The Pain Behind Your Eyes (Cheater Nadia x MC)

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Personally, I don't see this happening, but Anon had this wonderful idea.

"But she was super mega drunk because of the stress of being a countess, and she hasn't seen mc lately so she got too drunky yk

She was black out drunk she just woke up with that person in bed and was like 😦


I know it depends on the mc and and all but I'd like to know what you think about it like if the mc forgives her or what if they break up"

So yeah, I did a thing, and it was so much fun to write. Since Nadia married Lucio when she was drunk as hell, I think that she would need a crazy amount of alcohol to cheat on someone.

Unlike 99% of the stuff I write, this is a oneshot. Enjoy! 

This one's gonna hurt.

The whole night was a blur, and the raging headache made Nadia groan in pain. When she moved her arm, she felt someone beside her. The Countess thought that maybe her beloved MC came home while she was having fun with a few bottles of wine, and then they somehow ended up in bed, which would explain the absence of her sleepwear.

What a wonderful night it must have been. It's such a pity that she couldn't remember any of it, but finally, she could be in her lover's arms. She spent the last few weeks with the apprentice constantly on her mind, and she often found herself thinking of more lustful images.

The Countess would often lay awake at night, thinking of her beloved. Their sweet smile that made Nadia's heart melt. Their laugh that could light up her heart even in her deepest sadness. And their body, their gorgeous, desirable body that Nadia so often wanted.

But when Nadia tried to touch the person next to her, they didn't quite feel right. Perhaps MC changed their skincare routine while they were away. Either way, it was time for the Countess to open her eyes and finally take a good look at her beloved.

The most horrible sight awaited her. The initial happiness immediately faded away as she glanced at the stranger tangled in her sheets. She hurriedly grabbed her blanket, pulled it up, and covered her body with it, desperately clutching it against her pounding chest. It stirred the stranger awake, and when they attempted to kiss her, she pulled away and got out of bed while still covering herself. Nadia couldn't look at them. Not without disgust.

Nadia wasn't disgusted by the stranger, no. It was her own body and actions that made her feel such a terrible way. She hurriedly sent the stranger away, but not without making sure they wouldn't tell anyone.

The Countess felt like she was going to throw up. How could she do something so horrible? The filth of the previous night was still lingering on her body, in her bed, in their shared bed. She felt so dirty. She wanted to tear off her skin, but even that wouldn't rid her of the shame and her mistake.

With the blanket still around her naked form, Nadia collapsed onto the floor, the sorrow drowning her heart as she cried.

How? Why? She couldn't understand. MC gave her all their love, and they trusted them. Why did she have to do this to them? Even in her drunken state, how could she betray the person she had sworn to love?

The servants all noticed. They didn't know what she did, even though Nadia always felt like they knew. The Countess' staff saw that she was deeply troubled, and they all whispered among themselves that their mistress must be terribly missing her MC.

She was. She really was.

But she was also dreading the day of their arrival.

MC came too soon because Nadia wished to bury herself in her sin forever. And too late because this might not have happened if they had come home earlier.

The moment MC entered the room, they wore a smile on their face. They walked to the Countess with open arms and wrapped her in a hug filled with love. MC pulled back just enough to look at Nadia's face and saw there was pain behind her eyes. "Are you alright?"

She reassured them with a forced smile, "I am fine, my love." But even a fool could see past her lie. Still, MC didn't force her to tell the truth. If Nadia wanted to tell them, they knew that she would.

An adulteress. That is what you are. Nadia couldn't stop these thoughts from haunting her mind. And the way MC looked at her. She felt as if she had her sin engraved into her skin, and Nadia was desperate to get rid of the burden.

She knew that she had to tell them.

So she did. Nadia told MC that one night she had too much to drink. She couldn't remember how much she had or how it happened and as the story progressed, Nadia saw all emotions leaving MC. With their body shaking, the apprentice took a step back, keeping their distance from the cheating Countess.

"You cheated on me," MC whispered. Nadia didn't have to tell them the whole story. The look in her eyes gave it away.

"I'm so sorry, my love," The Countess said as tears began to roll down her face. "I'm so sorry, MC. I was drunk, and I didn't know what I was doing. It was a mistake! Please, forgive me!" She sounded so weak, desperately sobbing, as she got down on her knees and grasped onto MC's hand. "MC, please!"

But MC pulled away. Shaking and with their own voice giving up, they let go of Nadia's hand. "I need to go."

They were hurt. Of course, they were, and Nadia couldn't blame them. She didn't expect this conversation to go any better. But it was a stupid mistake. Nadia never wanted it to happen, and MC knew that too. She hoped for their forgiveness, but in her heart, Nadia knew that what she did was unforgivable.

When Nadia lost MC, she lost everything.

Her days no longer contained any joy. Each night she went to sleep, she did it knowing she would lie in the bed of her sin. And each time she woke up, her heart ached because of the reminder of that cursed morning.

Her bed was her grave, and she was being buried alive.

She often woke up in cold sweat, troubled by frequent nightmares that made sure she would never forget what she had done. The staff also asked her why MC was no longer in the palace, but Nadia couldn't bring herself to tell them the truth.

One lonely afternoon, the Countess was getting some fresh air on her balcony. Being inside the palace suffocated her, and she often found herself longing to spend time outdoors. Nadia was leaning over the railing, her eyes gazing at the garden that she once happily walked with MC. She would never find love like that again in anyone else.

She sighed to herself. The loneliness was consuming her. She felt like a fool for hoping that MC would forgive her. But, at least she had known how love felt like, even if only for a while.

There was another sigh, but not Nadia's. Perhaps an assassin had come to plunge a dagger into her heart and rid her of the pain. She turned around, expecting a scared servant waiting for their mistress to give them a crumb of attention.

But it was MC, looking at her with the same expression as when she told them of her crime.

"Do you love me?" MC murmured under their breath, and perhaps it was only the wind that carried their voice to Nadia's ears so that she could hear it.

"With all my heart," Nadia answered while anxiously clutching her dress.

Neither of them said anything else. For a moment, they both just stood there. Nadia could see that MC was battling their own thoughts and emotions while they stared intensely into her eyes. Whatever they were to do, Nadia would accept it.

Then MC moved, storming towards the Countess, and before she knew it, the apprentice had her in their arms, nails digging into her back, promising to never let go of each other ever again. 

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now