Chapter 14 - RIP Dobby

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TW: Mentions of daggers, slight swearing and death

Katianne's POV

I could see Harry and Ron slowly creeping up the stairs, and right as El was about to follow them, I gripped tightly onto his arm to stop him from going.

"Wait, don't go." I managed to slip out, the blonde boy looking at me confused. "We need to help them." El whispered to me, but I only shook my head. "I spent the past few weeks wondering whether or not you were still alive, I- I can't let you go.. not yet at least." I explained, looking up at the younger Diggory boy.

I could see tears glaze on top of his blue eyes as he tightly wrapped his arms around me, while I returned the hug. During our embrace, I could hear distant spells being yelled out, sounds of magic being used.

As we both pulled away, I could see El inspecting my face. "What?" I quizzed. "You.. you look like you again." He responded while I used one of my hands to pull at my hair, seeing that it's back to being blonde.

"Stop!" A female voice shouted out, leading to both El and I to quietly walk up the stairs, hiding behind the walls as we looked at the scene. Bellatrix pulled Hermione back by her hair as the woman held a dagger at the Granger girls' neck.

"Drop your wands. I said drop 'em!" The Lestrange woman then ordered. The boys did as they were told. "Pick them up, Draco. Now! Well, well, well, look what we have here. It's Harry Potter. He's all bright, shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord... call him- call him!"

Lucius Malfoy walked out from behind, lifting up his sleeve to reveal his dark mark as he called for You-know-who with it; though before he could start with the process, a creaking noise was heard from above. Looking up, I saw Dobby on the chandelier, a smirk plastered on my face as I knew what was about to happen.

The chandelier came crashing down, Bellatrix letting go of Hermione, the brunette girl falling forwards when the curly haired woman fell back, a screech escaping her throat; Ron catching the Granger girl.

Harry ran up to Draco, grabbing the wands from him; then El and I ran out from hiding. While the blonde boy went to get the Goblin, I went up to the Malfoy boy. Without a second thought, I pulled him down by the neck, our lips meeting once again.

"I love you, Anne." The blonde Slytherin muttered out as we pulled away. My eyes widened at the name. Only Cedric ever called me that- no one else.

With a sudden jolt of adrenaline, I said, "I love you too. I always have, always will."

Even with everything that was going on, a small smile spread on his face, as I mirrored his expression.

"I have to go now." I stated, and he didn't say anything back- he just let me go; because he knew we would be reunited again.

"Stupefy!" I yelled out, the Malfoy man flying backwards as all of us were together again. "Stupid elf! You could've killed me!" The Lestrange woman screamed out. "Dobby never meant to kill- Dobby only meant to maim, or.. seriously injure." The elf explained.

Narcissa swished her wand, about to shoot a spell at us, but with a snap of Dobby's fingers, the wand flew out of her hand and into his. "How dare you take a witches wand!? How dare you defy your masters!?" Bellatrix yelled out again.

"Dobby has no master- Dobby is a free elf! And Dobby has come to save the Potter's and his friends!"

We all held hands with Dobby, and I saw the Malfoy woman glance at me one last time before looking away. Though, right before we vanished, I could see Bellatrix throwing her dagger at us.

Time skip

We all landed on the beach, me cringing at the feel of the sand. I pushed myself off of the ground, panting from the recent events.

"Hermione- you're alright. We're safe- we're all safe." I could hear Harry say in the distance, but his words were all blurred as I saw the elf I've known since I was twelve standing alone with a knife sticking out of his chest.

"Harry- Harry!" I shouted out, the raven haired boy snapping his head to look at me, then shifting his eyes to locate Dobby.

I ran up to the elf, holding his small figure as I took the dagger out of him. Harry immediately got to his side too, looking down at him in despair. "D- Dobby." I choked out. "H- hold on."

"It's okay, it's all okay. Just h- hold on, okay? We're going to fix you." Harry stated, but it seemed more like he was trying to convince himself rather than the elf. "I- uhm- Hermione- Hermione!" I called out, remembering the time Ron got splinched, and how Hermione was able to save him.

I could see Harry's face light up with hope, looking over to the brunette girl as well. "Hermione- Hermione'll have something in her bag... Hermione!" The Potter boy spoke, almost as if he was begging. I could hear the desperation in his voice- I could hear how helpless and vulnerable he was. I could hear the shakiness, like he was about to cry- but that glint of hope in his eyes was stopping him.

"C'mon- Hermione! Help me!" He yelled out again, his green eyes glossy.

"Such a beautiful place... to be with friends." I could hear the wispy, weak voice of Dobby say. "Dobby is happy to be with his friends. Harry and Katianne Potter."

I held Dobby close to my chest, harshly biting onto my lip to stop it from quivering. The little puffs of air stopped, and I knew Dobby had died. His smile faltered, his eyes stopped blinking. He just stared into the distance of darkness as he was finally at peace.

I could see the tears that rolled down Harry's face, the hope finally vanishing as only distress filled his head. Luna and El kneeled down next to us, the blonde boy putting an arm around me as I used all my strength to hold back the tears that desperately wanted to come out.

"We should close his eyes- don't you think?" The Lovegood girl suggested. Noticing that Harry was unresponsive, she glanced over to me- and I nodded. She shut the elf's eyes, saying, "There, now he could be sleeping."

I liked the thought of that, him just in a peaceful slumber instead of being in agony while the cruel being we know as death corrupted him.

I heard the sea crashing onto the sandy shore, seagulls chirping in the distance. Finally, the raven haired boy spoke up, "I want to bury him- properly- without magic." And we did.

After we finished, I stared down at the make-shift tombstone. Now, more than ever, I wanted to defeat them. I wanted to see Bellatrix Lestrange, the woman who took my godfather from me, the woman who took one of the beings that I considered family away from me- I wanted to see this b*tch get crushed and crumpled as she begged for mercy.

I wanted to hear her last whimpers and cries, her last screams of help, as the light finally left her eyes with a long awaited death after the hours of torture and torment.

I wanted to show her what she made me feel, I wanted her to feel the pain she has caused me, suffer like how I have.

And no one will stop me.

1281 words

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