Chapter 13 - Malfoy Manor Pt. 2

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TW: Swearing and slight mentions of alcohol

Katianne's POV

"What's that?" Bellatrix quizzed, her voice wispy and high-pitched, looking at the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. "Where'd you get that from?"

"It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now." Right after the snatcher said that, Bellatrix shot a spell at him, leading to him falling off the railing as the sword flew into her hand.

With a swish of her wand, a lasso shot out of it, going around a snatcher's neck. "Are you mad?" Scabior yelled out, leading to a rope going on his neck as well, the curly haired witch dragging him across the room with it.

"Go! GO!" Bellatrix screeched, the two snatchers limping away. "Cissy- put the boys in the cellar! I need to have a conversation with this one.. girl to girl!" The Malfoy woman dragged both Ron and Harry over to Peter Pettigrew, while I went to get El.

The rat-like man threw the two boys into the cellar, while I just pushed the blonde boy in- I mean c'mon, I'm not going to just throw my best friend like that. "You watch them." Pettigrew ordered while I used all my strength to stop myself from punching him.

"What are we going to do- we can't leave Hermione alone with her." Ron whispered to Harry, giving me subtle glances. "Ron? Harry?" I then heard a familiar high-pitched voice call out. "Luna?" Harry then said after getting a closer look of the girl.

From behind the pillars, a goblin and the wand-maker walked out, though before a conversation could start, a loud scream was heard from upstairs.

As the group of five started talking, I got really close to the door, quietly saying, "Psst- El.. Elliot." I could see the blonde boy snapping his head to me, both confusion and anger masked on his face. "What do you want?" He spat out, glaring at me.

"It's me.. Katianne." I then said, while his eyes widened, but he still looked sceptical. "I don't believe you." He then said, while I rolled my eyes. "Why the f*ck would I lie about that?" I then asked. "I don't know... to get me to trust you. Tell- tell me something only Katianne would know."

I sighed in annoyance, saying, "You're gay." El furrowed his eyebrows, then muttering out, "Well- tell me something else." I death-stared the Diggory boy at the pure stupidness of this. "I first met you when we were eleven, I dated your brother, Cedric, when we were fourteen, and you planned about.. six weddings just to make sure we would at least like one of them..." I started listing out.

"...You promised me to never leave you after Dean Thomas asked to get back together with you and you rejected him, first time we drank alcohol was when we were thirteen after I snuck into some seventh years' dorm and found fire whisky, and you still sleep with the cat doll I stitched for you for your twelfth birthday- need more information?"

Finally, Elliot believed me, running up to me. "Wait, it's actually you?" He asked. "No, I'm your neighbour's dog." I sarcastically remarked. Another scream was heard, and suddenly I remembered something. "Harry- the mirror!" I stated, pointing at the Potter boy. "How do you-" He started saying, looking both surprised and confused.

"Long story, but I'm Katianne- just hurry up, you big idiot." I replied as he kneeled down, getting the broken piece of mirror out of his sock.

"You're bleeding Harry. That's a curious thing to keep in your sock." Luna said.

The raven haired boy went to stand in a corner, holding the piece of glass really close to his face, whispering, "Albus." But before he could say anything else, Pettigrew started coming downstairs.

"Let her go!" Ron hissed as the rat-like man pointed his wand at the redhead. "Shut up- get back." Pettigrew then spat out. "You- goblin- come with me." He then ordered, leading to Griphook walking over to the man as they both went upstairs again.

Ron used his little lighter thing to make the room have light, and all of a sudden, Dobby appeared.

"Dobby?" Harry called out in a questioning tone. "What are you doing here?"

"Dobby came to rescue Harry Potter, of course. Dobby will always be there for the Potter's." The elf explained.

"Are you saying you can apparate in and out of this room? Could you take us with you?" The raven haired boy interviewed.

"Well of course, sir, I'm an elf." Dobby replied matter-of-factly.

"Works for me." The redhead boy then stated.

"Alright, Dobby, I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivander to-" My twin started saying, before Ron cut him off.

"Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth- trust me."

"Whenever you're ready, sir." The blonde ravenclaw declared.

"Sir? I like her very much." The elf joked.

Quickly, Dobby went to hold hands with Ollivander and Luna, saying, "Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten seconds." Then the three of them vanished.

"Go! Hide behind the walls." I ordered as I saw Pettigrew coming downstairs again, Ron taking the light away from the lamp.

"Where are they?" The man asked, using a spell to open the cellar door; though instead of answering, I just punched him in the face as he fell to the ground. "I've been waiting to do that."

El, Harry and Ron slowly walked out from behind the walls, skipping over the unconscious man, locating Dobby at the top of the stairs. "Who gets his wand?"

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