Nadia headcanons

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❀Nadia was a timid child, hiding behind her mother's skirt type. She was quite insecure, sometimes stuttered, never really had friends, and always blushed and avoided eye contact until she became a young adult. Then, with a lot of hard work, she turned herself into the strong woman she is now.

❀If MC has a younger sibling, it helps her grow as a person. She can finally become the older sister she never had, and the kiddo would be spoiled to death. In addition, it would help her see things from her siblings' perspective and potentially bring the Satrinavas even closer. Being an older sibling is a whole job; this younger sibling would help Nadia realize it.

❀An MC who is the eldest of their siblings can be an interesting experience for her too. She always pays attention to how MC treats their younger family members, and a part of her might wish she had an older sibling like MC.

❀Nadia has never held a baby. Ever.

❀She isolated herself during her marriage to Lucio, so there was definitely no affection of any kind. While living in Prakra, she mentioned in her tale that she had some distant crushes, so I think she has never had any proper romantic relationships before meeting MC, only a few physical ones. She also had trouble making friends or at least keeping those friends because everyone thought that her siblings were much cooler. She really needs a hug.

❀When she is with MC, and they make her laugh very hard, she sometimes snorts and then covers her mouth. She apologizes, but it's just so cute. Only MC sees her like that.

❀Sometimes she zones out during meetings.

❀If MC can cook, Nadia subtly hints that she would like them to cook for her. She would help them, but it's not a very good idea. A sandwich is the best she can do.

❀Nadia is a great listener. She's not the best at giving emotional support, but this woman can come up with the most amazing logical solutions.

❀Sometimes she really wants (and needs) to be held, but she might be a little shy when asking for it. Putting her head on MC's chest and listening to their heartbeat is one of her favorite things in the world.

❀She thinks about MC all the time when they're not together.

❀Even when things are not exactly perfect between Nadia and MC, she stands up for them against anyone who dares to disrespect them.

❀Nadia loves physical affection; she just didn't know it until she met MC. From the moment she first saw MC, she was dying to touch them, and it was very surprising to her. Nadia is not used to a lover's gentle and loving touch, but she has secretly longed for it her whole life.

❀Her love languages are giving gifts and physical touch. She melts when MC gives her hugs for no reason, simply because they love her.

❀Nadia likes cheesy romance novels and has a hidden bookshelf filled with them.

❀She giggles and smiles whenever she looks at something that MC gave her.

❀As a child, whenever Nadia played alone (so most of the time), she made up stories in her head about the toys she was playing with.

❀Nadia is very independent, but it warms her heart when MC offers to help her with something. She could really use a hand once in a while, and while she wouldn't ask MC to take over some of her Countess duties, if they offer, she doesn't turn them down.

❀She dies of happiness whenever MC shows interest in her hobbies.

❀She was definitely a daddy's girl as a child. Her amazing fashion sense comes from Namar, and there's no doubt about it.

❀It's probably no secret, but Nadia is kind of an obsessive type of lover. She wouldn't rob MC of their freedom or control their life for them, but she would do anything for them. They're the light of her life, and she wants to share everything with them. So yeah, she can be a little clingy.

❀She secretly wishes to be a random rich woman without all the Countess duties so that she could spend her whole life spoiling and loving MC.

❀Nadia is extremely intelligent and talented in many things. She is interested and educated in almost every subject. Mathematics, Physics, History, Geography, and languages are her favorites, but she also enjoys the arts, such as music. Biology is not really her thing, tho, but she knows some basics.

❀For Nadia, loving MC is like being a teenager again. They bring out her carefree, playful side.

❀She gives long, soft, and very warm hugs, the kinds that make you want to melt in her arms.

❀It might be surprising, but Nadia doesn't think highly of herself. She is aware of her beauty, rank, and knowledge, but as a person, she feels like she's not someone interesting. She never had any close relationships, and she thinks the problem lies within her. Therefore, when MC is very much in love with her, it gives her a huge confidence boost.

❀Nadia likes it when cats curl up on her lap.

❀Her kisses are simply magical and full of love.

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now