14. The Devil is Damned

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Aiden is meeting with Alex and Luke near Luke's trailer, where he drops nearly a dozen moonlight rings into a bowl on the picnic table

Aiden says, "Well, that's the last of them! Everyone out here is officially ring-free."

Alex says, "And better off."

Aiden says, "Easy for you to say! You're a hybrid. I'm back to turning every single full moon. And, if the wolves who are loyal to the witches come back here, they're gonna rip right through us."

Alex and Luke look at each other, feeling guilty, and Aiden looks anxious as well

Aiden says, "So, I gotta ask-- when is this wedding?"

Luke says, "Ten days. After that, Alex's power is your power. The full moon won't control you anymore." [Alex nods in agreement] "Spread the word-- any wolf who wants in needs to be here to bear witness to the wedding."

Aiden says, "Yeah, I can do that. What are you guys gonna do?"Luke says, "We're going to meet an Elder!"

Alex looks at him in confusion, and Luke turns to her to briefly explain what they're doing

Luke says, "We need an old-school Crescent wolf to conduct the wedding. Then, there are the trials."

Alex looks even more alarmed, but Jackson just laughs

Don't worry! We say a few oaths, do some trust falls, and smoke a little blue calamus root out of a peace pipe. Piece of cake!"

Luke smiles at her, but Alex still looks nervous. Aiden notices her hesitation

Aiden says, "Well, good luck with that!"

Aiden takes his leave, and Alex turns to Luke

Alex says, "Any idea where we can find an Elder?"Luke says, "Well, that depends! You got any interest in meeting my grandma ?"

Alex good-naturedly rolls her eyes and smiles at him as they head off to find their Elder

Alex and Luke are walking through the woods of the Bayou on their way to meet Luke's grandmother and brother. While they walk, Alex sighs dramatically

Alex says, "Are we hiking to Baton Rouge?" L

Luke says, "Just a little bit farther. Are you nervous?"

Alex says, "I'm not nervous. Although I should be. She is your grandmother"

Luke says, "Huh. She usually likes the girls I bring home."

Alex says, "Ohhh! Really? Hmm. Exactly how many girls have you brought to meet her?

Luke says, "No, I've never brought anyone to meet her."

Alex looks surprised

Luke says, "So, you've gotta make a good impression since she's got no one crazy to compare you with."

Alex says, "I am great with old people. And babies. It's just the in-between that I suck at."

Suddenly, Luke's grandmother, Mary, appears out of nowhere and joins them, holding a basket full of herbs and plants in her hand

Mary says, "Cute as all this is, y'all are late!"Luke says, "Grandma Mary!"

He gives his grandmother a big hug and kiss on the cheek before turning to Alex

Luke says, "This is Alex."Alex says, "Mary, it's so nice to meet you."Mary says, "You can turn off your old-people charm now."

Alex's smile falls, and she looks uncomfortable

Mary says, "The two of you are late, and we need to get started."

Alex says, "Right. So, yes, we have pre-marital rituals to attend to. Which are what, exactly?"

Mary says, "Fasting, purification, and the Rite of Divulgement, to name a few."

Alex says, "The Rite of what?"

Mary says, "Oh, it's simple. You speak the truth, he speaks the truth, secrets are cleansed, and everyone's happy."

Alex looks at Luke in alarm and gulps nervously

Alex says, "What do you mean, secrets are cleansed?"

Mary says, "The two Alphas smoke the root of the blue calamus flower. It links your hearts and minds together. The ceremony won't take if there are lies separating you. This way, there are none. It's the most important ritual apart from the wedding ceremony itself."

Mary smiles and pats Alex on the arm affectionately

Mary says, "Hope you don't have too many skeletons in your closet!"

Mary starts to lead them to her home, and Luke starts to follow her, though Alex stays where she is

Alex says, "I'm... not doing that."

Mary and Luke both look at her in confusion, and Alex turns to him

Alex says, "I'm sorry... I can't."

She looks horrified as she turns and rushes away, leaving Luke and his grandmother alone in the wood

Alex is alone in the woods when Luke finally catches up with her

Luke says, "Alex! Alex? Alex, wait!"

Alex says, "I can't do it, Luke."

Luke says, "You're not the only one who has stuff they'd rather not talk about!"

Alex says, "Some of my secrets aren't mine to tell."

Luke says, "Maybe a little honesty is a good thing!"

Alex says, "Luke, I live with the Original family. In that family, sometimes honesty... can get you killed."

Luke seems completely stunned by this response, but he quickly shakes it off and continues to argue with her

Luke says, "We all have things we hope will never see the light of day. You probably won't like what I have to say any more than what you're holding back."

Alex says, "I wish that were true." Luke says, "Come back with me! We'll take it one step at a time. And if anything makes you uncomfortable, you tell me, and we stop.:

Alex looks hesitant, but Luke is determined

Luke says, "And when it comes time to open up, I'll go first. Because I don't run. And I don't scare easily. Your secrets are my secrets. Your demons my demons. And you'll never have to fight them alone. I promise you that."

Alex still looks torn and closes her eyes as she takes a deep breath

Luke says, "Please."

He holds out his hand to her, and after a long moment, Alex gets up

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