🔞Nadia x Fem!MC, who is horny all the time🔞

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❀Bold of you to assume that Nadia isn't also horny all the time. Her mind is constantly on the apprentice, so no wonder those thoughts tend to wander.

❀Our dear Nadia would spend all day in bed with her MC if she could, but she is a busy and responsible Countess. Even when she doesn't have any work to do, which is rare, someone always manages to do something that requires her attention.

❀Nadia is beautiful, gentle, kind, and powerful. Even looking at the Countess and watching her perform the smallest tasks leaves MC needy and dripping for her.

❀Sometimes she visits Nadia during the day while the Countess works. If she's lucky and there isn't much to do, Nadia sends away the nearby guards, leaving the pair alone wink wonk

❀But, sadly, it isn't always the case. There are many occasions when Nadia can't allow herself a break from work, but that is all part of being a good Countess.

❀Nadia's heart (and cunt) aches whenever she has to send MC away, but she has no choice.

❀However, the Countess' girlfriend/wife can not be left unsatisfied.

❀Nadia is more than happy to order her lover around, especially in the bedroom. In many cases, she already knows that she is going to have a busy day after she wakes up, so she prepares a letter for her apprentice with very clear instructions.

❀Nadia usually tells MC one of two things: in the Countess' absence, she either has to touch herself or not touch herself at all. The latter can be quite a challenge.

❀Nadia has a variety of toys that MC can use on herself during the day, and the Countess expects her to try all of them and choose her favorites. And when Nadia finishes work, she asks her beloved to tell her which ones she likes the most, so Nadia can use them on her.

❀But there is something arousing about knowing that her sweet MC is aching for Nadia all day, unable to touch herself because the Countess said so.

❀And when the time comes, and Nadia retires to her bedroom for the evening, she finds the apprentice on the bed with their thighs squeezed together, obedient and aching to be fucked by her.

❀Depending on Nadia's mood, there's tons of edging and overstimulation. She's not stopping until MC is a satisfied mess.

❀However, there are times when MC disobeys. Being away from Nadia is so hard, and she just can't help herself, she knows she is not supposed to do it, but she has to touch herself.

❀And every time that happens, Nadia knows. How? It's a mystery that the Countess is not willing to reveal.

❀For disobeying Nadia, MC has to be punished. Even thinking about all the things she could do to her makes Nadia bite her bottom lip.

❀Spanking is definitely on the table.

❀Since MC already got her release while the Countess was away, it is now Nadia's turn. Nadia orders the apprentice to get on the bed, and she might even tie her up, allowing the Countess to do whatever she wants to her.

❀And it means Nadia sitting on her face using MC for her own pleasure<3

❀She does not get off until she decides she has had enough.

❀And then, she might decide to make MC come too, but sometimes she might leave them without an orgasm.

❀But perhaps, with some begging, Nadia's mind can be changed.

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now