16. Starting Now

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Esther says, "You want me to bring back Mikael? Are you crazy!"

Klaus and Alex say, "We need it to kill her."

Esther says, "But Klaus, what about him trying to kill you, Alex, and the babies?"

Klaus says, "We'll be fine, trust me I trust Alex."

it takes her a while to bring back Mikael

Mikael sees Freya and Esther only as Klaus and everyone thought it best for now

Mikael says, "Freya, my sweet Freya."

Esther says, "I've brought you back, Mikael."

Freya says, "I've missed you father."

He smiles at Freya then growls at Esther

Klaus walks in and asks for Mikael's help in getting Viking ash after 3 hours they find it and come home

Klaus, Freya, Normani, Alex, Elijah, and Mikael are talking about how they lost their only weapon

Mikael says, "Only priceless relics gotten with great difficulty at a museum. Lost due to your worthless strategy!"

Klaus angrily vamp-speeds over to Mikael, pinning him to the wall and shoving the tip of the indestructible white oak stake into his chest. Mikael doesn't move or fight back, he simply stares at Klaus as Freya lunges toward Klaus and is held back by Elijah and Normani

Freya says, "NO!"

Klaus says, "If I feel even the faintest touch of your magic, Freya, I will end him with a flick of my wrist!" Klaus addresses Mikael "You don't seem surprised."

Mikael gasps as the stake brushes against his heart

Mikael says, "Betrayal is in your nature, boy."

Klaus says, "No. I wasn't born like this. Her, you fight for, lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know. But there was a time when you knew me as your son! A time before all the disappointments, the revelations of betrayal."

Klaus' voice shakes, and tears begin to fill his eye

Klaus says, "There were moments where all you had to do was be my father! And even then, you despised me, didn't you?" He begins to cry "I want to know why."

Mikael, surprised by this vulnerability on Klaus' part, unexpectedly replies softly and without malice

Mikael says, " I don't know. I just... did. I always have."

Klaus is overwhelmed by this admission, and he and Mikael stare each other in the eyes for a long moment. Elijah and Normani are still holding Freya back, but all four of them seem surprised by this uncharacteristic vulnerability from Mikael. Finally, Klaus forces himself to stop crying and glares at Mikael hatefully

Klaus says, "Are those your final words?"

Normani says, letting go of Freya "Goodbye Mikael."

Mikael hesitates for a moment as he stares at Freya with affection

Mikael says, "Freya, I'm so sorry. I love yo-"

Klaus is so enraged by this tenderness toward Freya that he plunges the stake into Mikael's heart

Mikael says, "AHHHHHH!"

Freya says, "NOOOO!"

Elijah continues to hold Freya back, but he didn't seem happy to see Mikael killed. Klaus backs away, looking conflicted as he watches Mikael reach out for them before falling to his knees and keeling over. After his body has fully desiccated, it goes up in flames as Freya continues to sob uncontrollably


Klaus turns to Freya and feigns as though he's not upset

Klaus says, "Viking ashes indeed rare? All you really need is a burning Viking corpse."

Normani smiles at Klaus he smiles back

Klaus leaves the room without another word, and Elijah has to struggle to hold Freya back and keep her from attacking him as he leaves. Freya is completely devastated, Elijah stares at Klaus unhappily as he leaves, stunned and speechless as he takes one last look at Mikael's burning corpse

Normani says, "Let's go eat it's nine pm now I'm hungry and Freya stop crying for a man who Idk hunted down our siblings."

Elijah sighs and Freya holds onto him and lets it out


Normani walks in with Elijah, and Freya follows her

Normani says, "I have something to tell everyone. I'm moving."

Klaus says, "Where?"

Normani says, "There's this penthouse in new york."

Rebekah says, "You're leaving me..."

Normani says, "I'm sorry, Beks, but I have to leave I will after Dahila's dead."

Katherine says, "Well. Normani we should celebrate after Dahila dies."

Stefan says, "I will miss you."

Normani says, "I will miss you too. And I want you guys to promise me. No matter what happens you fight for each other and stick by each other."

They nod and promise her that

Kol says, "Normani's right I'm moving to after Dahila is defeated I'm going to Mystic Falls."

Everyone looks confused except for Klaus, Normani, Alex, Rebekah, and Elijah

Finn says, "Why brother?"

Kol says, "My girlfriend is there." he sees Finn's confusion "Bonnie, she lives there and I want to be with her."

everyone hugs Normani and Kol


Hope you enjoyed it. You'll have to wait till Friday for another chapter!

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