10. Letters

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3 days later

Klaus walks into Alex's room, she's sitting down on her bed writing a letter

Klaus says, "Who are you writing to?"

Alex says, "Beks, Mani, and Stefan."

Klaus says, "Aw. Having my mother spell it to them?"

Alex says, "Yes. Klaus do you need something."

Klaus says, "Alex. Come on."

Alex says, "Where are we going?"

Klaus says, "Does it matter? You're bored."

Alex says, "Wait I'm still writing go do something while I finished it."

He nods and walks out of her bedroom

Alex writes, "Dear Normani, Rebekah, and Stefan. Tell my babies how much I miss and love them I know you are it just hurts. Also, there's more Freya, you're sister is alive, and your aunt Dahila. She is coming for them be safe I love you. And Stefan protect them, okay I know stupid right don't trust anyone don't let anyone get to Qetsiyah and Henrik also your mother is alive Elijah said for now trust her but she brought back Ansel last week and he's here their staying with us I love you guys yours truly, Alex Gilbert"

She gets up and hides her letter in her pillow

Alex says, "Klaus!"

Klaus appears in her doorway he grabs her hand and says, "Ready?"

She nods and they go downstairs at vamp speed Klaus shows her where they're going

She stands in front of a college she turns and looks back at Klaus confused

Alex says, "Klaus?"

Klaus says, "Love. You need normal this is as good as it gets."

Alex says, "Klaus. When will I have the time we're constantly having threats your aunt is coming for our daughter and son."

Klaus says, "Remember when you told me, you wanted to be a doctor?"

Alex says, "Yes. I remember it was last year and I had time!"

Klaus says, "Come on, love take a chance."

Alex says, "Fine."

Alex and Klaus walk into the college she compelled the dean to let her in and she starts school on Monday

Alex says, "I don't know if it was right but I like it."

Klaus says, "See you're already embracing it."

Alex rolls her eyes and says, "Let's go shopping."

Klaus says, "You should have asked my mother she would have liked it."

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