Chapter 9 - Running Away

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A/n: Sorry today's chapter is short. But don't worry, there will be a lot of exciting things happening after. Anyways, enjoyyyyy!!!!

Katianne's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open from the distant conversation from who I guess are Hermione and Harry. I sat up groggily, noticing Ron sitting silently in the dark, what seemed to be anger masking his face.

I couldn't quite hear what my brother and Hermione were talking about since my mind was still hazy from just waking up, but something they said probably ticked Ron off, leading to him finally getting up, stomping over to the pair.

I shook Elliot awake, knowing that whatever was about to happen could not be good. "What do you want?" He asked, his voice raspy, as he turned away from me. "I think Ron is finally going to leave." I muttered out, El's eyes finally snapping open as he sat up. "What?" He quizzed.

"Ron has been telling me that he was going to leave at some point. He said that his two best friends aren't even talking to him- and that he's thankful that we have been noticing him and stuff, but he can't stand watching Harry and Hermione being so close while he- y'know... fancies her." I explained, whispering the last part.

"Well, he can't go alone." El stated, worriedly looking over to the redhead boy. "Yea, I've been thinking about that." I started saying again. "I think I should go with him." El looked at me confused. "Why can't you stay here? With your brother. I could go with him." The brunette boy offered. "When was the last time you talked to him alone?" I questioned; he took a moment to think about it, then shrugged in agreement.

"Please take care of them- especially Harry. He might just get himself killed without someone keeping him in check." I requested, El nodding as he immediately wrapped his arms around me. "And you don't get yourself killed either, please." The Hufflepuff boy muttered into my shoulder. "Of course. We're growing old together, remember?"

Finally, we pulled away, standing up to go over to the trio.

"Do you know why I listen to that radio every night, do you? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name, or Fred, or George or Mum or-" Ron started yelling, though the raven haired boy cut him off. "You think I'm not listening too!? You think I don't know how this feels!?" Harry loudly retorted.

"NO YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS! Your parents are dead! And your only other family is here, with us; yet you somehow manage to ignore her all the time too!" Ron shouted at him, pointing at me. Harry lunged at him, them pushing and shoving each other harshly.

"Stop! Stop!" Hermione shrieked, trying to break apart the two boys. "Fine, then go! Go then!" Harry shouted out. Ron roughly pulled the locket off of his neck, throwing it to the floor, going to grab his bag, but then he said, "And you? Are you coming or are you staying?" staring straight at the frizzy haired brunette. Though she only stayed silent.

"Fine, how about you two?" He asked again, looking straight towards El and I. I took a deep breath, giving my best friend one last look, then grabbing my jacket and going over to Ron. The redhead walked out of the tent first, but before I could leave as well, Harry stopped me, gripping tightly onto my arm. "Why are you going with him?" He asked, his anger morphing into confusion.

"I'm only going to keep him safe. I know you're angry at him now, but you're still best friends." I murmured. Harry only nodded, but right when I opened the tent again, about to leave with the Weasley boy, Harry swiftly turned me around and tightly wrapped his arms around me. "Please don't die." He said, digging his face into my shoulder. "I won't, don't worry." I reassured him, rubbing his back soothingly.

And then I left, walking away with the redhead.

655 words

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