Chapter 7 - Ministry of Magic

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TW: Swearing, blood and injuries (Ima just be straight up, Ron gets splinched)

Katianne's POV

So after kidnapping and stealing the identities of three people (all Hermione, Harry and Ron's doing, so if we somehow get caught- all them, El and I are innocent) we finally went into the Ministry of Magic.

The blonde boy and I stood at the statue outside of muggles in their apparent 'rightful' place, which I believe is complete bullsh*t and that whoever came up with that delusional idea should crush themselves with the same stone that is crushing these muggles.

Either way, as we stood there waiting for the others, also of course wearing ridiculously big sunglasses to cover up the fact that we are just teenagers trying to find a horcrux, we mostly stayed silent since- well- there wasn't much to say.

Though eventually El did speak up, asking, "Y'know you mean the world to me right?" I glanced over to him, confused, replying with, "Well- yeah." Though the blonde boy didn't stop there. "I mean like- mum died when I was really young, and you've always been like a mother figure in my life.. even if you're so much younger than me. I know it sounds weird but... you took care of me as if I was a- a son, things that my mother never got to teach and do to me.

"And then Cedric died. Even though he was my only sibling by blood, you've always treated me- well- like a sibling by bond; chase away the bullies, beat up the ones that were mean to me, defend me against everyone else. You've made such a... g- great impact on my life, and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you for it."

I stared at the Diggory boy wide-eyed. Even if his words did crack, it still warmed up my heart. He doesn't know how much that means to me, recognised as family even if we weren't actually related. It really shows me how much I have done, even if I can't see it.

"Wh- why are you telling me this?" I muttered out, going to grab onto his hand. "Well- because.. with everything going on, you don't know when the last time we see each other would be; and I just want you to know how I feel before- well- before it's too late."

I started shaking my head, gripping onto his hand tighter. "The last time we see each other would be years and years- decades away, El. You aren't going to die, and neither am I. We're going to survive, okay? I promise that we are going to survive- together. We're both going to grow up, have our first job, maybe become roommates, start our own little families at some point- then our kids will be the best of friends, and they will keep making kids that end up becoming best friends- and it will continue and continue and continue... forever."

I could see the tears in Elliot's blue eyes even through his dark sunglasses. "I'm not losing my ride or die- not now, not ever. You're like a brother to me, my only other family other than Harry- I would literally kill anyone that means any harm to you, okay? You're stuck with me whether you like it or not for... the rest of eternity! Death won't come to us anytime soon, a- and after it does, y- you're still stuck with me, it won't keep us apart. Nothing will. You understand that? El? You understand that?"

He nodded, and smiled through the tears. His arms wrapped around me as mine went around him, holding each other tighter than our bond- though this beautiful moment was interrupted when the trio ran out, followed by a lot of people chasing after them. "Oh what the f*ck did they do?" I mumbled to myself, El and I breaking out of the hug to run over to them.

"What the f*ck did you do!?" I shouted so that Harry could hear me over the loud crowds. "Nothing! The potion didn't last as long as we expected." He explained. Eventually, some old blonde dude started shooting spells at us, and missing- of course- since we were still very much alive.

After passing a table with a pile of papers, I shot a spell at it so the papers would fly around, covering us from the people chasing us.

It was as if life was happening in slow-motion. The fireplaces were shutting one by one, and after arriving at an open one, Harry was the first to get in, followed by Hermione, then El, and then me- and well, I'm hoping Ron got in.

Everything went blurry for a second, and when it got clear again- I saw tall trees with lots of yellow-ish green leaves and the cloudy grey sky above it. I quickly got up, glancing around to find El laying on the ground, breathing heavily. I ran up to him, reaching a hand out to help him up. "Are you okay?" I asked, to which he replied with a nod.

"Shh, shh, shh- it's alright- it's okay." I could hear a distant whisper coming from Hermione. El and I followed her voice, eventually finding a whimpering Ron laying one the leaf-filled ground with Hermione kneeling down next to him.

Then, as we got close enough, we could see that his arm was practically falling off of him, blood spilling everywhere. "Harry- Harry- quickly- in my bag- there's a bottle labelled 'Essence of Dittany'." Hermione demanded, sputtering out words in between nervous pants.

I could hear Ron's grunts and groans from pain, squirming around on the ground, his face twisted in agony. Harry fumbled through the Gryffindor girl's tiny bag that somehow fit everything. "Quickly!" Hermione shouted again. "F*cking h*ll Harry." I muttered under my breath. "You try and find it!" The raven haired boy yelled out.

I swiftly kneeled down onto the ground, pointing my wand at the bag and saying "Accio Dittany." A little bottle popped out as I caught it, running over to the pair; handing the bottle to Hermione as she dripped the liquid onto Ron's bloody arm- him screaming out in what I would imagine to be an aching torture.

"How did this- I thought we were going to Grimmauld Place." I declared. "We were, we were- it's alright, one more one more- we were there, we were there, but Yaxley had hold of me! I knew once he seen where we were, we couldn't stay so I brought us here but... Ron got splinched!" Hermione rambled on, sounding as if she was on the verge of tears.

The tears finally seemed to be healing, a muffled sizzling sound filling my ears; I could hear his choked half-sobs half-breaths. I can't even imagine the pain he is in right now- having an arm almost detach from your body then put back onto you; I mean, he's shown that it was so painful that even something as simple as breathing seemed difficult.

The wounds turned into scars as Harry knelt down in front of me while Hermione stood up, taking a closer look at what happened to his arm.

"Salvio Hexia... Protego Totalum..." The curly haired brunette spoke, waving her arms around in the air. "What are you doing?" My brother questioned, his head snapping up to look at the girl. "It's protective enchantments." El explained, both of us looking at the blonde boy weirdly. "What? I read."

"Either way-" Hermione began saying again. "You can get going on the tent."

"Uhm- tent? Where am I s'posed to find a tent?" Harry quizzed. "Her bag- it's her bag Harry." I expounded, stating the obvious. "Right."

1284 words

A/n: It's thirty minutes to christmas!! Idk where u r or wat time it is for you, but it's 11:34 for me currently. Either way, have a merry christmas for when it is for u, and if ur reading this in the future, have a nice day or night ig, heh. Anyways, ENJOYYYUYYYYY!!!!

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