Chapter 4 - Wedding

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A/n: Hello my readers, I will be posting quite a lot this week (and possibly next week) because with my just incredible luck, I got sick four days into the holiday (ik ik i'm such a lucky human being). Either way, im going to b writing quite a lot, so expect a lot of chapters within the next few days. And dat is all, ENJOYYYUYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

TW: Mentions of fire and very slight mentions of death

No one's POV

Katianne was alone on the sides, looking around at the dancing people as music filled her ears. She did wear a dress, a simple red one, but covered up the top with the same jacket she wore the day she moved. It was Bill and Fleur's wedding, and- well, what is a person meant to do at a wedding anyway? So the brunette girl just stood around, holding a drink as she watched everyone.

Eventually, Elliot arrived, nudging her side to catch her attention. "Why do you look like you're about to fall asleep?" He jokingly asked, smiling at the lonely girl. "Because I've never been to a wedding before and I have no idea what I'm meant to do." She explained, her lips curving up ever so slightly at the sight of her best friend.

"Well- you can try socialising." El suggested, chuckling slightly at Katianne's wide eyes. "Absolutely not. You of all people should know that's the last thing I would do." The blue eyed girl expounded. "Hmm, then how 'bout we dance. There's music after all." The blonde boy proposed, though Katianne was still unsure.

"But there's a lot of people." The brunette whispered, scanning the room with nervous eyes. "Exactly why you shouldn't worry. No one would be paying attention to us. We'll just be two kids dancing around at a wedding- no one would notice us." El stated as Katia finally agreed.

She set her drink down as they sped to the middle; El putting a hand on her waist while Katia put hers on his shoulder, the other two hands holding each others. They started dancing to the funky music, slowly at first, but eventually they started skipping to the beat, jumping side to side; bright smiles inching up their faces, joyous laughs emerging.

The music suddenly stopped, the lights dimming and dying; and eventually, a glowing blue orb flashed over to the middle of the place, people backing up and gasping from shock. Everyone surrounded it as they shared worried glances and whispers.

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead." The orb spoke in a deep voice. "They are coming.. they are coming." Their voice lowered as it became barely above a whisper, a warning tone dripping off of it; then- it vanished.

People started running around in fear, yelping and screeching at each other, trying to get out of the place as soon as possible. Black fogs flew over, crashing the tent as fire started burning. The fogs faded into people as they started shooting spells at everyone.

Elliot and Katianne started looking for the trio, their hearts beating fast, their breaths heavy. They refused to let go of each other's hands, because if something happens, if one of them gets hurt- or worse- at least they have each other by their side when fate hits them.

They bumped into people on the way, everyone pushing and shoving each other. Eventually, they found Hermione and Ron, holding each other as they watched their surroundings fall apart. Harry then ran up to them, all of them apparating away together.

Katianne's POV

The five of us landed in the middle of a road, a red double decker bus speeding towards us. We all dashed over to the side; our eyes wide, our mouths gaping open. We then started walking through the crowded sidewalks, passing the busy people as we followed Hermione.

I still haven't let go of El's hand, and he hasn't let go of mine; instead, we held on tighter, refusing to separate. "Where are we?" Ron shrieked in a low voice. "Shaftesbury Avenue. I used to come here to the theatre with my mum and dad. Dunno why I thought of it, just popped into my head- this way." Hermione explained.

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