Chapter 1 - 'What's Going to Happen Next?'

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Katianne's POV

Walking down the stairs, looking at the walls that I lived within for most of my life, the roof I lived under, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness rush through my veins; even if I never felt at home here, it is where I grew up, and that'll never change.

Finally arriving at the ground floor, I walked with Harry to the empty living room, seeing aunt Petunia standing there alone, a frown painted on her face; though it wasn't like her usual frowns, this one actually seemed sad.

My twin and I peeked over the wall that divided the living room and the entrance, standing at the doorway as we looked at our aunt. "I have lived in this house for twenty years. And now in a single night I'm expected to leave." She uttered out, breaking the awkward quietude.

With her words, even if I did hate her for most of my life, I felt deeply sorry for her. "They'll torture you." Harry spoke up. "If they think for a moment you know where we're going, they'll stop at nothing." It was silent again.

Petunia glanced over to us. "Do you think I don't know what they're capable of?" She asked rhetorically. "You didn't just lose a mother that night at Godric's Hollow, you know? I lost a sister." Staring at her wide-eyed, my heart ached at her quiet words; they were near silent, but the strong emotions it held gave it volume.

We could hear the car start outside, leading to aunt Petunia walking out of the room. We followed her outside seconds later.

"This isn't just goodbye, is it?" Vernon quizzed, aunt Petunia getting into the car. "This is farewell." We nodded, not muttering a single word. "I don't understand- aren't they coming with us?" Dudley questioned, looking over to his dad. "Who?" Vernon quizzed. "Harry and Katianne." He responded.

"Absolutely not." Our so-called uncle replied, opening the car door. "Why?" Dudley then asked. "Wh- why? W- w- w- well be- bec- because they don't want to, do you?" Vernon stuttered. "Absolutely not." I answered loudly. "Besides, we are just wastes of space, isn't that right Vernon?" Harry sarcastically asked.

"C'mon Dudley, we're off." He said, going to get into the vehicle; though what our cousin did was shut the car door, walking towards us. He reached a hand out, and Harry took it. "I- I don't think you two are wastes of space." Dudley declared, shaking hands with the raven haired boy. They both let go, which led to him shaking my hand as well; offering the both of us a small smile.

"Thanks." Harry mumbled, a glint of shock in his green eyes. Finally, Dudley let go of my hand, turning around and walking back to the car. And with one last wave, he got in as they drove away.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the despair that washed over Harry. I mean, who would've thought? The three people we wished most to get out of our lives... actually left; and somehow the sadness is still unbearable.

I could see one stray tear fall from Harry's cheek, rolling down and dripping off. Immediately, I wrapped my arms around him, while he dramatically turned around; engulfing me in a tight hug. I could feel the silent tears he tried to hide drip onto my shirt as his face dug deeper into my shoulder; I soothingly played with his dark hair, stopping myself from crying as well.

And while my brother sobbed into my shoulder, me looking into the distance of the bright blue sky, seeing the funny shaped clouds and glowing sun, I wondered about what was going to happen to us; not just Harry and I... everyone.

Would we all survive?

Who would be left behind?

Would we win?

Would we lose?

What would happen if we won?

What would happen if we lost?

Would Harry survive?

Would Elliot?

Would I?

But most importantly, what's going to happen next?

674 words

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