Chapter 6 - Umb*tch

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TW: Slight swearing

Katianne's POV

I sat on the couch, talking with El, but a distant thud snapped us out of our conversation, all of our attention going to where the sound was made from.

Harry and Hermione got up, going to where the sound came from, while El and I followed; practically running. I mean, you can't really blame us; terrible things are happening, being a bit paranoid keeps us alert- we're trying to survive here.

We arrived at the dining room/kitchen to notice Mundungus Fletcher at the doorway, though Kreacher was holding him by his neck while none other than Dobby held him by his left leg.

"Harry and Katianne Potter! How long it's been!" The young elf greeted us, a wide grin spread on his face. "Damn, they always say his name first- honestly unfair." I whispered over to El in a joking manner.

"Get off me!" Mundungus grunted, eventually falling to the ground as the two elves followed. The bald man stood up, hitting his head onto a pot that hung on the ceiling as I laughed under my breath. Mundungus went to reach for his wand while his other hand held his head, though with a shout of "Expeliarmus!" from Hermione, his wand flew out of his hold while the Gryffindor girl caught it.

Finally, the man stood up straight, noticing El and I standing behind my brother and Hermione. I could see a flash of fear itch his face for a split second, but it faded away straight after. I felt my blood boil when I remembered the events of the night we moved, how El was supposed to get here smoothly without having to figure out a whole new way because this man was too cowardly to stay. He is the reason I almost lost my best friend.

I went straight up to him, real close, glaring down at him. "An' what's your problem?" He spat out, looking up at me; though my anger got the best of me when I punched him square in the face. "Agh!" He groaned, going to hold the side of his cheek. "You really have to stop punching people, Katia." Harry whispered to me. "Eh, he deserved it."

"What are you playing at- setting a pair of bleedin' 'ouse-elves on me!" The bald man complained, though Dobby started talking, climbing onto the chair and then up the dining table before saying, "Dobby was only trying to help! Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley, which Dobby thought was curious. And then Dobby heard Kreacher mention the Potter's name, which Dobby thought was very curious. And then Dobby saw that Kreacher was talking to the thief, which Dobby thought was very-"

The young elf was cut off. "I'm no thief!" Mundungus screamed out. "You foul little-" He started saying, "-Git." He finished, backing up a bit. "I'm a purveyor of rare and wondrous objects." Mundungus stated, though a voice from behind objected. "You're a thief, Dung. Everyone knows it." It was Ron.

"Master Weasley! So good to see you again!" Dobby greeted the redhead, shaking his hand. "Wicked trainers." Ron said back.

The bald man ended up knocking over a pile of newspapers, sitting down on an armchair after noticing he's been cornered. "Listen, I panicked that night, all right? Can't help it if Mad-Eye fell off his broom-" He yelped out, though flinched back when I stepped forward.

"Tell the truth." Hermione ordered.

"When you turned this place over- don't deny it- you found a locket, am I right?" Harry asked in a stern tone.

"Why? Was it valuable?" Mundungus quizzed. I swear, every word this man says provokes me.

"You've still got it?" El questioned, his voice softer than everyone else's.

"No. He's worried he should have got more money for it." Ron spat out.

"Bleedin' gave it away, din' I? There I was, progging me wares in Diagon Alley when some ministry hag comes up and asks to see my licence. Says she's of a mind to lock me up and would've, too, she hadn' taken a fancy to that locket." The bald man explained, a whining tone dripping off of his voice.

"Who was she? This witch? Do you know?" The raven haired boy interrogated.

"No, I-" Mundungus started saying, but suddenly stopped, as he got up from the chair, looking down at something. He reached to the floor, picking up one of the newspapers he knocked over. "Well, she's there. Look! Bleedin' bow an' all." He set the newspaper onto the dining table so that we all could see; and it showed none other than that b*tch Umbridge.

773 words

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