🔞Spellbound Desires (smut)🔞

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The pale moonlight and a cold breeze sweep through the Countess's room. It is an unusually cold summer in Vesuvia. Colder than what Nadia is used to, but somehow, for one reason or another, her body always felt too hot.

The Countess is plagued by dreams of horror, suffering, and a future she wishes to avoid. But not all dreams are like that. Some of them are about promises of sweet love and pleasure.

Nadia would be lying if she said the latter kind does not affect her. Each morning or even during the middle of the night, she awakens with her breath heavy, not because of nightmares but because of overwhelming desire. And when the day begins, and she has to sit through another meeting, she cannot help but wonder: what could this all mean?

Her dream always starts the same. The Countess stands in front of a mirror, her body bare except for her sheer sleeping robe. She can see her nipples poking through the fabric, but not because of the cold. The Countess does not feel cold. How could she?

Tonight is no different.

Tonight, like every other night, there is a person behind her. She has seen them before, in fact, plenty of times in her dreams. They are always there, tempting her with sweet words and burning touches.

And how much longer is it going to take before she finally gives in? Before she is a mess, begging for their kisses, their touch, for anything. How long before she starts looking all around Vesuvia for this magician who claims they could grant her every wish?

Tonight is no different.

They are tempting her again, driving her almost completely mad with desire, but then the dream always ends right before the good part. She is certain they are doing it on purpose, always leaving her dissatisfied and in wonder.

What would it be like if the dream continued? The Countess has always wanted to know even though she should not. She knows that she should not.

"MC..." Their name falls from her lips, a faint whisper, nothing more.

"My sweet Nadia." Her eyes follow their every movement, watching a devilish smile form on their lips. "You haven't forgotten me."

"How could I?" The Countess asks. She takes a deep breath, a shiver running down her spine from the sensation of being so close to MC, and when they place their hands on her arms and begin to rub, she shudders. Such a simple touch, a small gesture, and yet. She could try to deny her attraction, but what is the point? With each touch that MC gives Nadia, her body betrays her. "You plague my dreams almost every night."

"Plague?" The magician allows their hand to fall from her body, and they laugh, clearly not taking her seriously. How bold. Would they act so bold in real life too? "You talk as if you wouldn't want me here! But you do, and we both know that. Each night, when you go to sleep, you hope that it is I that awaits you. You hope that you'd dream of me. Just look at yourself."

"You want me." Their hot breath brushes against her ear, followed by a slight touch of their lips that almost makes the Countess moan. "But Nadia..." She can hear them gulp, and their skin is still touching hers. "You could have me. Every day, I could stand by your side. I would be your rock, your pillar that you could lean on whenever you need me. And when the night comes..." MC presses the faintest of kisses against her neck, and she gasps, unable to hold herself back. "You could do whatever you wanted to me. If you wanted me on your bed, tied up and blindfolded, you could have it. If you wanted me on my knees, begging to let me touch you, you could have it. And if you wanted us to make love. Well, you could have that too. I would love you with all my heart, Nadia. I would love you so much."

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now