Nadia x MC who mimics animal noises

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I do that

❀First impression: confusion.

❀What is MC doing? Did they make a mistake during their most recent spell and ended up like this?

❀Oh, wait, nothing is wrong. MC is just a sweet little cutie, and this is one more thing that Nadia gets to adore about them.

❀Nadia laughs, and MC gets infinite hugs as soon as they tell her that it's just a thing they tend to do.

❀She's genuinely amazed when MC meows to cats, and they meow back to MC. She also wonders what the conversation might be about.

❀Nadia is melting whenever she catches MC chirping and hooting at Chandra. She loves watching them interact and encourages them to have a deeper bond.

❀MC's nimal noises always put a smile on the Countess' face, so please keep doing that because it helps her get through during the more stressful days.

❀Bark at her whenever she's being extra gorgeous, and she might laugh so hard that she has to sit down.

❀Once, MC made a goat sound so realistic that Nadia thought Lucio died and came back again.

❀The adornment in her eyes when MC is chirping with birds in the morning, says it all. It's a better way to start her day than a fresh cup of tea.

❀Nadia kindly asks MC to tone it down a bit whenever someone important is visiting. However, if anyone makes fun of MC or insults them, oh boy, those red eyes could kill. Slandering MC is never, ever tolerated, and Nadia will make sure that the offender is out of the palace within the next ten minutes, but not before she verbally puts them in their place. MC gets extra kisses to make up for it.

❀She may or may not do a little meow the next time she is alone. Just to see how it feels. She may or may not like it more than she expected. Just don't tell her sisters.

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now