In this headcanon, Nadia's family and The High Priestess don't like MC. I believe that none of them would dislike MC without a reason, so let us assume that MC is not the nicest person in the world.
The pretty rainbow fam
❀Even if Nadia's family didn't like MC, they wouldn't do much about it. Nadia's first marriage was not a success, and Vesuvia had a bad reputation, just like its Count. The Satrinavas knew that Nadia going to Vesuvia meant trouble; yet, when Nadia married Lucio, her family did nothing.
❀Nasrin and Namar would try to be polite and get to know MC as much as possible. A few harmless questions during dinner, tiny fake smiles, etc. One thing's for sure: MC would not get an invite to Namar's fashion show, which is like the worst thing that can happen to anyone.
❀Disapproving looks from Nafizah. She would not talk to them. That's it.
❀Nasmira and Navra would try their best to be kind. They'd still try their best to maintain a good relationship with MC for Nadia's sake. If they wanted to spend time with Nadia, they'd invite MC too, which would often turn into a terribly awkward situation.
❀Nahara would be like a holy punishment from the gods. MC had to be a horrible person if the whole family disliked them. This strong sunny goddess would ask MC to train with her every single morning. A perfect excuse to gently beat their ass and to start her day with something better than coffee.
❀It was obvious that Natiqa disliked MC when after spending months in Vesuvia, she still didn't do any pranks on them.
❀No matter how bad MC might be, Nazali remained laid back and cool as usual. Of all the Satrinavas, they seemed to be the best at dealing with MC. They might occasionally roast MC, but other than that, Nazali treats them like a normal human being. Nazali is awesome.
❀So yeah, the family wouldn't do much. Nadia might be a baby to them, but they also know that she is a grown woman very much capable of making her own decisions. MC is her partner, not theirs. And she is the Countess of a place with no relation to Prakra, so legally, they can't tell her what to do.
❀A disliked MC would result in Nadia being less close to her family than she is in her upright ending. They might still hang out with her and visit once in a while, but they'd definitely limit their interactions with MC.
❀There would be no Lost in Prakra tale.
❀I'm not sure if they'd want MC and Nadia to visit Prakra together, but no one would say a word if they decided to go there. Like, literally. It would be awkward af.
❀And Nadia would not like all of this at all. She knows her parents. She knows her siblings. If Nadia loves MC, then why can't they? Her siblings have definitely brought home partners of their own, and she saw how the family treated them. So why is her MC an exception? She might start thinking that the problem is with her, not MC, possibly resulting in the Countess of Vesuvia becoming distant from her family once again.
❀Listen. Before MC came along, Nadia only had problems with her siblings. But now? With Nasrin and Namar's disapproval, Nadia's feelings towards them are becoming complicated. Thanks, MC.
❀Namar definitely cries almost every night, and despite being a very strong person, Nasrin couldn't help those few tears that rolled down her face.
❀However, despite all the dislike, if the thought of hurting Nadia ever crossed MC's mind, the Satrinava family would launch a whole war on them. Not an actual war with soldiers and stuff, but they would make sure that MC stays far away from the baby of the family.
❀Because Nadia IS baby. Just look at her; she is so cute!
Magical owl lady
❀The High Priestess knows that she can't tell Nadia what to do because, in the end, Nadia is the one making the decisions about her life, but it would not stop her from warning the pretty Countess.
❀There's no lying to The High Priestess. She's all about secrets and intuition, so if MC is a bad person, she knows it.
❀Like Nadia's family, she wouldn't dislike MC unless they are pretty bad.
❀The High Priestess would gently and politely warn Nadia. Then, she would also have a little talk with MC, hoping it might help. If it doesn't, then oh well. She wouldn't tell MC not to come to her realm because she's still a powerful and wise being who could teach them a lot. She hopes that she might have a good impact on MC.
❀If Nadia's not having it, her visits to the High Priestess' realm might become less frequent until they eventually part ways forever. The High Priestess, however, will keep watching over Nadia, no matter how much it hurts.
In both cases, there is a lot of sadness. The family and The High Priestess got Nadia back after almost a decade, only to lose her for a second time. And well, if that doesn't hurt more than anything, then I don't know what does.
Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)
FanfictionRequests from my Tumblr. Some are spicy, and some are fluffy and/or angsty. Oneshots and headcanons. Enjoy, and please comment! Minors, please DO NOT READ the NSFW stuff! It makes me feel uncomfortable. You can send requests here as well.