time and war

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Time went on, and luigi had grown up even more, but he was worried that he had grown up a little bit too fast. luigi looked at bowser he was covered with stitches after the war we had with the mushroom kingdom

○ the war back then●

It started like any simple day luigi was making breakfast and bowser was sitting on his chair reading the newspaper and athena and jr were playing on the couch Jr didn't let athena fall off the couch but something felt off about this day luigi finished making pancakes for this kids and for bowser luigi went to the mushroom kingdom to go to the grocery store no one had saw him but there where soldiers around doing something that looked off but luigi didn't care then one of the guards said *

when are we gonna blow it up said one of the toads

in about 3 hours, said another toad

* luigi hurried to get stuff from the grocery store he was worried that they were about to start a war, and luigi had a terrible gut feeling about this. luigi was running to the kingdom, and the guards looked worried*

SIR LUIGI IS SOMETHING WRONG. It said one of the guards

You need to evaluate everyone in the Koopa kingdom to the underground shelters said luigi

Why said one of the koopa soldiers

Because I overheard that they're gonna start a war with us and something about blowing up said luigi

* The koopa soldiers were worried and decided to listen to luigi. the sirens started to ring for people to get underground bowser didn't understand what was happening*

honey wants going on said bowser

the mushroom kingdom is gonna start a war with us said luigi

* bowser thought for a second, but he knew it would be true because of mario and Peach. He looked scared, but still, he grabbed the kids and luigi down to the underground bunker. kamek and other people who were evacuated to the location where there and the underground shelter were able to shelter you from anything. Everyone went down there, and people were scared and moving around *


* Explosions were heard more were coming. hours went by. they kept hearing more and more after about 1 day luigi decided to look  and luigi was about to open the door wide open luigi saw blue shoes knowing that it was mario they were about to open the door to the underground but luigi locked it quickly. they started to shoot. They shot luigi in the arm, and he said, "


* Every one was now running to the other tunnels everyone was getting away. luigi was separated from bowser, athena, and jr. luigi was crying, hoping they would be alright and luigi would get his revenge for what mario did. months went by. luigi knew what he was gonna do. he went into the mushroom kingdom, and luigi went into the castle and saw mario in his room with peach. they where asleep he murdered his own brother there was now blood on his hands he did it for revenge on what happened peach was still asleep as luigi went to the baby room he kissed her on the forehead and left luigi meet back with bowser and told him what he did bowser looked terrified but still this is what had to happen for the pain he caused to Jr right eye was gone and he only had one left because of the explosion that day and the guns luigi was making himself some new weapons and galaxy was still ok jr had protected her with all his life bowser had scars and cuts everywhere on his body his shell was broken and luigi was fine but he didn't stop at hurting the mushroom kingdom. The other kingdom didn't help the Koopa kingdom or the mushroom kingdom they didn't care about that, but if the Koopa kingdom ever goes to any of there kingdoms It would mean war. the next day mario was found murdered next to peach, peach was crying and toads went to see what had happened mario was covered in blood and then peach remembered the baby she ran as fast as she could and she saw the baby was alright and breathing she was angry *


* she kept throwing boombas at the koopa kingdom, and we kept throwing them back at her kingdom *

Word count: 758

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