Nadia with an MC who has motion sickness

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❀When it comes to taking care of MC, Nadia's love knows no limits. The day she discovered that MC had motion sickness, she went to the library and read everything she could find about it. She didn't leave until she was a motion sickness expert.

❀Before Nadia and MC travel somewhere, the Countess orders the kitchen staff to only serve light meals before they set off. No alcohol is allowed, and in this case, Nadia doesn't drink either.

❀She also commissions an essential oil necklace for MC because aromatherapy can be helpful (Nadia might take a few sniffs as well because she is gay for nice scents).

❀MC always sits next to the window, facing the direction they're moving, and they frequently stop the carriage to get some fresh air.

❀Nadia has the kitchen pack some chamomile tea, water, and crackers for MC, and she often reminds them to drink and eat.

❀She makes some DIY cards with topics they could talk about because that might be distracting enough to make MC feel better. Also, who wouldn't want to listen to this beautiful woman talk about the meaning of life?

❀MC is forbidden from reading books while they're in the carriage.

❀Nadia keeps asking MC if they're alright. She is very worried about them. Bless her heart.

❀If it's just the two of them, like, there's no coachman, Nadia lets MC take the reins and drive the carriage if they want to. The loss of control might make her feel a little nervous (especially if MC isn't the best driver, even though Nadia has wrecked plenty of carriages in her lifetime), but she'd do anything to make MC feel better.

❀And if an emergency occurs, there is always a bucket in the carriage.

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now