Chapter 10 - Snatchers

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TW: Very slight mentions of death

Ron's POV

We ran and we ran, as fast as we could. "I think we should split up." Katianne yelled out as I stared at her wide eyed. "Why would we do that!?" I screeched, glancing behind to locate the snatchers still chasing after us. "It would be harder to find us if we're going two different ways." The blonde girl explained, sounding irritatingly calm.

"The last time I checked there's two of them!" I yelled back, feeling my legs getting sour from how long we had run. "Just trust me." Katianne breathed out, and I nodded, as she went her own way and I did too.

Looking behind once again, I saw only one snatcher following me since the other went to follow the Potter girl. I took a right turn and saw an empty pub with dim lights. Turning my head once again, I couldn't see the snatcher. Quickly, I ran into the abandoned pub, hiding behind a wall, seeing the snatcher run past before I finally came out from hiding.

I took a second to catch my breath, my face hot and red from how tired I was. Finally, I straightened up, unsure on what to do next.

Time skip

Days have passed. I tried looking for Katianne every one of those days, and each time I couldn't find her. I've been laying low, sleeping at this pub, keeping away from the snatchers; hoping for the best.

"Merry Christmas to me." I muttered to myself, my eyes droopy, my voice raspy. Though, my face lit up every so slightly when I heard a quiet mutter. I looked around, eventually grabbing the deluminator, figuring out that the familiar voice came out of it.

Listening closer, I realised that this familiar voice belonged to Hermione, and her mutters were my name; just my name, so quiet that they were practically just a whisper. I clicked it, and a tiny ball of light appeared. I stood, staring at it with wide eyes. It started floating towards me, closer and closer, and then straight through my chest.

And then, I disapperated.

Time skip

Elliot's POV

"-Waiting for one of you to show yourself... and you did." I could hear a familiar distant voice say. My eyes fluttered open. I sat up, wrapping a large scarf around my shoulders to warm myself up from the chilly weather.

I walked outside, seeing both Harry and Hermione there... as well as Ron. Looking around, I tried finding Katia, but she wasn't there. "Where's Katianne?" I croaked out, all of their heads turning to me as worry immediately filled my veins.

"Yeah, where is she?" The Potter boy then quizzed, me snapping my head to him. "You didn't ask before?" I questioned as all I got in response was silence. I felt anger replace that worry, my blood boiling, my head hazy with red. "Where is she?" I asked again, my voice louder, glaring straight at the redhead.

"I- I don't know." He muttered as that anger within me only grew. I marched towards him, using all of my strength to keep myself from hurting him. "What do you mean you don't know? How can you not know!?" I shouted out, his face laced with fear.

"Okay, calm down." I could hear Harry say from behind me, leading to me immediately turning around to look at him. "I'm not going to calm down! You should start worrying a bit. This is your sister we're talking about!" I shrieked, pointing at the raven haired boy.

"This is the person that comforted you when you were crying last year!" I continued saying, shifting my gaze to Hermione. "The person who went out of her way to protect you!" I glanced back at the Weasley boy.

"And none of you care apparently! You're all so caught up on finding these bloody horcruxes that you forgot about your friend- your sister- my best friend! She could be dead for all we know. What is wrong with all of you?"

I finally felt the sadness catch up with me as those last few words spilt out. Tears sprung into my blue eyes, the snowy setting becoming blurry. Through the fogginess, I could see Hermione's figure walk up to me, tightly wrapping her thin arms around me as I felt those tears spill out one by one.

"It's okay, we'll find her." She murmured into my shoulder as I cried with no remorse.

742 words

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