A new home

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A month and a week later

A shot went off and I stood quickly walking with Daryl, Glenn, and Andrea.

A herd of walkers were coming close and Carl, Rick, and Shane were still gone.

I grabbed a pistol and shotgun and jumped over the banister with Daryl, and watched as the barn lit on fire.

I didn’t know what to do, I felt useless, I left Daryl and was running, shooting as I went.
I ran into the woods and bumped into something, or someone falling, I raised my gun to shoot only for it to be pushed down “stay quiet and follow us, we have to get out of here” Rick whispered and I was helped up by Carl.

We found Hershel and got in a car to leave.

As Rick drove my mind was on everyone I didn’t see leave “Lori got out, she’s ok, I don’t know about anyone else” I pulled the hood of Carl’s jacket over my head and wiped my eyes “hey, don’t get upset, they’re ok, I promise you, they’ll be ok” I nodded and laid my head against the window.

I woke up and we were on a highway, the highway I heard talking behind the truck and a bike.

I jumped out of the car and saw the blue truck, Maggie, and Daryl. A smile formed on my face and I ran around the back “Carl, it’s them!” I cheered pulling him forward.

The second Daryl was off his bike I was in his arms, “next time stay by my side, no running off like that” he ordered and I nodded, I turned to see Glenn standing with a smile on his face.

I ran up to him and hugged him “I missed you, and I’m proud your safe, your riding with me” he mumbled holding me close to him.

Soon enough we got back on the road, Rick honked and we got out it was freezing cold, and everyone was disagreeing with Rick on finding a home.

“were all infected, except her” Rick pointed to me and my eyes widened “Jenner told me at the CDC that we were all infected, but something was different in her blood she isn’t” everyone turned to me and I shrugged my shoulders “don’t think I knew this, he told me something was different about me, I didn’t think it was anything major” I huffed and they turned back to Rick.

“do you know how dangerous this is, people find out and we could all die, she could die” Daryl argued and I touched my side softly, it still hurts but I didn’t have a fever, and I felt fine.

“Guys, I have something I need to say!” I announced getting their attention “I was bit, it happen yesterday night, I didn’t want you guys to worry about me, I was going to sneak away and end it myself” I lifted my shirt to show the bite
A while later at the fire
Rick was angry again, and Lori was watching Carl and I closely, they decided on wrapping my side to be safe, the bleeding had stopped though so I was somewhat ok.

Lori was almost scared of Carl being around me, rightfully, I was bit, I could kill him.

“To keep you guys safer, I think I’ll stay closer over here just so if anything happens you’ll be safe” I gave a them smile and curled against the wall falling asleep.

Eight months and 26 days later

We cleared another house and there was no food, but it was safe enough to spend my birthday.

This wasn’t in my top birthdays at all, and soon enough we had to leave again.

We were back in cars on the move.

We stopped to check our map and I got an idea, “there’s a prison, I can’t remember where but it’s close to here” I said and Daryl and Rick gave each other that look and took off.

They came back telling us they found it, and we left for the prison, when we got there we cut through the fence and pushed through.

“I can shut the gate, give me a chance” I pleaded and Rick groaned “I’ll go with you, and watch your 6” I nodded and fixed Glenns hat on my head.

I waited until they drew them away and I slipped through the gate Rick close behind.

I pushed the gate shut and ran into one of the towers picked off  the walkers from on top of it.

I ran down smiled “to be clear, we saw that I made that shot!” I shouted and Carl ran up to me giving me a high five.

Later that night

We held a fire and I was feeling a little more pain in my side than usual but I hadn’t had any of the symptoms, so I just assumed it was a little bruise.

“So do you want us to sing happy birthday?” Carl asked and I shrugged “if you want to, I kind of forgot” I huffed and Daryl walked over ruffling my hair “happy birthday champ” he smiled and everyone sung happy birthday.

Rick talked about making plans to push into the prison, but I was already falling asleep on Glenn’s shoulder “falling asleep this early in your birthday?” he asked and I huffed giving him a generous middle finger “nighty night” I smiled and fell asleep.

The next morning

We all moved in taking down walkers as they came, I was allowed to go in because immune.

Four in riot shields came and I worked on killing two while the others got the other 2.

We all smelled horrible and we were covered in blood, but we kept pushing, first door was clear so we moved further.

We checked C block, all the prisoners were dead in their cells, if they weren’t we had to kill them. Thankfully it was only two.

We brought everyone in and Carl ran to me “you’re ok!” he exclaimed hugging me “no bites or scratches, a little blood but nothing a change of clothes can’t fix” I smiled flexing my nonexistent muscles “let’s go choose a bunk, I call top!” he yelled racing me up the stairs.

We settled on a room and I took my bag from him “have fun jumping up there” I joked and he smiled sitting beside me.

“stop doing this, you’re a kid and just because your immune doesn’t mean you get to help clear the bases” he huffed and I looked at him “it’s not like I could die!” I argued and he pressed on my side causing me to flinch “what happened?” he asked and I brushed him off “Y/n.” He said and I huffed.

“I clipped it on the fence, it got pinched and hurt like a bitch” I huffed and laid down on my bed watching as he climbed up to his bunk.

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