Kato as he flared up in his seat.
"Crème, would you like a gummy?" My attention averted to the pink-haired lady in front of me.
"Oh, yes please." I said, as she poured out three fish-gummy-shapes into my hand.

"I'm giving you three since you don't usually work here, but promise me you'll come by some time!" She whispered to me, as I gave a huge, happy nod to her. She smiled in response as she turned to approach Kambe dude. Ugh! She's so kind, yet he's so,...so,... IRRITATING!! I sighed as he accepted.

A few minutes later, I heard Kato complaining about something to the director.
"No, director please! I don't even want to be with him a moment longer and you expect us to 'work together'?" He whined. "Never in the whole of eternity is that happening!"

Well, I 'almost' felt bad for him. He was basically left to fall of a bridge to his near death, so I see why he'd be so infuriated if he had to work with Kambe dude.
Although, to be honest, I didn't care. Not like I worked here. The only reason I made myself present today was because I wished to spend the day in the office with Saeki-san and see how the police worked.

"Miss Brûlée," The director called. "Can you come over here for a second?"

.~Time skip~

I was just called over for the most stupidest of reasons. I, a 12 years old girl, is being asked to assist these two grown adults!

"Pfft, I still don't see why I have to accompany them." I complained.
"Since Haru doesn't want to work with Kambe, I am unsure of what work would get done if I left them." He explained. "And since everyone else is busy, you can supervise them. Plus, this could be good work experience for you."
Well, he's right about the last part of his explanation, although, I just really don't want to have to work with Kambe dude. I guess Haru's fine though, so it shouldn't be so bad.

As I just read over some files, I heard Kamei and Kato screaming about something. It was to do with some famous lady's death from drug overdose. I didn't really care much about it to be honest.
"Chief, I'm going to go to a shoplifting campaign now." Kato informed.
"Counting on you!" He called back.

After he left the room, I noticed another figure leave out behind him. Kambe dude. I thought for a moment. Should I go? Nah, I'm way too lazy,...but wait! If they're leaving together, does this mean I must accompany them, regarding what the director said? Well, if anything interesting happens, I wish to know!
And with that, I followed them out into the corridor.

As I walked behind them, making sure to keep a good distance between us, I saw Kato turn to face Kambe dude.
"What do you want?" He asked irritated.
"I'll go with you." Kambe replied. Did he really think Kato would willingly allow him?
"I'll be fine by myself!" Kato snapped back, continuing to walk again. I snickered behind them, as I watched Kambe dude begin to follow him again.

"So don't follow me." Kato said, stopping once more.
"Take me to the scene, Inspector Kato." Kambe ordered. Seriously! Who did he think he was to ORDER some one to do something like that! I saw a tick mark form on the poor guy's head.
"Can I too join please?" I asked, quickly approaching them. Kato's face expression started to relax slightly.
"Oh, sure."

. ~Time skip~

It was dark now and the silver orb had fully raised itself into the middle of the sky. I walked beside Kato, whilst staring at the lit screen of my phone. He was holding a medium-sized box filled with neatly arranged stationary, whilst Kambe dude was carrying two bags.
"I'm tired." Complained Kato.

In the distance, we saw two men on the side of the street. They looked like street performers trying to get money. I've always learnt never to judge a book by it's cover, but still not to give too generously, because then they'll never try to work hard for themselves.

"Hello, this is red panda!" Said one of the men.
"What the-," The other man threw his fist at him. I am really not understanding what's going on.
Once the original man stood up straight, he repeated, "Hello, this is red panda."
"Why did you repeat that?!" To be honest, I was asking that very same question.

"Because two red pandas transform into a raccoon!" What are my ears hearing right now?! I noticed Kato stop in front of the men, so I stopped as well.
"That's a completely different animal!" The man shouted back.
Kambe dude walked right past us as we stopped to watch.
"Wait, where are we-," Kambe began.
"You two can go on without me." Kato said. "These guys are desperate to survive, too."

Instead of leaving, Kambe dude approached a hat on the ground and dropped some sort of note in there. Probably money.
"Let's go."
"It's not about money." Kato stated. "By performing in front of people, they're improving their skills-,"
"A 10K Bill!" The man exclaimed.

"Wait, WHAT!?" That's so much! This guy gives out money way too heavily!
"Let's go drink!" Suggested one of the guys.
"Hey, your money took away their willingness for labour!" Kato complained.
As they were heading off, Kambe's eyes stayed fix on the two figures.
"Mescaline, right?" He asked the men, as their head slowly turned round to reveal their confused, yet horrified faces. I wonder what he was talking about...


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