the mind intruder

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*luigi and bowser were done doing there intimate encounter they both took a shower together after they were both finished and started to get some sleep a rain storm started to appear it started to get more and more louder luigi woke up looking around the room. bowser was sleeping next to him but there was something else there that he didn't know what to do about it luigi decided to get up and investigate he looked around but found nothing, he was about to go back to his room his head felt heavy and he felt really tired luigi started to tense up more and more luigi screamed out in pain, bowser woke up from him screaming bowser opened the door he saw luigi holding onto the side of the wall bowser grabbed luigi and took him to bed he kept hurting bowser. bowser Decided to give luigi some pils to make everything feel better luigi passed out because of his head not because of the pils bowser had given him but luigi was in his mind he bumped into someone he had never seen before he looked just like luigi but luigi didn't know what kinda version was this then he spoke *

Hello there? said stranger

Hello, what kinda version are you? said luigi

I'm a bad version of you, an evil version where I hurt people, said strangers

What!? what is your name said, luigi

My name is MR. L~

Oh, I see. Well, why are you in my dream said luigi

Well, because I have to be I'm you from another alturanet dementation said Mr. L

(I don't know if that is spelled right)

You beat me and mario to either way what happened to mario said Mr. L

Well, I umm said luigi

What? Said Mr L

I murdered him, said luigi

Wow, you're gonna become like me said Mr. L

No, i'm not. i have bowser and the Koopalings and the other kids. Why would I become like you? A killing machine said luigi

Wow so you dated bowser and fucked him to have children now I couldn't even imagine me doing something like that I mean just look at me and look at you your the cute one here i look like a criminal but this Wow you fucked a big lizard~ said mr. L


*Mr. L just laughed evilly as he floated in the air.

Word count: 418

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