~Serious trust~

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.~back with Crème~.

I think I've fallen asleep already. Right now, some police guy named Hoshino is in the cart trying to talk to Saito, but of course they're actually trying to kill him. I don't want him to die. That's my final decision, so I'll try to keep myself in the way of all open windows.

"Look! I've just passed 4.5 million viewers just now!" He looks like he's enjoying himself, but I can tell he's truly not. There's an ulterior motive behind what he's doing. I can tell. "Amazing!"
"Why are you even doing this?" The police officer asked. "For what reason are you-,"
"Now, I wonder why!" The teen moved around a lot, making me move with him.
"Can you stop moving? Please." I said, shocking Hoshino with how calm I am.
"J-just shut up!" He yelled. "For now, we're doing really well!"

Upon seeing Hoshino's eyes widen, I assumed that someone must be here. Since I cannot actually turn my head to see due to my current situation, I guessed that it was Kato.
"Maybe if I kill one more, I'd get a boost!" He said, pointing the 'gun' closer to my head.
"Would it really be worth it though? You know killing someone." I began. "Like, what will you gain? The police is already here, so you'll probably just end up behind bars, no matter how much fame you get."
"Do you want me to shoot?!" He exclaimed. "What should I do? Wicked! I have over 5 million now!"

Suddenly, the door burst open.
"Everyone, please calm down!" It was Kato. Behind him, I just about saw Kambe dude.
"Kato!" I exclaimed, happy that something interesting is finally happening. I saw him exhale a sigh of relief, seeing that I'm still alive.
"Please, remain where you are."

"Don't come closer! I will kill her!" The teen warned.
"Would it make your little sister happy if you do something like this?" Kato asked him.
Ah, pulling the family card, eh?
"Why do you-,"
"You want your sister to have surgery in the United States, right?" The inspector cut Saito off.
The teen was practically hugging me now.

"That's why you caused this incident, to get more money and views from it."
"It's none of your business!" Saito yelled at the adult. "I have to,... I have to do this!"
I patted his arm as he looked down at me.
"There, there," I hushed him. "Please, calm down."
I could hear him grit his teeth from under his mask, but said nothing.

"The farewell concert begins in 30 minutes." One of the ladies wailed. "It's impossible now!"
I-is that seriously their biggest concern right now?
"Don't give up now!" Another one started, holding up a pink sign of some sort. "Because everyone from Yokoights is with us!"
These ladies are weird,... but incredibly entertaining!

After that, scary middle aged ladies started appearing from all over the train!
"Heave-ho, heave-ho," They all chanted, getting closer and closer to Saito and I.
"E-everyone! Please calm down!" Kato begged, as the group of angry women engulfed him.
"Heave-ho, heave-ho," They continued.

"Stay back! Don't you care about what happens to her?!" He exclaimed.
Oh I was loving this scene, well, that was until I noticed Hoshino pull out his gun and get ready to fire. I had to think quick!
"Please!" I cried out. "I don't care what happens to me! You ladies need to be somewhere, so please! Go to the concert!" I managed to even stir up some fake tears.

I noticed the anger in all of their faces vanish and instead, they began to cry.
"This girl! This sweet thing!" They said. "We won't let her death go to waste!"
Umm wait, I'm not dead yet, but I still kept up the act.
"Yes, please! Go and see this farewell concert you speak of!" I wined, leaning closer to the ladies, but Saito's hand kept me back. "And see through the future of the Yokoights!" I almost gave way to my laughter, but I had to go on for the sake of Saito's life!

"Heave-ho, heave-ho," They began once more.
"Idiot, stop it!" I heard Kato call out, but I was too occupied with my charade to even want to stop.
As the angry mob of females made their way closer and closer, I heard music from outside. A bright light shone into the cart from the slightly open window. The words, 'heave-ho,' soon enough became a melody.

Instantly, the group dispersed and rushed to the windows. Voices began to sing, taking up every thought in the ladies' minds.
They all began screaming and tears rushed down their faces like rivers. Saito still held me with one arm, the other covering his ear.

"Wow, they're actually here. Who would've thought that'd happen." I spoke.
"C'mon Miss Brûlée!" Kato dragged me from Saito's grip. "Your not even supposed to be here!"
As Saito tried to cover his ears, he dropped the gun and it rolled over to the purple-haired cop. He picked it up and examined it.

"A model gun?" He mumbled to himself as the 'dead' lady shot up with her glasses lob sided on her face, knocking into Hoshino and causing him to drop his real gun. It slid across the ground until it met the young male's feet. He bent down to pick it up, but was stopped mid-way.
"Stop!" Yelled Kato. I currently stood at a good distance away from Kato, who pointed his gun towards the boy. Flashbacks of the story Kambe dude told ran through my mind, causing me to worry for the inspector's current state. His hands jittered and his eyes were wide open.

It was then the annoying rich dude walked past him and approached Saito, who now had the gun that was once in the possession of the Hoshino guy.
"Don't come any closer!" He ordered, pointed the end right at Kambe dude.
Kambe ignored his request and kept on walking until he was satisfied.
"Your under arrest for flagrant detention and bodily injury." He said, as calm and stoic as ever.
"Just a little more,... just a little more and I can send her to America!" The kid exclaimed.
Kambe then told him, "I'll make sure that your little sister get's her surgery."
"How can you,..." Questioned the teen.

I looked from Kambe dude to Saito, Kambe dude to Saito and on and on and on until I saw a change in the younger male's expression. He pointed the gun lower and sounded as if he was about to cry.
"S-Saito," I quietly mumbled, as the rich dude took the gun from his hands and began to unload the ammunition from it. This scene before me,... this is the way I like Justice to be served. Death isn't the only way to victory. Especially if there's another way out of it. Besides, what's justice without law?

.~time skip~

Soon enough, everything was dealt with. The sun was getting ready to set, the ladies were screaming their goodbyes to the band and I was jumping from the cart we were just in behind Kato. Some guy with dark-brown hair approached us as we both landed on the ground.
"Takei," greeted Kato.

The man smiled at the inspector. "Good work."
"Eh-hem!" I cleared my throat. This Takei guy looked down at me and I stared back with my eyes narrowed at him.
"Oh, sorry young Miss!" He patted my head gently. "Well done to you too!" I smirked, whilst he turned and left.
"Cough-cough-,attention seeker,- cough-cough," I side eyed the inspector, giving him the most menacing glare in the whole of existence. He immediately went silent.

.~time skip~

In present time, Kambe dude, Kato and I are sitting in a car. The two adults in the front with me in the back.
"Can I ask you something?" Kato turned to face Kambe, who was staring out his window. "How'd you know that he wouldn't shoot?"
"'He's not the type to kill somebody.'" Kambe dude began. "That's what you said."

Wait, did he just say that he was completely relying on what Kato said?! What if he was wrong and Saito did shoot?! Would he just blame it on Kato, saying, 'That's what he said,' just before he dies?! Wow, that's some serious trust!
Kato seemed surprised when he heard his answer, but that was only for a moment before this crazy driver pushed down on the gas!



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