war? again

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We split into groups and I was in Aarons group with my dad. We fought until night and I was tired “I shouldn’t even be out here, I should be out there but no because Carl wants to be Mr protective” I grumbled and took a walker down not noticing as one got my dad pinned.

I fell with it and laid on my back until I heard Aaron and my dad arguing “then you failed to protect your wife, and daughter, your wife died hating you and just look at how she treats you” Aaron stood tall and I clicked my gun “choose your next words wisely Aaron” I huffed and he turned just as two walkers went for him.

I grabbed Negan and ran with him until we hit a house “let’s hide in here” I pulled him inside and soon enough Aaron came stumbling in.

“I can’t see” he huffed after we saved him from two walkers “the shit growing out of the walkers is called hog weed, it causes blindness and rashes” Negan explained and we helped him into the same room as us and left to keep watch. “go watch him and sleep, you need it” Negan pushed me and I nodded.

The next morning.

I woke up with my head on Aaron’s shoulder and he had already woken up. After we got back I was already falling asleep so when someone took Aaron I yawned and rubbed the heel of my palm into my eye “let’s get you home kid” Negan smiled and I nodded as he walked me to my house and knocked on the door.

Carl took me from there and let me lay down to sleep. I woke up to commotion, a tree fell in hilltop and people were leaving to go help, including Carl “why are you leaving again?” I mumbled and Carl turned around “because they need my help” he shrugged and I scoffed “your only leaving because your scared of becoming a father, you say that your ready to take this next step with me yet every chance you get you run” I shook my head and he went to sit in the bed “I’ll stay ok, for you” I pushed him over “no, you can run like you always do, have fun” I huffed laying on the other side “I love you” he mumbled and I sniffed “I love you too” I mumbled and went to shower.
Later that night

I was taking a walk when I heard people struggling and I saw a shadow swing and another stand up, I went through the hanging clothes and sheets and grabbing one of them, the girl and pushing her to the ground pulling the other two off of Lydia. One of the guys started to fight me so I took him down with Henry’s old stick and I head my dad “it’s ok, hush, hush” he mumbled and I turned around to see him comforting Lydia, “holy shit, Margo” one of them said, maybe it was the gaven boy and I looked over to see her head on the wall with blood behind her head.

It was like a flash and suddenly everyone was standing around while I tried to stick up for my dad “it wasn’t Negan or Lydia’s fault, it was your little groups fault!” I argue while trying to pull my hands from the restraints put on me. “Get both of them out of here now!” Daryl yelled and Lydia pleaded for the both of is as we were pulled away.

They put us in the cell and took the restraints off, I started to panic and tear up “will you calm down, your on the council you’ll be fine” Negan huffed and I didn’t stop, in fact I started to cry a little “I don’t like small spaces, or locked exits with no way out” I started to cry even more until I felt an arm around my shoulders “it’s ok, breathe, that’s all I need you to do for me” Negan calmed and I wiped my face and stood up reaching the window and taking a deep breath of the fresh air started to calm down “it’s not permanent, it’s ok” I reminded myself until I head a laugh “I remember this one time you got locked in your closet and you did the same thing, the second we let you out you took a deep breath and we reminded you that it was ok” he smiled and I laughed.

Soon enough the door opened and I brought my knees to my chest crossing my arms.

“how’s the kid?” Negan asked and I looked at him “she’s banged up but she’ll be alright” Daryl assured and I huffed “the people out there are talking about putting you down, and locking you up, saying Rick isn’t around to save you two anymore” Daryl started and I turned my head slightly “they’ve been saying we should have locked you up years ago when you pulled a gun on Rick and Ron’s dad” Daryl hit the cell behind my head and I flinched “would you talk to me? At least acknowledge me?” he asked and I stood up “why? So you can just yell at me and put me in a jail for saving a girls life?” I asked and he exhaled softly “I wanted you to talk to me because I want to get you out before Carl gets back, plus can’t have you sleeping on concrete” he huffed and Negan sat up, the cot squeaking “why not? She’s done it before?” He questioned and I tried to tell Daryl no but he started anyway “where she’s been trying to get pregnant I need to watch over her myself, make sure she’s doing good and eating ok” he looked at me and I groaned “so there is something!” Negan exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

“Your leaving, let’s go” Daryl said and I left the cell “I’ll get you back to your house and you stay there” he pointed and I nodded. He walked me to my home and I went upstairs to read and probably sleep, I pulled out my walkie and Hoped Carl had his on him.

“Mama to papa, come in” I called and he responded almost immediately “this is for emergencies” he huffed and I sniffed “I accidentally killed someone, I didn’t mean to do it, them Daryl yelled at me and it seems like everyone who has been there for me left me alone to be by myself, I know I’m an adult but I can’t be alone” I cried and he told me he had to leave and left abruptly.
I huffed and threw the walkie and went back to sleep.

Two days later.

I woke up in Carl’s arms and I turned to him “your back?” I questioned and he smiled, it was still dark outside so he hushed me and gave me a small kiss on the head. When I woke up next birds were chirping and the sun had started to rise so I woke up and did my usual routine.
I took a quick test just in case and I got my bag ready. I saw Carol and Daryl and hurried to join them “I’m coming with both of you, I need the walk”I smiled and we were off.

We talked about Negan until the two stopped and I kept looking further, I heard a brand snap and assumed it was Carol or Daryl “I don’t know who it is but guys I promise I’ll be fine on my own, the test was negative this morning” I huffed when I was grabbed from behind and no matter how much flailing or moving I did they didn’t let me free, I instead earned I hit to the head.

I woke up tied to a tree ropes digging into my wrists a cloth was tied around my mouth so I couldn’t speak. “Well isn’t this a surprise?” Alpha asked and my eyes went wide and I struggled more before she cut the fabric on my mouth.
“I hadn’t crossed the border, you were on our side let me go!” I argued and she smiled “I’ll let you go, mother to mother after I finish ” she laughed and I was hit again.
I woke up tied to the same tree standing up, a rope near my neck, a rope on my stomach, both ropes holding my arms to face out, and my legs were also tied to the tree. Alpha walked over to me with what looked to be a small twig, she hit my arm with the twig and I flinched the slightest bit, looking down to see a red line across my arm, to make matters worse it looked deep enough to leave a scar “your stronger than Lydia was, you don’t even flinch” alpha smiled as more gathered around and she hit me again the crack of the twig hitting me echoing through the woods “worse has happened to me, I can take a wimpy hit to the arm” I spat and she hit me again, and again.

Soon enough my inner arm had at least 10 marks and I stayed strong “when I let you go I want you to run back and tell your people if my guardian doesn’t pop back up, I’ll kill you like I should have that night” Beta walked over and grabbed me after he cut the ropes, my legs were weak from standing for that long, I was exhausted and felt like passing out. I ran until I got outside of the gates, and I fell, the world going dark.
I woke up in the infirmary “Daryl?” I asked and a hand was on my shoulder “yeah I’m here” he mumbled, it looked dark outside and there was a singular light on inside “I’m tired” I mumbled, and he smiled “then go back to sleep” he kissed my head and I dozed back off. When I woke next, I wasn’t tired and Daryl wasn’t there, my arm hurt pretty damn bad but that was expected to say the least, I got up and decided to walk back to my house saying I still had my clothes on.

I took a shower and when I got out, Carl was waiting for me “is the council putting me on bed rest?” I asked getting into bed beside him “I’ll see what I can do to stop it” he softly kissed my lips, I missed his kiss on nights like this, it was just us and I had missed him. It started out like any other time, we started to kiss slow before it turns to a hungry kiss both of us wanted something from the other.
He kept me on top of his as I took my shirt off, his hands found the a car on my side from my first bite and he traced a heart around it I smiled into the kiss and broke it to get his shirt off I traced the scar from him being shot and suddenly I had lost me pants, his were gone too so it was more of me hopelessly grinding on him until he let me remove his boxers as I lowered myself down onto him.

“Just like always” he whispered kissing your shoulder and you laughed, you started to ride him he laid his head back letting out the most guttural mainstream you had heard from a man. Just like usual you would try to keep quiet as he flipped the two of you over and fucked into you, whimpers escaping your mouth until you eventually came, the feeling of your release leading him to his.

He laid beside you with a small laugh “hopefully we have some good luck” he whispered and you hummed in response.


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