Chapter 3 - RIP Mad-Eye Moody

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TW: Swearing, mentions of blood and mentions of death

Katianne's POV

The Weasley twins, Mundungus, Ron, Fleur, Elliot and Hermione stood in a curved line in the middle of the empty room, the rest of the people scattering around elsewhere. Moody went up to who I guess to be Fred, giving him one of the bottles.

"For those of you who haven't taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning- it tastes like goblin piss." Mad-Eye declared. "Have a lot of experience with that, do you, Mad-Eye?" Fred jokingly asked, though all he got in return was a death-stare. "Just trying to defuse the tension." The redhead then said, taking a big gulp of the drink.

He then passed it along to George, who then gave it to Mundungus, and eventually Ron. Moody went up to Fleur, giving her the other bottle, which led to her taking a swift drink from, then passing it to Elliot, and lastly to Hermione.

Seconds passed, and eventually, they all looked like either Harry or I. "Wow. We're identical." The Weasley twins spoke in unison, smiling at each other. "Not yet, you're not." Moody muttered, dumping two bags of clothes onto the ground. "You three- change in the other room." He then said, pointing at.. well- three me's; leading to them grabbing clothes from the pile and going into the other room to change.

"Does this mean I'll have to wear a bra?" El quizzed as he walked past me, a happy look on his face. "Why- why are you so excited?" I asked, squinting my eyes at the Diggory boy- can I even call him- her- uh- f*cking h*ll. "Uhm.. heh." He chuckled nervously, immediately walking away while I rolled my eyes.

The four Harry's then went to grab their clothes, starting to change.

"Haven't got anything a bit more sporty, do you?"

"Yeah, don't fancy this color."

"Fancy this- you're not you, so shut it and strip."

"All right, all right!"

Their bickering finally stopped as Mad-Eye leaned closer to Harry and I. "You two do have to change as well." He muttered, Harry going to get his clothes while I got mine, going into the other room as well.

After we all finished changing, Fleur, Hermione, El and I went back into the empty living room, being met with five Harry's as well as everyone else. "All right then, we'll be pairing off. Each Potter will have a protector- Mundungus, stick tight to me, I wanna keep an eye on you." The one-eyed man ordered.

"As for Harry-" Moody started saying. "Yes?" Multiple people replied at once. "The real Harry- where the Devil are you anyway!?" He requested, my real brother coming out from the back, muttering "Here."

"You'll ride with Hagrid." Mad-Eye declared, the bushy haired man then talking to my twin, though their conversation was blocked out when Moody started talking to me. "You'll be sticking with me." I nodded, and at last, we went outside; and then we were off.

Time skip

My broom crashed onto the ground. The sky was dark, the grass dull; and my eyes were wide at what I just witnessed. Ginny and Mrs. Weasley came out from the Burrow, worry filling their eyes.

"Mad-Eye... he's dead." I muttered.

I sat on the broom behind him. Then Volde- him.. he came out of nowhere. He was aiming at me, he shot a killing spell at me; but he missed. Instead, he shot Moody, who then fell off, lifelessly landing somewhere.

Everything has been hazy ever since that. I lost control of the broom- I mean how could I concentrate? Someone just died right in front of me when I was the one meant to lose their life.

Mrs. Weasley sped to me, embracing me into a warm hug- but I was still too stunned to hug back; by what I saw, what I experienced.

"Here! Quick!" The familiar voice of Remus shouted out, the three of our heads snapping over to them, seeing George's arm around his shoulder as his left ear was bleeding dramatically. I quickly let go of the redhead woman, running up to the pair as I put his other arm around my shoulders, leading them into the house.

We set him on the couch, Mrs. Weasley immediately kneeling down next to her son; though I couldn't see much more of that since Remus grabbed me by my shirt as he pushed me against the wall, pointing his wand at me.

"What creature sat in the corner the first time that Katianne Potter visited my office at Hogwarts?" The used-to-be Professor yelled out. "Are you mad?" I loudly retorted. "WHAT CREATURE!?" He then shouted. "Grindylow!" I gasped out, him finally letting go of me.

"We've been betrayed." Lupin breathed out, explaining everything, "Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter."

The next to arrive was Harry and Hagrid, my twin getting the same interrogation.

Then it was Kingsley and Hermione. Both Lupin and Kingsley pointed their wands at each other as we all stood outside of the Burrow. "The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?" Kingsley requested slowly. "The Potter's are the best hope we have, trust them." Lupin replied, both of them lowering their wands.

After them, the thestral that held Bill and Fleur landed while Tonks and Ron walked out of the bushes. And lastly Mr. Weasley and Fred. "Where's George?" The redhead man quizzed, looking around curiously as his small smile faltered off of his face.

We all went inside, seeing the boy all bloody. Fred quickly kneeled down in front of him, asking, "How're you feeling, Georgie?" while the other twin quietly responded with, "Saint-like." his voice wispy. "Come again?" Fred requested, sounding more concerned. "Saint-like... I'm holy. I'm holy, Fred; get it?" George joked, pointing at his bloody ear.

"With the whole wide world of ear-related humour, and you go for 'I'm holy'.. it's pathetic." Fred stated, a smile inching up onto his face. "Reckon I'm still better looking than you." George then rasped out.

Footsteps were heard from behind us, revealing Bill Weasley and the frown that masked his face. "Mad-Eye's dead." He muttered, immediately the unpleasant memories clouding my head once again. The room was silent as everyone's faces dropped. "Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and... disapperated." He continued expounding.

Then, at the mention of Mundungus... I remembered that Elliot was with him. I dramatically turned around, spinning in circles as my eyes scanned over the whole room, everyone looking at me confused. I pushed past them, going to the exit; but Harry stopped me by grabbing onto my arm. "What's wrong?" He asked. "El was with him- Mundungus." I replied, yanking my arm away from the raven haired boy as I ran out of the house.

"Wait! Katia! You can't just go looking for him- you know what happened to Mad-Eye." Harry yelled after me, chasing me out of the Burrow. Though I didn't have to go looking for him, El walked through the bushes, limping ever so slightly.

I immediately ran up to him, relief washing over me as I wrapped my arms tightly around the blonde boy. He winced, but I didn't care; I thought I lost him for a second, my best friend, and there's nothing stopping me from showing him how much I care for him before it's too late.

El slowly hugged me back as well, resting his chin on my left shoulder. "You're an idiot." I breathed out, digging my face into his chest since he was taller than me. "Yeah, well you still love me." He muttered back as the both of us just stood there in the dark night for a second, enjoying each other's warm embrace.

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