Nadia with an MC who is Lucio's sibling

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Now that was a request that I probably enjoyed way too much. My imagination went wild.

I believe that this MC is younger than Lucio. They could have been around 5-10 years old (possibly a year or two older) when Lucio made his first deal, so they were old enough to remember him but not old enough to actually do something about it.

Morga definitely didn't plan on having another child after popping out a goat, so MC was an accident that turned out a lot better than expected. Big brother Lucio definitely bullied his little sibling, and he was also extremely jealous of them for being everything their mother wanted in a child.

I also think that Lucio tried to kill MC too, but they were a sturdy little cutie (strong enough to endure a harsh winter) and survived. And now, they're hungry for revenge.

Also, I kept this writing more on the general side, but if the public desires, I think I could write something bigger and more romantic 👀 Or anything else you want about these two, really. But enough of me talking. Enjoy!


❀When MC arrived at the palace uninvited, Nadia first didn't want to let them in (it's kinda understandable because MC is probably a big and strong person with a German name like Freitag -> it means Friday in German. Montag is Lucio's name, which means Monday, and Monday sucks, but MC is cool, so yeah, Freitag.) She told the guards to make them go away, but it was useless. The stranger pushed through the wave of guards and barged through the palace doors. No one could stop them from meeting the Countess of Vesuvia. They were powerful and a little forceful, but they claimed that they had good intentions and wanted to help with the investigation.

❀And Nadia could really use some help in solving her ex-husband's murder, so she accepted their offer. But she had a few conditions herself. First, she made it clear that in Vesuvia, she was the boss lady and that MC would have to wear more appropriate clothes from that point. Animal fur just wasn't in style there.

❀During their first dinner together, Nadia took a good look at MC while they ate. They looked familiar, and they strangely resembled the former Count of Vesuvia. (Except for the hairline. MC's looked a lot better.) Still, their blonde hair, sharp yaw, wicked smile, and those silver eyes that haunted her every night were enough to stir some worries inside Nadia. And with an intuition like Nadia's, it was easy to become suspicious, but she couldn't tell for sure.

❀The next day, MC gazed at the strange painting in the Countess' salon, mortified by how anyone could portray their mother like that while waiting for Nadia's arrival. She was fashionably late, of course. When she arrived, she told MC that they were to visit Lucio's wing.

❀And oh boy, was it dramatic.

❀Lucio spoke to MC and Nadia in his creepy ghost voice.

❀"Noddy, I see you have finally taken an interest in your in-laws! How kind of you to bring them here! Did you come here to mourn me, little MC? Tell me how much you've missed your big and handsome brother!"

❀MC would reply something like this: "In my eyes, you've been dead since the moment you betrayed our family. And now, I will make sure you stay that way, Montag."

❀Nadia's eyes widened in horror, but she did her best to remain calm. Everything made so much sense. When it comes to being a leader, MC was everything Lucio thought he was. They were a provider, the protector of their people, and a true hunter. The best from their clan.

❀When they left Lucio's wing, Nadia brought up the topic and asked MC to explain everything to her. MC told her how Lucio made a deal, killed their father, and attempted to murder their mother and MC, unsuccessfully. With Lucio gone and MC being a much better version of him, MC became the official heir of the Scourge of the South. When Lucio found out, he probably tore out his hair, and that's the reason behind his hair loss.

❀Morga was the person who sent MC, her only worthy child, to Vesuvia. Their goal was to track Lucio down and do whatever it took to stop him and the plague, even if that meant killing him. Morga had to stay at home to take care of her people, and MC was more than willing to go.

❀And well, MC didn't really have to tell Nadia that they're Lucio's sibling since he revealed it himself. They only had to confirm it, which they did with absolute honesty, and Nadia appreciated it.

❀Trusting MC was a different issue, tho. Nadia wanted to trust them, but with Lucio being their brother, she had every reason not to. This MC had to work a little harder to earn her trust, which they did, possibly a lot sooner than expected. MC worked incredibly hard and managed to prove to her how different they were from their brother at every chance they got. Nevertheless, they had a very good reason to be there, and since they shared the same goal as Nadia, she gladly partnered up with them for the investigation.

❀At some point, they definitely had a little chat, and MC shared all the embarrassing and terrible stories they had of Lucio.

❀Monty definitely held a nasty grudge against MC, so I doubt that he told Nadia about them during their marriage. Maybe she knew about their existence, but of course, she couldn't remember them. If Lucio did tell a bit about them to Nadia, he probably did his best to make them seem like a total bitch.

❀Nadia respects MC's leading abilities, and she would be happy to let them help her rebuild Vesuvia. And train the guards. MC found them too soft.


And now we shall imagine MC and Lucio having a lovely sibling argument in German while Nadia is sipping tea in the background. She's definitely smiling behind her cup.

Monty, du verwöhnter Idiot!

I only speak a little bit of German. Please don't come at me if I wrote that incorrectly

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