11. News Flash

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Alex wakes up she feels an arm around her she smiles then gets confused she sits up and sighs when it's Damon she gets up and puts her clothes on Damon wakes up

Alex says, "Last night was a mistake, Damon."

Damon says, "Let's keep making mistakes."

Alex says, "We can't I have to leave and last night was a mistake."

Alex grabs her phone and keys and vamp speeds downstairs she walks out of the house

Alex's phone rings when she's in the car she answers it

Alex says, "Yes, Elijah?"

Elijah says, "Where are you?"

Alex says, "On my way back home why?"

Elijah says, "Just asking."

Alex says, "Ok. byee."

Alex hangs up and drives back to New Orleans

after 2 hours she arrives in New Orleans it takes her 20 minutes to get to the compound

Alex walks into the foyer everyone's eating then everyone looks at her

Alaila says, "So Alex, let's go to your room shall we?"

Alex says, "Umm, ok..."

they go to Alex's room

Alaila says, "Girl, you slept with Damon Salvatore?"

Alex says, "What. How did you um know?

Alaila says, "One you smell like him, two vampires give off this smell when they have sex, three you came home at 10 without your duffel bag you took."

Alex says, "Shit, I forgot it."

Alaila says, "You're not the one-night stand girl my brother happens to be the exception but we haven't talked about that have we?"

Alex says, "We cannot talk about this here!"

Alaila nods and whispers "Go change this morning we got a graceful visit from aunt Dahila's minion and Qetsiyah and Henrik are back."

Alex's eyes widen and she gets in the shower Alaila walks out of the bedroom and goes downstairs

Alex gets out of the shower 10 minutes later

She puts on a robe and picks out a white t-shirt and leggings she put them on and walks downstairs

she sees Klaus holding Henrik and Normani holding Qetsiyah

Alex grabs Henrik and has him she smiles at Normani holding Qetsiyah

Normani says, "Alex come on."

Alex nods and they go to her room

Normani laughs and says, "Looks like Henrik is getting sleepy. Here hold Qetsiyah I'll take him to his crib."

Alex nods and grabs Qetsiyah Normani leaves the room

Ten at night

Klaus stands in the doorway

Klaus says, "Alex!"

Alex says, from the bathroom "Yes, Klaus?"

Alex sighs knowing its lousy news

He walks into the bathroom while she is taking a bath

Alex stands up not at all concerned about Klaus seeing her naked, bubble-covered body. Klaus, amused, reaches for a towel and hands it to Alex she wraps it around her then they go to her bedroom and she puts on a robe.

Klaus says, "You slept with Damon?"

Alex says, "Yeah, I did Klaus what about it?"

Klaus says, "Why did you sleep with Damon?"

Alex says, "Because he was there. And I don't know. But it felt right at the moment but...I don't how I feel about it now."

Klaus says, "Do you like him?"

Alex says, "No."

Klaus says, "Well. You're not the one-night stand girl. So?"

Alex says, "But things have changed Klaus..."

Klaus says, "And what are you going to do now?"

Alex sighs

They lean in and they're about to kiss

Normani walks into the room and says, awkwardly "Uh. Sorry, I left my phone."

Alex backs away from Klaus

Alex says, "It's fine. We were just talking."

Normani says, "Okay." she finds her phone "I'm going. I found my phone."

Normani walks out of the bedroom

Alex says, "You should go. I'm going to sleep."

Klaus says, "Ok, I'll talk to you in the morning."

Alex and Klaus hear the twins crying they go to the babies nursery

Alex grabs Qetsiyah and Klaus grabs Henrik

Alex changes Qetsiyah's diaper

Klaus is walking out of the room with Henrik to make a bottle for Henrik

Alex rocks Qetsiyah to sleep

Klaus comes back upstairs with a hungry Henrik in his arms

Klaus sits down and feeds Henrik

Qetsiyah soon falls asleep so Alex puts her in her crib

Alex watches Klaus with Henrik and smiles

She loves this side of him

Henrik soon is done with his bottle and is burped then falls asleep

Klaus puts Henrik in his crib Alex gets up and they both look at their children; Qetsiyah and Henrik

Alex smiles and says, "We should get some sleep, goodnight Klaus."

Klaus says, "Goodnight, love." he smiles "See you in the morning."

Alex nods they leave the nursery and she goes to put on PJs and Klaus walks out of the room


Hope you enjoyed it. You'll have to wait till Friday for another chapter!

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