The Devil never sleeps (oneshot)

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A/N: Hello! These are some oneshots and (mostly) headcanons I've been writing about Nadi for the past few months on Tumblr. I'll upload all of them soon. As I'm typing this, there are currently 26 of them, but I'll definitely write more. 

If you wish to send a request here, you can do it in the comments or just dm me! 

In this one, MC became the Devil instead of Nadia, and now they're crazy obsessed with her. They watch over the Countess all the time, but tonight, Nadia wakes up as MC watches her sleep. Enjoy!


A clawed, trembling hand reached out in the darkness, brushing a piece of purple hair from the Countess' face. Their Countess. Ohh, what have they become? The Devil, the embodied evil and all for her. She has a purpose, a goal, a destiny to fulfill, and a city to protect.

From evil like them.

The Devil bit their lip and held their breath while watching the sleeping Countess. She looked so beautiful like this, just like every other night. The devilish creature gazed at her from the side of the bed, standing there each night until the sun appeared on the horizon.

Since their transformation, they stood in the darkness, observing the Countess from the shadows. They watched her every step and interaction she made during the day, but neither Nadia nor anyone else could see them; they remained invisible to the human eyes. If they came out of their hiding, the mortals would scream in terror, but not the Countess. Not Nadia.

She saw them when they transformed and turned into something truly monstrous, so devilishly beautiful. They did it for her; that was what they claimed. And now the Countess was safe, protected under the Devil's gaze.

Nadia held onto a pillow, pressing it tightly against her body as she slept. The Devil couldn't help but wonder: was she thinking about them while taking the pillow into her arms? It has been so long since they touched, since Nadia held them in her arms, kissed them, and loved them. The Devil so desperately missed the joys of being a mortal. They ached for their Nadia and were dying to touch her again.

They can surely allow this much, a slight touch, a gesture of their affection. Then they laid down next to her, their hand resting on the Countess' face, sharp claws affectionately scratching her skin. Not enough to hurt or leave any marks, but enough to wake her up.

The Countess' eyes slowly opened, and the terrifying sight of horns and a wicked, devilish smile welcomed her. She almost screamed, her body instinctively jerking away, but the Devil grabbed her arm and silenced her with a finger against her lips.

"'s just me," They whispered in a voice that was almost demonic, slowly bringing their finger away from Nadia's lips.

She looked into their eyes and saw a familiar gleam, a flash of memories, and a promise of loving each other until the end of times. "MC?" The Countess asked, the pain of losing her lover still haunting her.

But MC was there. They were always there. "Yes, my love. It is me, your MC." They smiled at her in a way that seemed obsessive and desperate. "Do you still love me, Nadi? Tell me, am I still yours? Because I love you. Oh, I love you so much."

This creature was not like her MC. The way they stared at Nadia and their body trembled at the mere sight of her was both sweet and frightening. Their voice was deeper and raspier, and their touch did not feel the same. Their eyes turned darker, and their smile, oh, so addictingly evil.

And yet, they filled her soul with a strange warmth. That night, there was love and hope in her heart. Her MC was still there, deep in the body of the Devil, and their love for her never ceased to exist; it only grew. And if Nadia ever loved MC, why wouldn't she now?

"Yes, MC. I love you. I will love you forever." 

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now