6.2 Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

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in her bedroom, Alex suddenly yelps in pain and instinctively grabs her neck. 

When she pulls her hand away, she notices blood on her fingers from a small puncture wound that is already starting to heal. 

Rebekah hears her shout and rushes into the room

Alex says, "AHH!" 

Rebekah says unnerved  "What the hell was that? 

Alex says "Hell if I know. It felt like I was being stabbed." 

Alex and Rebekah both get a dawning realization that something bad is happening

Rebekah enters Alex's bedroom, where Alex is sitting in an armchair 

Rebekah, says "Time for the demon spawns to snack!" 

Alex laughs and says, "I really  wish you wouldn't call them that." 

Rebekah says " Oh, sorry, have you picked other names yet?" 

She holds out a basket of apples "Take one, the plantation's lousy with them." 

Alex chooses an apple and holds it for a moment Alex says, "I feel fine... which is weird. I'm sure it's Sophie-related."

Alaila says, "Then, do me a favor, and don't die on our watch. we'll never hear the end of it." 

Alex says, "You know, when I first met you, I thought you were a real bitch."

Alaila smiles and asks "What changed your mind?" 

Alex laughs and says, "Oh, I still think you're a bitch! I've just grown to like that about you." 

Alaila says, " Aw, well, that's sweet of you to say." Her face becomes more serious "Remember it when I'm gone." 

Alex says confused, "Gone? Where are you going?"  

Alaila says, "I only came to town to make sure everything was okay with Elijah. He's fine, and he hasn't punished Klaus for daggering him, so... as usual, they'll be thick as thieves, and I'll be left to clean up the mess. It's time for me to fly the coop."

Alex says, "Oh..." 

Feeling awkward, she goes to bite the apple in her hand, but she suddenly starts to feel woozy before she gets the chance to eat it. 

Rebekah says, "What's wrong?" 

Alex shakes her head and says, "I dunno, probably morning sickness..."

Alaila put her hand on Alex's forehead and says, " Oh, you're burning up, actually." 

Alex  lays in bed as Rebekah blots sweat from her forehead and chest with a washcloth

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