Nadia x Extroverted Fem!Reader

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❀It is no secret that the Countess is quite an introverted woman, so your extroverted nature was a bit foreign to her at first. She felt insecure because what if you think she's not fun enough? Of course, no one would ever think that, but it took a few hugs and kisses to make Nadia feel alright again.

❀You tend to be bolder when it comes to flirting, which makes Nadia react in the cutest way possible. First, she stares at you for a second, gears turning in her head, but no words come out for a moment, and then she replies with something even bolder. What happens after that? You two keep flirting until one of you dies from blushing too hard.

❀Late-night talks with you two are to die for. Nadia is normally more reserved, but once you retire to her bedroom and start talking about anything and everything? That's like the best thing ever. And Nadia also loves listening to you talk. She admires you with so much love in her eyes whenever you open your mouth.

❀And the jokes. Oh my gayness, the jokes! Somehow, you find a way to make Nadia laugh all the time. You find out very early that the Countess snorts.

❀Imagine a meeting in the palace. The Court being the Court, they bring up an issue that makes no sense, and they have a whole argument about it. Nadia sits there, mentally facepalming herself, when you lean close and whisper something into her ear. The Countess ends up running out of the meeting room because of how hard she is laughing. That happens at least once a week.

❀You have never had any issues with socializing, so you have a lot of friends (or at least more than Nadia does). Nadia, however, spent most of her life alone, and when you introduced her to your friends, she felt very excited but also nervous. When everyone went home, Nadia almost cried in happiness because of how much fun she had with your friend group.

❀Every single time someone new shows up at the palace to meet the Countess, you yeet yourself to them because you just can't wait to meet them no matter who they are. By the time the person gets to meet Nadia, you have become besties with them, and they also invite you to the next family gathering to meet their sixty-nine relatives. Needless to say, Nadia is impressed.

❀Nadia admires that you can get along with anyone. And also that you fear no one, but it scares Nadi a bit sometimes.

❀She loves that you're not intimidated by her, tho. Most people are, so it's very refreshing for her.

❀There are a few cases when you are being a little too bold. For example, with a person who vastly outranks you and isn't very interested in a friendly chat. Nadia stands behind you, and puts her hands on your shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Y/N, my darling, how about you let me handle this one?" And everything about Nadia is just so comforting that you are immediately like, "Yes, my love, anything you want."

❀You might get in trouble sometimes, but Nadia always saves your ass.

❀Speaking of your ass. You're getting spanked as punishment whenever you're being too bold. You might be doing it on purpose, and I can't blame you.

❀You are flirting with each other all the damn time, which leads to either one of these outcomes: 1. You have quickies whenever and wherever you can, even if it means hiding somewhere in public. As long as Nadia doesn't make you moan too loud, it's all good. 2. You tease each other all day, and then as soon as you retire to Nadia's bedroom, your clothes are suddenly gone, and you two have passionate sex until you're both completely exhausted.

❀Nadia is a dom, and even an extroverted partner can't change that. However, your boldness is appreciated. Whisper something lewd into Nadia's ear, and you're going to find yourself tied to her bed in no time. The way you frustrate her with your words and inappropriate touching drives her wild.

❀And fuck. The dirty talk. It's unholy, it's hot as fuck, and you're both loving it. You make her even more vocal than she already is.

❀Nadia honestly finds it adorable if you're a very submissive person despite how bold you tend to be. She teases you about it, and it makes you squirm and whimper whenever she mentions it during sex.

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now