9. Every Mother's Son

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In the courtyard, Alex, Finn, Kol, Sage, Katherine, and Alaila are munching on an array of fruit and other breakfast food when Klaus comes down the stairs to join them

Alex says, "So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?"

Klaus says, confused "It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this..."

Alex says, "Hmm. Well, then, I guess we have Elijah to thank?"

Elijah returns to the compound and joins them in the courtyard, and looks confused when he hears their conversation and notices the breakfast spread in front of them

Elijah says, "This wasn't my doing..."

Esther walks into the compound and joins them in the courtyard

she says, "That was my doing I'm afraid."

Finn says, "Mother."

Esther says, "Hello my sweet. Sweet boy."

Klaus says, "Why are you here mother?"

Esther says, "To help you."

Klaus, Elijah, and Alex look confused

Esther says, "Aw. So I see you've fallen back into the pattern of doppelgangers?"

Klaus says, "This is Alex."

Alex rolls her eyes

Ansel walks into the compound and joins them in the courtyard

Klaus says, "Mother what did you do?"

Esther says, smiling "I brought your father back last week."

Sage says, "Hello Esther. I'm Finn's wife Sage."

Esther says, "I know who you are. And where are Rebekah, and Normani?"

Elijah says, "Gone. They travel for a bit."

Esther says, "Now where are your children Niklaus?"

Klaus says, "What?"

Esther says, "I've been watching from the other side which is why I'm back."

Klaus says, "what does this have to do with my children?"

Alex says, "Our children ass-Klaus."

Esther says, "My sister will be coming for them."

Klaus says, "Let me guess aunt Dahila?"

Esther says, "Yes. But before any of this happens I need to reveal... Freya's alive"

Finn says, "Freya! how?"

Esther says, "I fought Dahila for Freya Dahila overpowered me I threatened to get powerful and take Freya back. But she is a firstborn she's more powerful than I will ever be ."

Klaus says, "But how is she alive?"

Esther says, "Immortality Slumber Spell the witches' version of vampire except for no bloodlust"

Alex says, "Klaus... Your mother basically invented dark magic. And your aunt Dahila is more powerful than her we can't..."

Esther says, "I did not basically invent dark magic."

Elijah says, "Mother. You did you are the talk of witches."

Esther rolls her eyes and says, "I need my grimoire where is it?"

Elijah says, "I brought it with me, I shall show you the library", he turns to Klaus "Deal with your father." Klaus nods

Klaus says, "Ansel. You've been dead for a thousand years."

Ansel says, "Niklaus. Your mother forbade me from seeing you three. So, I waited, knowing that one day, you, your sister, and Henrik would trigger the curse and need your real father. When that happened, Mikael found me first. I fought him for you three."

Klaus says, "Yes, well, your grand declaration is just a few years too late. And bloody Henrik too."

Ansel says, "Now, you joke, but I know you've always felt a void in your life. I've watched you from beyond for centuries. You've traveled all corners of the world, seen monuments erected, feasted on the blood of history's most extraordinary men, but you've never found true peace."

Klaus says, "Ansel. I'd be lying if I said your offer wasn't appealing. I've never known a parent to be a benevolent force. I think I would have liked to have been your son. But, a different path was chosen for me, and I have, for the past one thousand years, been the son of Mikael. Paranoid. Vengeful. And, powerful enough to protect my daughter. And son"

Ansel says, "I want to help you defend her and him."

Klaus says, "I believe you. You waited too long before you came to rescue me and my sister."

Ansel smiles weakly


Hope you enjoyed it. You'll have to wait till Friday for another chapter!

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