17. Ashes to Ashes

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Alex woke up and got ready for the day and put on the Mikaelson crest necklace and did her hair she put on her shoes

Alex heard the babies wake up and went in there to see Klaus feeding them she grabbed Henrik and fed him she sat in the other chair and smiled

Klaus says, "You look beautiful, love."

Alex blushes and says, "Thank you, Klaus. You look good too..."

Klaus smiles at her Alex smiles back at him

Alex says, "Well. I have school so goodbye Klaus, take care of our babies."

Klaus says, "I will."

Alex gets up and puts Qetsiyah in her bouncer

Alex then kisses Qetsiyah on the forehead and then kisses Henrik on the forehead and leaves the room waving goodbye to Klaus she walks downstairs and goes to the foyer and eats with everyone watching her she gets sick of it

Alex says, "Ok! what is it?"

nobody responds

Alex says, "You all have been looking at me weirdly all morning."

Normani says, "We all um heard you."

Alex says, confused at first "What? oh, yeah heard me talking to Klaus."

Normani smiles and nods

She looks at the time on her phone "Oh. Well, I have to go."

Alex rushes out of the compound and goes to Nola

Alex walks into the school she goes to her first class where she sits down

Emery says, "Hello, I'm Emeryn Bennett but everyone calls me Emery. Nice to meet you."

Alex says, "Hello, I'm Alexia Gilbert everyone calls me Alex. A pleasure to meet you too. Wait do you know Bonnie Bennett?"

Emery says, "How do you know my sister?"

Alex says, "You're the sister. She's always talking about?"

Emery says, "The one and only."

Alex smiles and says, "To answer your question she's my best friend, I've known her since she we were kids."

Emery says, "Now I remember you."

Alex smiles

Emery says, "Alex can you explain to me why you're in New Orleans?"

Alex says, "I will tell you after school meet up at the queen cafe?"

Emery says, "Yes, I would love to Alexia."

Alex rolls her eyes and says, "Not funny, Emeryn!"

Emery says, "I know."

Alex and Emery laugh

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