Chapter 5 - Kreacher

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Katianne's POV

My eyes snapped open, awakening me from a nightmare that seemed scarily real. I sat up, noticing that everyone was still asleep. I got up, walking over to the dark stairwell since I had nothing better to do; I lit up my wand as I climbed up and started exploring the place.

I eventually arrived at a room where Sirius' name was engraved on the door. The bed wasn't made, and there were clothes scattered around on the floor. My cold fingertips skimmed over the shelves and cabinets, pulling at the little skeleton figurines and wiping the dust off books.

Suddenly a hand went on my shoulder and my first instinct was to punch whoever it was. "Agh! Katia! Why would you do that?" Harry groaned out, holding his now bloody nose. "I- I- I'm so sorry- I didn't know it was you." I quietly shrieked, staring at my twin wide eyed.

Though our conversation couldn't continue since a distant shout from downstairs caught our attention. "Hermione, where are you? I think I found something." It was Ron.

We both walked down the stairs to arrive at another room. "There you are- we've been looking everywhere for you two; can't just run off like that." Hermione scolded. "What happened to your nose?" She then asked, a motherly tone in her voice. "It- it's a long story." He replied, Ron opening the door to this new room.

"What did happen to his nose?" El quizzed in a sceptical tone. "Like he said- long story." I squeaked out while the blonde boy rolled his eyes at me.

"Lovely." Hermione muttered, noticing how messy this room was. The redhead pulled the door closer to us, allowing us to see the name that was engraved onto it. "Regulus Arcturus Black...?" The curly haired brunette read out loud. "R.A.B." Ron then explained, and now it is piecing together in my head. The note in the fake locket- from R.A.B.- Regulus Arcturus Black.

We went and sat at a table, Harry pulling out the fake locket again as he got out the note. "I know I will be dead long before you read this... I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it..." He read.

"R.A.B. is Sirius' brother?" Ron questioned, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Yes. Question is, did he actually destroy the real Horcrux?" Hermione replied, scanning her eyes to look at all of us.

A sudden sound made us all alert. The five of us stood up, cautiously walking over to where the sound came from; behind a dark, beaten up door. Harry was the one who ended up opening it, revealing an old elf that I recognise from coming back here in fifth year.

The raven haired boy grabbed him by his shoulders, a raspy screech coming from the elf. "You've been spying on us, have you?" Harry spat out, glaring down at the elf. "Kreacher has been watching." The elf answered, hiding behind a small table. "Maybe he knows where the real locket is." El suggested.

I went to grab the fake locket, dangling it in front of Kreacher. "Have you seen this before?" I sternly asked, clenching my other hand into a fist. "Uh- ugh- uhm- it was Master Regulus' locket." He rasped out. "But there were two, weren't there? Where's the other one?" Harry interrogated.

Kreacher's breathing got heavier as he slowly creeped out from behind the table. "Kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is." The elf finally replied. "Yes, but did you ever see it? Was it in this house?" Hermione spoke up quizzically, though that somehow provoked the old elf.

"You filthy mudblood! Dirty little-" He yelled out. Ron got one of the pans, ready to hit Kreacher with it, though Hermione stopped him before he could. "Blood-traitor Weasley." Kreacher than muttered. "Answer her." Harry then ordered, me holding up the fake locket again.

"Yes. It was here, in this house; the most evil object." Kreacher stated in a low, raspy voice.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Before master Regulus died, he ordered Kreacher to destroy it; but no matter how hard Kreacher tried he could not do it." The old elf explained.

"Well where is it now? Did someone take it?" Harry interrogated again.

"He came in the night. He took many things, including the locket." Kreacher continued saying.

"Who did? Who was it, Kreacher?" I snapped.

"Ahhh... Mundungus- Mundungus Fletcher." Kreacher whispered.

Ugh! That idiotic coward! I swear to Merlin if this dumbarse does anything but stand still, everyone would be doomed.

"Find him." My brother growled out, and Kreacher disappeared with a snap.

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