Chapter 12 - Malfoy Manor

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^^That's how Katianne looks like with the polyjuice potion

TW: Slight swearing

Draco's POV

I walked into my house- spring break just started- and I saw a girl that I don't recognise, setting up the table.

She had frizzy brunette hair and dark grey eyes. Her nose was tall and pointed, her cheeks defined, with plumped red lips.

"Who's that?" I asked my mother, who sat on one of the large leather couches. "Oh, it's the new maid I recruited, Jennifer Anderson. You know how hard it was taking care of the house without Dobby around." The woman explained.

Though I was still sceptical about her. Why, all of a sudden, after almost five years, does my mother suddenly find a maid? Something just doesn't add up.

Plus, when I looked at her, I did not recognise her at all. But there was something about her movements, like how she walks- her back slightly hunched, and her steps slow- and how she grabs things- slenderly and gentle. She looked like a stranger, but somehow I knew her.

"Dinner's ready." This 'Jennifer' spoke- and her voice, it sounded so familiar. So soft and calm, so light and wispy. Somehow, I knew this mystery girl.

Time skip

I walked across the dark and cold halls of the Manor. As I passed one of the guest rooms, I heard an angelic melody, coming from the voice of the maid. There's just something about her voice. It sounded so much like- like... Katiannes'.

And the lullaby Jennifer sang, it was the same one Katianne sang me last year, after she found out that I've been mending the vanishing cabinet since I became a death eater; I would lay on one of the couches in the room of requirement while she plays with my hair. Or after my duel with Potter in the bathroom, and I stayed at the hospital wing- she sang me to sleep every night I was there.

Looking through the creak of the door, I didn't see the same frizzy haired brunette as before. She had wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her nose was blunt and thin, her face round, with her lips pink and shaped like a heart.

It was Katianne.

My shock and curiosity overcame me as I bursted into the room, harshly pushing the door open. The Potter girl's blue eyes widened in surprise. "What are you doing here!?" I asked loudly, staring at her with my eyebrows raised. "Shhh!" She hissed, quickly going to quietly shut the door.

"What are you doing here?" I then repeated, whispering this time. "I- uhm- well it's a long story. I got caught by a snatcher, and he brought me here. Thank Merlin your mother helped me- or.. or I might even be here right now."

I wanted to be mad, I really did. Mad at how she's been here the whole time and didn't think to tell me. Mad that she didn't stop me when I walked away with the death eaters. I wanted to be mad at her- but I couldn't, something within me was stopping me.

So instead I engulfed her into a long-awaited hug. I breathed in her scent, the smell of sunflowers and hot chocolate, while the hint of smokiness faded as it didn't really seem like it's there.

"I missed you. I missed you so much." I muttered into her shoulder. "I know, I know." She whispered back, soothingly patting my back.

And then, we just stood there in silence, both in each other's hold; though the peaceful warmth was interrupted when I heard a call for me downstairs. Katia took a quick swig of this drink that couldn't be anything but the polyjuice potion, turning back into the brunette and grey eyed pointed face girl as the both of us went downstairs.

Katianne's POV

We both went down the stairs, and the first thing I saw was Bellatrix Lestrange holding my brother, his face was all swollen up; pulling him back by his raven hair.

Then, scanning my eyes across the room, I could see a snatcher holding both Ron and Hermione, and another holding El, while both of Draco's parents- as well as many other snatchers- stood still.

"Well-" The curly haired woman hissed, looking straight up at Draco. There was a moment of silence before the blonde boy spoke up, saying, "I can't be sure."

Immediately after he said that, his piece of sh*t father strided towards him, gripping harshly onto the back of his neck. "Draco.." He whispered. "Look closely, son. If we were the ones who hand at least one of the Potter's over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven- it will all be as it was, you understand?"

"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr. Malfoy." A snatcher I recognise as Scabior retorted. "You dare talk to me like that in my own house!" The older Malfoy yelled out, leading to his wife marching over to him to calm him down. She then pulled him away.

"Don't be shy, sweetie, come over." Bellatrix provoked, pulling the blonde Slytheirn closer to my brother. I wanted to do something, I really did, but what is there to do? We are just a few teenagers against a bunch of really skilled witches and wizards; if I just start shooting spells at them without a thought, I would be getting us all killed.

So all I did was stand there, balling my hands into fists as I tried to suppress my anger by digging my nails into my palm.

"Now, if this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him, he'll kill us all; we need to be absolutely sure." The Lestrange woman instructed, Draco kneeling down to take a closer look at the raven haired boy. "What's wrong with his face?" was all he managed to utter out.

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" The curly haired witch then asked, her voice louder this time. "He came to us like that. Something he picked up in the forest, I reckon." Scabior responded.

"Ran into a stinging jinx?" Bellatrix whispered to herself, then pointing her wand at Hermione. "Was it you, dear?" Slowly, tauntingly, she walked over to the Granger girl, barking out orders, "Give me her wand. Let's see what her last spell was."

She started giggling maniacally, pointing a mocking finger at her; but she immediately stopped in her tracks as a loud gasp emerged.

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