18. Truths Revealed

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Alex walks into her bedroom she sees Klaus holding Henrik and walking into the room. Alex said, "Hi baby, Mommy missed you."

Klaus said, "He missed you too, love. And so did I." Alex smiles and said, "I missed you, too Klaus. Now let me hold my baby I missed him."

Klaus chuckles at her and hands her Henrik. Alex smiles at her baby. Alex and Klaus make eye contact with each other in silence. Elena walks in and said, "Hello, Klaus. Alex."

Alex looks to her twin sister and said, "Lena, I missed you. Sorry, I'm just surprised your here." Klaus said, "I called her for you."

Alex smiles and Elena comes to her and grabs her nephew. Elena smiles and said, "Where's your husband?" Alex doesn't say anything.

Elena looks at her sister. Alex said, "I don't know, honestly. He left and I don't care. It's not my responsibility to treat him like a child I have 2 already."

Klaus smirks at her comment.. Rebekah comes into the room and said, "Luke downstairs." She nods and leaves to go downstairs. Rebekah follows.

Luke said, "Alex." Alex said, "What, Luke?" Luke said, "You don't have anything to say about the fact you slept with Klaus." Alex said, "No, because you don't get to storm off the bayou when your mad and 2 It happened before we got married." 

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