Chapter 11 - Snatchers pt. 2

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Katianne's POV

The wind hit my dyed blonde hair as I ran as fast as I could. I didn't dare look behind me. Ron was no longer with me, so if I get caught- it's just me; I'm all alone.

Eventually, I ran into the woods, hoping that at least with the tall trees it would be harder to chase after me. I hid behind a tree, slightly peeking over to see the Snatcher slowing down, cautiously looking around for me.

And at that moment, it was as if all spells had left my head- I completely blanked. I gripped tightly onto my wand, trying to remember something- anything. I pointed it at him, whispering the only thing that popped into my mind. "Obliviate."

I could see him pause for a second, and I thought I was safe. I leaned my head back onto the tree, fluttering my eyes shut as I took a deep breath. But after I opened my eyes again, I saw the Snatcher right in front of me.

My eyes widened as shock overcame me. I tried running away, but he grabbed onto my arm before I could. This was it, they caught one of the Potter's- me; this is the end for me. But then...

"Who are you?" He asked. I looked at him confused, but decided to play along (just in case). "Uhm- Jennifer Anderson." I muttered; somehow when I think of spells- a thing I've spent years learning and practising- nothing comes to mind, but then random names are the easiest thing in the world.

The guy let go of me, going to grab this notebook and flipping through it as I watched intently (yes I know I could've run, but Merlin knows what he would've done). "You're not on the list." The snatcher mumbled, his eyes drifting off to my wand, and then back up to my face.

Before he could even ask the question, I replied with the first thing that flashed in my brain, "I'm a squib- still trying to do magic, still can't."

He squinted his eyes at me, as if trying to figure out who I am, but failing miserably; though eventually he stopped, saying, "You're coming with me."

Time skip

I arrived at what I could only guess to be the Malfoy Manor. The snatcher practically dragged me into the place. I looked around curiously, the place looking so rich yet empty. I got goosebumps with how cold it was. Wonder how Draco managed to grow up here.

I could hear distant footsteps, but they got drowned out by how loud my heart was beating. I shut my eyes, thinking that I have no escape. I'm getting handed to the Malfoy's, and they're giving me to You-know-who.

I'm never going to see Seamus again. I'm never going to talk to Ron again. I'm never going to joke with Harry again. I'm never going to comfort Hermione again. I'm never going to hug El again. I'm never going to kiss Draco again.

I'm not going to see how my life plays out- or see who else I might meet along the way. I won't have a future; and over time, I'll just be a memory of their past.

Eventually, who I recognise to be Draco's mom, Narcissa, came into view. She stopped in her tracks, taking sight of me. "Found this one in the woods- looked really familiar, but couldn't figure out who it was. Said her name's 'Jennifer Anderson' and that she's a squib. Brought her here just in case." The snatcher explained, only grabbing onto my arm tighter.

I could see confusion spark on Narcissa's face, but it immediately faded away as she focused on me again. "I would like to talk to this one alone, see if I can get more information." The woman lied, leading to my eyebrows furrowing.

I could see the man smirk, before letting go of me as I followed the Malfoy woman to a different room.

"Why-" I tried asking, but Narcissa beat me to it. "I'm only doing this because I know how my son feels about you, but I can't let you go- it would draw attention; suspicion." The woman expounded. "None of the other's are here, so you won't have to worry about that." She continued.

Narcissa took a second to think about it, me staying silent with absolutely no ideas. But then, her face lit up as she began saying, "How about you pretend to be a servant here. I'll get you some polyjuice potion so Lucius won't find out who you really are- I'll tell him that.. without Dobby around, it has been hard, I finally found us a squib to be a servant."

I only nodded, feeling nothing but gratitude towards this woman. "I- thank you." I murmured, and I could see a small smile inch up Narcissa's face as she only responded with a nod.

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