Chapter 2 - Moving

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TW: Very slight swearing

Katianne's POV

Our room was dark, the only source of light being the dim moonlight shining through the window; yet that was still mostly blocked out due to the sheer curtains blocking the glass.

I kneeled on the floor, packing my stuff, while Harry sat on the bed, examining the piece of broken glass that keeps showing us glimpses of Dumbledore; still don't know how that works.

Eventually, he put all of his things away into a bag, the both of us walking down the stairs. Suddenly, Harry put his things on the floor, opening the door to the room under the stairs. I came up from behind him, scanning my eyes over the little room he and I slept in for the first eleven years of our lives; and then my eyes landed on the map that hung over the bed.

I slowly walked into the room, going closer to the map. My fingers skimmed over the markings of places I wanted to go to, my eyes glancing over every little star I drew on places that seemed exciting, and every little heart I drew on places that looked interesting.

An overwhelming feeling of sadness washed over me. 'Wow,' I thought, 'It's really been six years since I've last added a marking on this map. Was it all just a child's dream? Or am I actually going to go to these places, like I promised myself all of those years ago.' I quickly took the map off of the wall, folding it up and putting it in my jacket pocket.

All of a sudden, a thump was sounded from outside of the house, followed by distant footsteps getting closer and closer.. louder and louder. Cautiously, both Harry and I walked over to the front door, slowly creaking it open- to reveal Hagrid.

Emerging from behind him was the all too familiar redhead, Ron, who flung his arms around my brother; smiles spreading onto their faces at this reunion. Next to come was Hermione, who also engulfed Harry into a hug.

And then, a certain blonde Hufflepuff walked out from behind Hagrid, his blue eyes landing on me. I could feel a grin growing onto my face, as he mirrored my expression. Immediately, he ran up to me, hugging me tightly while my arms wrapped around him with the same strength.

"You're looking fit." I could hear Hagrid say, leading to Mad-Eye Moody (the real one this time) to limp into the house, grumbling, "Yeah, he's absolutely gorgeous. What say we get undercover before someone murders them."

The trio, as well as El and I, walked into the empty living room, followed by Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, some short bald dude, Fluer and a redhead who I assume to be a Weasley (yes, I know not all redheads are Weasley's, but can't blame me for guessing).

"Hello Harry- Bill Weasley." The tall redhead said, reaching a hand out for my brother to shake (I was right, he was indeed a Weasley). "Oh! Pleasure to meet you." The raven haired boy uttered out, the Weasley twins walking out from behind him, then lastly Hagrid. "And you must be Katianne." Bill spoke, turning to look at me; while I replied with a simple yes, shaking his hand as well.

Finally, Remus and Tonks walked in, the hair color-changing woman about to say something, though was cut off when Moody limped in. "All right, all right! You'll all have time for a cozy catch-up later! We've got to get the h*ll out of here.. and soon!" The one-eyed man growled.

"Potters', you're underage, which means you two still have the trace on you." Moody stated. "What's the trace?" My brother asked, me noticing how everyone surrounded us, leaving him and I in the middle of this semi-circle.

"You sneeze and the Ministry will know who wipes your nose. Point is, we have to use those means of transport the trace can't detect: brooms, thestrals and the like. We'll go in pairs. That way if anyone's out there waiting for us- and I reckon there will be- they won't know which Potter is the real one." He explained.

"The real one?" I quizzed, while the one-eyed man pulled out two bottles from his pockets. "I believe you two are familiar with this particular brew." He declared, a smirk painted onto his face. "No- absolutely not." Harry gasped out. "Told you he'd take it well." Hermione remarked sarcastically.

"N- no, if you think we're going to let everyone risk their lives for us.. I- I-" Harry stammered. "Never done that before, have we?" Ron quizzed sardonically. "No- no! This is different. Taking that- becoming me- no!" The Potter boy snapped.

"Well none of us really fancy it, mate." Who I imagine to be Fred stated. "Yeah, imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck being scrawny, specky gits forever." George jokingly added. Then, Elliot came from behind me, whispering, "Yeah, I don't wanna be stuck with boobs for the rest of my life."

"Everyone here's of age, Potter, and they've all agreed to take the risk." Moody expounded, while someone cleared their throat from behind us. "Technically-" It was the short bald dude. "-I've been coerced. Mundungus Fletcher, always been an admirer." He finished saying, looking over to my twin and I.

"Nip it, Mundungus!" Moody snapped, giving a weird look to Hermione and Elliot. Suddenly, the Granger girl yanked a few pieces of Harry's hair while El pulled out a few strands of mine.

"The fu-" I started saying, but cut myself off, glaring at the blonde boy. "Blimey Hermione." Harry groaned out, rubbing the spot that the brunette pulled hair off. "Straight in here, if you please." Moody mumbled, Hermione sprinkling Harry's hair into one of the bottles while El put mine in the other.

972 words

A/n: Hi! So dis chapter was meant to be wayyyyy longer, but then I realised i could literally cut it in half to make it two chapters, so yeah (truthfully i just got carried away writing haha) either way, the next chapter will be out soon after bc im doing smth rn and it's not fully checked yet so yea! ENJOYYYYYYY!!!!!

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